Kayla Flaherty-Dawson
I completed my field placement with the school social worker at Milton Terrace South
Elementary School in Ballston Spa which houses grades K-5 and two self-contained special
education classrooms. We mainly worked with students who are on IEPs (Individual Education
Plans) in weekly small counseling groups on developing appropriate behaviors, social
skills, and coping skills.
Connor Frame
For my social work senior internship, I worked at the Saratoga Springs Nursing Home.
I had a caseload of three long-term residents who I check in with each day to assess
mood and comfort levels and whether their care plans need to be changed to better
meet their needs. I also worked with all 8 of the short-term residents in a similar
Sarah Hall
My social work senior internship was at St. Peters Addiction Recovery Center (SPARC)
in Cohoes in a clinic that provides both non-intensive and intensive outpatient care.
I sat in on or co-facilitated evaluations, group sessions, and individual sessions
with another clinician.
Allison Markiewicz
I worked at the Saratoga Senior Center, a community center for older adults. I performed
advocacy and case management for the seniors and provided them with assistance in
obtaining benefits, including health care, housing, and other services to meet various
needs. I worked directly one-on-one with clients and also engaged in program development.
Alyssa Miller
For my senior social work placement, I worked at Waterford/Halfmoon Union Free School
District with Kindergarten through 6th grade students. With my supervising social
worker, I conducted both individual and group counseling sessions with the children
and eventually conducted these sessions independently. Many of our students were learning
to cope with a varieity of challenges, including behavioral problems, learning difficulties,
anxiety, depression, developmental disabilities, familial problems, and social delays.
Lauren Narine
 For my social work placement, I was a family advocate intern at Head Start in Ballston
Spa. Head Start is an agency that offers children from families with low incomes and/or
of special needs free preschool education. As a family advocate, I helped inside the
Head Start classrooms and worked with the children, but my main responsibility was
to help meet identified family needs and work with them on their goals.
Fiona Owens
 I did my senior field placement at St. Peter’s Addiction Recovery Center (SPARC) in
Saratoga Springs. I worked with groups, focusing on topics like relapse prevention,
grief and loss, trauma, family issues, relationships, and adolescents and parents.
I regularly ran groups by myself, wrote evaluations, and presented and processed cases.
Danny Pforte
 I was placed at St. Peter's Addiction Recovery Center (SPARC) in Saratoga Springs,
an agency that serves clients in the Saratoga County region with outpatient services
for substance abuse and addiction. I conducted evaluations with incoming clients seeking
treatment, observed and ran treatment groups, and participated in treatment team presentations
and planning.
Mackenzie Staub
 I interned at the Baywood Treatment Center in Queensbury, a substance abuse outpatient
clinic which provides its clients with educational group and individual therapy sessions.
I completed intake assessments, facilitated groups, wrote group notes, ran individual
sessions, wrote treatment plans, attended staff meetings.
Melanie Taverner
 I completed my field placement at The Charlton School, a residential facility that
is home to approximately thirty adolescent girls with social and emotional needs.
As a youth care worker, I spent evenings in one of the two cottages engaging the girls
in conversation and activities, while serving as a positive role model. As a teaching
assistant, I spent the day at the on-campus school and aide the girls in completing
assignments from their modified curriculum.
Angie Tucker
 I was placed at the Washington-Saratoga-Warren-Hamilton-Essex counties Board of Cooperative
Educational Services (WSWHE BOCES). BOCES provides students with an alternative education,
promoting success when a traditional school setting is problematic. My responsibilities
included counseling students both in individual and group settings, establishing rapport
with students from diverse backgrounds, learning how to effectively establish and
maintain professional boundaries, writing behavioral intervention plans and functional
behavioral assessments, acting as a homeless student liaison, provide students and
families with the necessary referrals, and help in the grant writing process, among
Jill Teitsworth
 I worked with the elementary school social worker in the Waterford-Halfmoon School
District. Most of our work aimed to improve students' academic, social, and emotional
skills, which involves a good amount of Candyland and art projects! I occasionally
had the opportunity to practice animal-assisted therapy with the school's therapy
dog, Buddy. I didn’t just play all day, though – I also connected the students with
services, engaged in policy practice, and conducted research.
Erika Torres
 I worked at Shelters of Saratoga (SOS), a non-profit organization that serves the
homeless community in Saratoga Springs. My responsibilities at agency included managing
intakes, case management, and assisting in homeless youth outreach. I enjoyed working
one-on-one with clients and assisting them in goal development and implementation.
I also assisted in employment and apartment searches and connected clients to numerous
community resources.