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Peer Academic Coaching Peer Academic Coaching

Peer Academic Coaching for Biology

Support for BI 107, 108, 246

Room: CIS 234

Peer Academic Coaches are available to help you develop your content knowledge and study skills in biology.  There is no need to sign up.  Simply stop by!

Sun 7-9PM Mon 7-9PM Tues 7-9PM Wed 7-9PM Thurs 7-9PM
Tyler Becca Dani Becca Jack
Dani Jack Jack   Tyler

Team Pic 

Upcoming Academic Sessions 

General Biology Test Review

Tue 10/1, 7-9PM, CIS 234

PACs willguide students, reviewing a wide range of topics (each PAC focusing on either BI 107 or BI 108for the whole session). For this purpose, we will dedicate one table to each course so studentscan have a specified, tailored studying experience in which to discuss questions and strategieswith each other and with the PACs.

Biology Department Research Info Session

Mon 10/21, 7-9PM, CIS 234

We think it would be great for students to have a chance to talk topeople currently engaged in biology research to get a sense of what that’s like, as well as hearabout research being done by other professors!

meet the pac team for biology

Jack Lubitz '26 - PAC Captain

½ûÂþÌìÌà me:  I’m definitely a very scientifically-minded person, and I’ve had a deep interest in evolutionary biology for a long time. My hobbies include reading, hiking, and playing sports (especially table tennis and soccer).  

Jack L

Why PAC?:  I think PAC is a wonderful resource, whether you’re struggling with new concepts, blocking out time to do homework, or looking for a study group—for that reason I’m really excited about the opportunity to contribute! I also take a lot of enjoyment in helping people learn and figure PAC is a great way to exercise that.

Favorite class and why?:  I absolutely loved Organismal Biology. I was captivated by the wildly different forms of life which were discussed, and the course made very clear how extraordinarily complex systems and mechanisms operating within and between organisms can simultaneously be very beautiful.

Academic advice:  I see a lot of people copying presentation slides word for word into their notebooks, but in my experience, your time is better spent really listening closely to the professor and trying to understand the concepts in the moment, stopping only to jot down key details (This especially applies if the professor’s slides are accessible after class!). This, in addition to asking lots of questions, has saved me a lot of time understanding the content in the long run.

Tyler Davis '26     Tyler

½ûÂþÌìÌà Me: Biology has always been my favorite in the sciences, especially Evolutionary Biology
and Animal Behavior. I like to travel, listen to music, and rock climb in my spare time.

Why PAC?: PAC is a great way to connect with other students interested in the same research
and Major as I am. It also allows me to support other students with material I am passionate
about and return the support I received from PAC in the past.

Fav Class and Why? My favorite class has definitely been Evolution. The material was very engaging for me as it isone of my favorite topics in Biology. Learning about the diversity of Evolution’s application and
how it connects with other fields of Biology was also cool. The current professor also gives a lot
of examples (mostly bird-related).

Academic Advice: The best academic strategy I can recommend is to set a definitive goal for
each class and then make a staircase of steps you need to take to achieve it. This strategy is
effective at motivating because now that you have taken time to understand your steps, it’s
harder not to follow through. It’s also a constant work in progress that will help you improve as
you find more effective steps to reach your goal.

Becca Horger '25

Major: Biology (intended)    Becca

½ûÂþÌìÌà Me: I love spending my time outside and any activity that comes with it. I love biking, hiking, playing basketball and for the times I'm inside, reading and drawing. My love for biology has come from wanting to explore how things work from a macro level down to a micro level.

Why PAC: PAC is an amazing resource that I have been taking advantage of since I first got to Skidmore. I think having your peers help with what you are confused on is very valuable. Chances are they had similar questions at one point and can now explain it in relatable terms. 

Favorite Class: My favorite class would be Bio 107. I loved this class because it goes deep into the micro level of how living things work, which I find fascinating.

Academic Advice: Speak up when you don't understand something. Whether it is going to your professor, coming to PAC, or asking a classmate, don't keep your questions to yourself. You will learn so much more and have a deeper understanding of the material.

Dani Shaby '26

Major: Neuroscience Dani

½ûÂþÌìÌà Me: I have always loved biology ever since I can remember, especially molecular biology. My hobbies include painting, ceramics, gardening, and anything science-related!

Why PAC?: Often, the best resource is your peers! Sometimes, complex topics are hard to grasp during class, and talking to another student who has taken the class can help to explain these ideas in a more comprehensible manner. I used PAC as a resource in my intro-level science classes and it truly helped me when I needed it! 

Fav Class and Why? My favorite class at Skidmore is Neuroscience 101. I have always loved psychology and biology but was not sure how to combine the two. This course truly captures how biological processes play a role in behavior. 

Academic Advice: Get a planner! When balancing multiple classes and labs, it can feel incredibly overwhelming. Taking the time out of your day to plan when you will complete assignments, and sticking to that schedule will help with organization and multitasking. Also, do not be afraid to ask questions during class or office hours!