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Skidmore College
Health and Human Physiological Sciences

Senior Thesis Research

HES Thesis project

academic festival 2019

Utilizing Passive Limb Movement to understand racial differences in vascular function and mechanoreflex sensitivity: The potential impact of Capsaicin.

Presenters: Meaghan Lynch ‘19, Emma Finegan ‘19, Emma Basso ‘19, Jack Schlickler ‘19
Advisor: Steven Ives, PhD

Examining Neuromuscular Control of the Vastus Medialis Oblique and Vastus Lateralis During Foundational Dance Movements.

Presenters: Noelle Morrow '19 and Hannah Weighart '19
Advisor: Sarah DiPasquale PT, DPT and Stephen J. Ives PhD

Effect of Nighttime Pre-Sleep Ingestion of a Low Glycemic Modified Starch on Next Morning Running Performance in Endurance Athletes.

Presenter: Emilie Bode ‘19, Monique Dudar ‘20, and Karly Fishkin ‘19
Advisor: Stephen J. Ives, PhD