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Skidmore College
Leadership Activities 

Student Leadership Opportunities


First-Year Experience

  • Peer mentor: Help first year students adjust to college life and arrange activities to support a tight-knit community among the students.

                  Email the Director of FYE Amon Emeka at aemeka@skidmore.edu or talk to your peer mentor for more info.


Health Promotion

  • Center for Sex and Gender Peer Advocate: Skidmore's Center for Sex and Gender Relations is a student initiated center for advocacy, training and education pertaining to all aspects of sexual health and sexual conduct. The center forms partnerships with on- and off-campus service providers for information and counseling referral. Email SGRcenter@skidmore.edu.
  • Peer health educators: Provides information on physical and mental health and encourages their residents to begin or maintain healthy behaviors. Students who successfully complete the PHE 3-credit training during the spring of their first year at Skidmore will be pre-housed in a single room in an assigned residence hall for their sophomore year. Email Jen McDonald at jmcdonal@skidmore.edu.


Admissions tour guide

  • Gives tours to interested students and answer all the questions that they might have about Skidmore. Email admissions@skidmore.edu.



  • Email Sustainability Coordinator Levi Rogers at lrogers@skidmore.edu.
  • Sustainability S-reps: Promote sustainable habits in the dorms and educate residents on the state of our environment.
  • North Woods stewards: The stewards perform trail work, coordinate projects in the North Woods, lead community walks and plan programming with the Campus Sustainability Coordinator.


Career Development Center

  • Career coaches are junior and senior student leaders on campus who provide support to students by assisting with career related tasks, such as resume and cover letter reviews and career development programming on campus such as 鈥淣etworking for Newbies: How to Sell Your Liberal Arts Degree.鈥 These student leaders act as an example of effective career development. Email: Career Development Center Associate Director Megan Jackson at mjackson@skidmore.edu.


Management and Business

  • MB 107 coaches support the student teams in MB 107. Prerequisites are MB 107, MB 224 and MB 234. Then take the 1-credit MB 240 course or register for the 4-credit leadership class (MB 316), or you can volunteer coach by contacting Professor Caroline D鈥橝bate at cdabate@skidmore.edu.


 Pre-Orientation program peer advisor

  • PAs lead on campus programs and SCOOP trips (Skidmore College Outdoor Orientation Program). Email Pre-O Coordinator Mary Ann Toia at mtoia@skidmore.edu.




  • Writing Center Peer Tutor: Tutors are sophomores, juniors, and seniors whom Skidmore faculty members have recommended to the Writing Center Director based on their writing strengths and communications abilities. For their training, students must enroll in and complete EN 303 "Honors: Peer Tutoring Project," a course focused on collaborative learning and rhetorical theory and practice. Email Writing Center Director Martha Wiseman at mwiseman@skidmore.edu.
  • Student Academic Services Peer Tutor: Student Academic Services reviews the transcripts of all tutor applicants. All applicants and recommended students are required to be at least sophomores who have attained at minimum a 3.00 cumulative GPA, with a B+ or better grade in the specific course or courses for which they are invited to tutor. Potential tutors are required to participate in a general tutor workshop or schedule a personal interview with the Assistant Director of Student Academic Services. Email SAS Director Jamin Totino at jtotino@skidmore.edu.


Residence Life

  • Contact Director of Residential Life Ann Marie Pryzwara at apryzwar@skidmore.edu for more information on any of the below positions.
  • Unit assistant: The unit assistant (UA) is an upper-class student staff member who resides in a designated neighborhood within an apartment village. The UA helps residents with community building, maintenance requests, campus resources and assisting with general living needs.
  • Resident assistant: The resident assistant (RA) is a student staff member who resides on a designated floor within a residence hall. The RA helps residents with community building, maintenance requests, campus resources, and assisting with general living needs.


  • Skidmore College Emergency Medical Services (SCEMS) is a New York State Basic Life Support-First Response Agency, which provides high-quality and confidential emergency medical care to the Skidmore community. SCEMS is staffed and operated entirely by Skidmore students, who are trained and state certified at the EMT level or higher. Email scems@skidmore.edu.

Student Government Association

  • Executive Committee: The SGA Executive Committee is responsible for the administration of the SGA and serves to enhance all areas of student life. The SGA Executive Committee has the power to submit recommendations and policies to the SGA Executive Board, Senate and Institutional Policy and Planning Committee.

Email: SGA President.

  • Academic Council: Students represent their academic department as well as the voice of all Skidmore students. These student leaders have the power and responsibility to be informed and effective agents of change to create a more collaborative, integrated, just and vibrant academic community. Most importantly, Academic Council members bring the student voice and beliefs into faculty meetings and administrative decisions.

Email: Vice President for Academic Affairs

  • Budget and Finance: The financial branch of SGA is composed of the Vice President for Financial Affairs, the Budget and Finance Committee (B&F) and the SGA Bookkeeper. These parties work in conjunction with the Leadership Activities Office to maintain the flow of SGA accounts while upholding and executing the SGA financial policies and procedures. Email: Vice President for Financial Affairs.
  • Club Affairs: The Club Affairs Committee is the liaison between all SGA clubs and the Senate. CAC encourages collaboration between clubs, advises potential club presidents through the charting process, grants and reviews trial periods and makes recommendations to Senate for all club charters and de-charters. Email: Vice President for Club Affairs.
  • Communication and Outreach: The Communications and Outreach Committee (C&O) enforces the SGA elections policies and procedures and the willingness-to-serve operating codes, oversees and implements all SGA elections and meets consistently with all willingness-to-serve appointments. C&O shall also conduct outreach campaigns in order to maintain SGA transparency and two-way communication with the student body. Email: Vice President for Communications and Outreach.
  • Diversity Affairs: CoDA hosts dialogues and events on campus that promote the discussion of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status and other topics that affect all students within the Skidmore Community.

Email: Vice President for Inclusion and Outreach.

  • Student Life Committee: The Committee for Student Life seeks to improve the student experience and raise the quality of programming, housing and works to directly address student concerns. Look for their monthly town-hall meetings!

Emily: VP of Student Life.

  • Late Night: This committee hosts events in the Spa on Friday and Saturday nights as a healthy alternative to underage drinking, such as comedians, movies, and other events. Email: latenight-board-list@skidmore.edu.
  • Speakers Bureau: Provides guidance to student clubs and organizations in the planning, organizing, and publicizing of lectures. The Student Speakers Bureau provides funds to student clubs and organizations for the purpose of bringing speakers to Skidmore.
  • Traditions Committee: TradComm recalls the traditions of yesteryear with fun and exciting events, such as the winter bonfire and tree-lighting ceremony.
  • Sustainability Committee: Sustainability Committee (SuCo) is the primary student committee devoted to educating the student body on sustainability, implementing sustainability-based initiatives, along with integrating the goals of multiple sustainability oriented groups on campus. Seven specialized willingness-to-serve positions are available, focusing on 1) waste, 2) land-use management, 3) academics, 4) building, 5) transportation, 6) energy/climate and 7) food/dining services.
  • Senator: As the primary legislative body in the Student Government Association, the Student Senate creates and recommends policies that relate to student life on campus, charters new clubs and organizations, authorizes the allocation of the Student Activity fee to clubs and other various student-run organizations and appoints students to committees run by faculty and administrators. Senate meets every Tuesday from 8 to 11 p.m. in Ladd 307. Please feel free to drop by! Email: SGA President. 
  • Clubs and student organizations (members or elected leaders): Check out sga website for a full list of all the clubs on campus and ways to get involved!


All College and Faculty Committees

Contact The SGA VP of Communications and Outreach if you are interested in serving on any of these committees.

  • Bias Response Group: The Bias Response Group grows out of Skidmore's determination to foster a safe and inclusive climate on campus. We are charged with keeping our campus free from discrimination and harassment by creating community responsibility and involvement, building an environment of mutual respect through education and dialogue, fostering an understanding of bias and its effects and responding to bias incidents and hate crimes on campus.
  • Case Council: This committee discusses the Case Center facilities and its future potential.
  • Campus Safety Advisory Committee: This committee works on maintaining transparency and a strong relationship between Campus Safety and the Skidmore Community.
  • Committee on Intercultural and Global Understanding: The Committee on Intercultural and Global Understanding (CIGU) is a subcommittee of the IPPC that advises the president and other college offices and bodies as appropriate regarding issues related to intercultural and global understanding.
  • Student Affairs: Institutional Policy and Planning Committee. Its roles are to provide a forum for consideration of issues of special concern to students that do not clearly fall under the sole jurisdiction of the administration, the faculty or the SGA, and to make recommendations on such issues to the IPPC; to advise the Dean of Student Affairs on matters of policy and to assist the Dean of Student Affairs in assuring a productive working relationship with the faculty, students and other administrative units of the College; and to gather nominations and make recommendations to the IPPC for the annual President鈥檚 Awards.
  • Campus Sustainability Committee: To research, review, recommend, and help support the implementation of sustainability policies and procedures in such areas as waste and recycling, academics, transportation, green building, food systems, climate and energy, landscape and ecosystem management, community, diversity and equity and communication and assessment. This includes assisting in the coordination of sustainability strategic planning and its assessment and updates. The subcommittee may create working groups to assist with this process. Secondarily, to coordinate strategic event planning and collaborative efforts between departments around these topics.
  • Admissions and Financial Aid Committee: To recommend and review admissions policies and goals; to plan with the administration the student aid policies of the college and to consider problems relative to the implementation of those policies; to serve as a resource for CEPP and other committees on admissions and student aid matters.
  • Honor Code Commission: The commission is established to help educate Skidmore students concerning the values, responsibilities, and consequences of the Honor Code. The commission also works with other areas of the student governance system and the deans of the College to recommend changes in the Honor Code system.
  • Integrity Board: The board listens to all the opinions presented and weighs extenuating circumstances. The board conducts hearings in a fair and reasonable manner, respecting the rights and needs of all participants, while also considering the importance of honoring the community value system.
  • Committee on Academic Standing: To formulate and administer policy relating to the academic status of students including matters concerning probation, honors, requirements for graduation, acceleration and leave of absence; to determine the academic status of each student on the basis of the record, reports of instructors, the opinion of the faculty in the major and any other relevant data; and to give any instructions and advice which seem necessary or advisable.
  • Curriculum Committee: This committee reviews curricular matters, especially individual course proposals and major and minor requirements, including the implementation of policies concerning all-college requirements. The committee may also consider curriculum questions brought before it by the faculty, students, and administration, and general recommendations concerning immediate and long-range curricular matters.
  • Committee on Academic Freedom and Rights: To serve as guardian of the academic freedom and rights of all members of the academic community; to receive inquiries and complaints concerning academic freedom and rights and to consider formal charges of violations of academic freedom and rights from any faculty member, student, administrator, trustee or from the CAPT; to advise and make appropriate recommendations to the President.
  • Athletic Council: To provide oversight and support for the athletic, fitness, physical activity and recreation programs on campus; to advise the Dean of Student Affairs in articulating and espousing the vision for athletics, fitness and recreation at Skidmore and to recommend policies regarding these programs; to work in conjunction with the President, the Dean of Student Affairs, the Dean of the Faculty, the Athletic Director, the Student Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) and the Advancement to assure productive links between athletic and academic programs; to evaluate the teaching of physical activity instructors and to review the physical activity program; and to assist in other matters relating to athletics, fitness, physical activity, and recreation, as may be brought to the council's attention by the Athletic Director or by any other member or group of the college community.
  • Student Athletic Advisory Committee: Works with Athletic Council to promote collaboration between student athletes and the rest of the college. Email: Lacey Largeteau, llargete@skidmore.edu, or Elizabeth Ghilardi, eghilard@skidmore.edu.
  • Periclean Honors Forum Student Executive Committee: The Student Executive Committee or Exec Com, as we commonly call it, is the student governing body of the Honors Forum. The Executive Committee provides leadership and direction to members of the Honors Forum. Exec Com consists of the Honors Forum President, Vice President, Citizenship Coordinator, Community Liaison and Class Representatives. Email: HF Director Catherine Golden at cgolden@skidmore.edu.
  • Periclean Honors Forum Citizenship Committee: The Citizenship Committee consists of volunteers drawn from faculty, staff and students from the Honors Forum. The committee assists students with the development of their projects and evaluates project proposals and final reports. Email: HF Director Catherine Golden at cgolden@skidmore.edu.