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Skidmore College
Skidmore College
Protection of Minors Policy

Protection of Minors Policy Key Points

  • This Policy establishes guidelines for those in the Skidmore College community with the goal of maintaining a safe and positive experience for minors.
  • A minor is defined as any person under 18 years of age.
  • The following conduct with minors is prohibited by the policy, including, but not limited to:
    • Inappropriate physical contact
    • Gifting to a minor with the intention of engaging in abuse or prevent reporting of abuse
    • Use of alcohol or drugs, or being under the influence of alcohol or drugs during a program
    • Permitting or failing to address minor鈥檚 use of alcohol or drugs
    • Use of vulgar language or sharing inappropriate personal information
    • Meeting minors outside established program times
    • Sharing inappropriate sexual material
    • Neglecting to care for a minor
    • Taking photos of minors for non-programmatic purposes
    • Releasing a minor to someone other than parent/guardian without written approval
  • Minimum staff to minor ratios are contained within the policy and are outlined by age of the minor
  • Mandatory annual training is required for ALL faculty, staff, enrolled students and volunteers. Training may be amended as deemed appropriate.  Required training is available at www.skidmore.edu/minorspolicy/training.php
  • Every member of the Skidmore College community is obligated to report known and suspected instances of the abuse of minors as outlined in this policy.
    • Contact Campus Safety or 911 if the minor is in immediate danger
  • Reporting events to Skidmore does not satisfy mandatory reporting requirements for certain staff obligated by NYS law.
  • Upon receipt of a report of abuse of a minor, the Campus Safety Office will begin an internal investigation according to established procedures. If appropriate, Campus Safety will refer the matter to civil, criminal or College authorities including the Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Coordinator, who may investigate the matter as outlined within the current Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct Policy.  When civil authorities are conducting a criminal investigation, Campus Safety may defer to that investigative process.
  • Sanctions for violations of this policy will depend on the circumstances and the nature of the violation, but may include the full range of available College sanctions applicable to the individual, including suspension, dismissal, termination, and, where appropriate, exclusion from campus.
  • Community members are expected to review and familiarize themselves with Skidmore College鈥檚 Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct and Anti-Harassment Policies. Unless officially designated as a Confidential Resource, anyone who learns of any information that may be considered a violation of either policy are expected to report the information immediately as each policy directs.
  • Third party entities that use College facilities must agree to abide by this policy, including its requirement that any suspected child abuse or inappropriate conduct be immediately reported to Skidmore鈥檚 Campus Safety Department.
  • Related laws used to develop this policy include:
    • ,
    • NYS Informational Letter for child protective investigations and determinations,
    • and 鈥,鈥 dated April 2011,