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Skidmore College
Health and Human Physiological Sciences

Student research group

Senior Thesis Research

Spring 2017

The Effect of a Barefoot Running on EMG Activity in the Gastrocnelnius and Tibialis Anterior in Recreationally Active College-Aged Females
Presenters: Ryan Beierle BS, Phoebe Burton '18, Hayden Smith '18
Advisor: Stephen Ives, PhD

Does a High-Fat Diet Accelerate Biological Aging in Mice?
Presenters: Samuel I. Bloom
Advisors: Stephen J. Ives, PhD and T.H. Reynolds, PhD

Motivations for Moving: An Analysis of Physical Activity in Residential College Students
Presenters: Cassandra Eddy and Ladasia Cooke
Advisors: Jennifer McDonald, ScD and Thomas Hart, MS

The Impact of a Ballet and Modern Dance Performance on Heart Rate Variability in Collegiate Dancers
Presenter: Meaghan Cecilia Wood
Advisors: Patricia Fehling PhD, Sarah DisPasquale DPT and Rohan Edmonds PhD

Autonomic Nervous System Balance of Firefighters Across a 24-hour Shift
Presenters: Allison Byrne, Lauren Gorstein and Jennifer Vise
Advisors: Denise Smith PhD and Patricia Fehling PhD

Effects of Vinyasa Yoga on Quality of Life Assessed Through Psychological and Physiological Stressors in Collegiate Females
Presenters: Kathryn Curran BS and Ian Gregory-Davis BS
Advisor: Sarah Herrick PhD

The Acute Effect of Exercise on Heart Rate Variability and Blood Pressure Responses to Lower Body Negative Pressure in Trained and Untrained Men

Presenter: John Dixon and Vanessa Quintero
Advisors: Patricia Fehling PhD and Stephen Ives PhD

Wrist Cooling, Exercise Performance in the Heat and Recovery
Presenter: Kelsey Denby
Advisor: Stephen Ives, PhD

HES Thesis project

Academic Festival 2017
