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Skidmore College
Music Department


Classical Solo Senior Recital Auditions require the presence of the Artists-in-Residence. Any part-time or academic faculty who wish to attend may also evaluate the audition.

Solo Instrument

Senior recital auditions will be 25-30 minutes in length. Students preparing classical recitals will present their auditions in front of the Artists-in-Residence and any other affiliated faculty who wish to attend.  

Course enrollment: These students will enroll in MP 375 with their studio instructor.

Primary instrument and secondary instrument

Senior recital auditions will feature approximately half of the repertoire performed on the student’s primary and secondary instruments that reflects half of the entire program. Students are limited to two instruments on a senior recital. 

Course enrollment: Seniors performing two instruments will enroll in MP 375* with their primary instrument instructor and MP 381X with their secondary instrument instructor.

Prior to the audition, the student’s primary and secondary studio faculty determine one faculty member that will coordinate this senior recital. This person will oversee the development of the entire program as well as edit the final draft before it is sent to the Music office. They will also coordinate with the Zankel Director to schedule a dress rehearsal and confirm calendar dates for the recital in the Concert Hall (or other performance location). The student will enroll in MP 375 with this studio faculty. 

Length of recital

A full senior performance recital should consist of approximately one hour of music, selected by the teacher(s) and student. Complete recital time not to exceed 75 minutes including intermission and stage changes.

ACADEMIC FESTIVAL: All music majors whose recital will serve as their capstone project are required to present at the Academic Festival.  This presentation will be prepared in MU 363: Coda in Music.

SCHEDULING of senior recitals is as follows:

Seniors will have up to one week after their senior recital auditions to set their recital date. This must be done in the presence of the Director of Zankel, who is the only person authorized to make the reservation. The concert manager’s office is located in Zankel 112.

PROGRAM: Two weeks before the recital, all student recitalists (major or non-major) must email the program to both their applied music teacher and the Music Department Administrative Assistant for printing. Please see F. Program Printing Regulations.

Students who wish to audition for a Solo Senior Recital need to complete this audition form.