Assistant Professor of Political Science - On Leave 2022-2023
Office: Ladd Hall 317
Tel. (518) 580-5236
Email: ebalogun@skidmore.edu
By Appointment:
Beau Breslin
Professor of Political Science
Office: Ladd Hall 319
Tel. (518) 580-5249
Email: bbreslin@skidmore.edu
Kate Graney
Professor of Political Science
Office: Ladd Hall 309
Tel. (518) 580-5242
Email: kgraney@skidmore.edu
Alexander Jensen
Visiting Lecturer
Office: Ladd Hall 315
Tel. (518) 580-5255
Email: ajensen@skidmore.edu
Christopher B. Mann
Assistant Professor of Political Science
Office: Ladd Hall 310
Tel. (518) 580-5237
Email: cmann@skidmore.edu
On leave for the 2023-2024 academic year.

barbara mcdonough
Administrative Assistant
Office: Ladd Hall 308A
Tel. (518) 580-5240
Email: bmcdonou@skidmore.edu
Feryaz Ocakli
Associate Professor of Political Science
Office: Ladd Hall 315
Tel. (518) 580-5246
Email: focakli@skidmore.edu
On sabbatical for the 2023-2024 academic year.
Yelena Biberman-Ocakli
Associate Professor of Political Science
Office: Ladd Hall 314
Tel. (518) 580-5241
Email: ybiberma@skidmore.edu
On sabbatical for the 2023-2024 academic year.
Ron Seyb
Associate Professor of Political Science
Office: Ladd 311
Tel. (518) 580-5248
Email: rseyb@skidmore.edu
Flagg Taylor
Associate Professor of Political Science
Office: Ladd Hall 306A
Tel. (518) 580-5244
Email: ftaylor@skidmore.edu
Natalie Fuehrer Taylor
Department Chair and Associate Professor of Political Science
Office: Ladd Hall 306B
Tel. (518) 580-5243
Email: ntaylor@skidmore.edu
Robert C. (Bob) Turner
Associate Professor of Political Science
Office: Ladd Hall 316
Tel. (518) 580-5240
Email: bturner@skidmore.edu
Gustavo Venturelli
Visiting Lecturer
Office: Ladd Hall 314
Tel. (518) 580-5257
Email: gventurelli@skidmore.edu
Charmaine Willis
Visiting Assistant Professor
Office: Ladd Hall 308
Tel. (518) 580-5254
Email: cnwillis@skidmore.edu