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Skidmore College
Institutional Policy and Planning Committee

Standing Subcommittees of IPPC

IPPC Subcommittee on Budget and Finance

Function: To review and discuss the operating and capital budgetary and financial plans of the College, in particular: (i) the annual budget parameters and their impact on the long-range budgetary forecast of the College, (ii) significant capital projects under consideration or implementation, (iii) the ongoing implementation of the Total Comprehensive Compensation Framework, (iv) significant new program initiatives, and (v) any other matters with a material financial impact on the College. To report on these matters to the IPPC at appropriate times during the budget and planning cycles.

Position Name Year
Vice President for Finance and Administration & Treasurer (Chair) Daniel Konstalid N/A
Faculty member serving as Vice Chair of IPPC Smriti Tiwari 2024
Faculty representative from the IPPC Timothy Harper 2024
Member of the President’s Cabinet Dorothy Mosby 2024
Exempt staff member from IPPC Beth Ann Post 2025
Non-exempt staff member from IPPC Lori Parks 2024
SGA Vice President for Financial Affairs Josh Maxwell 2024



Campus Sustainability Subcommittee

Function: To research, review, recommend, and help support the implementation of sustainability policies and procedures in such areas as waste and recycling, academics, transportation, green building, food systems, climate and energy, landscape and ecosystem management, community, diversity and equity, and communication and assessment. This includes assisting in the coordination of sustainability strategic planning and its assessment and updates. The subcommittee may create working groups to assist with this process. Secondarily, to coordinate strategic event planning and collaborative efforts between departments around these topics.

Position Name Year
Student Government Association Sustainability Commission Apple Alvarez 2024
Associate Director, Donor Engagement and Stewardship Beth Brucker-Kane N/A
Associate Athletic Director Megan Buchanan N/A
Environmental Action Club (Spring 2024) Grace Coale 2025
Associate Director of Admissions  Darren Drabek N/A
Vice President, Environmental Action Club (Fall 2023) Grace Geurin 2024
Assistant Director of Sustainability Programs Jen Natyzak N/A
Associate Professor of Marketing Christine Page 2026
Assistant VP of Facilities and Planning Dan Rodecker N/A
Director of Sustainability Programs and Assessment, Chair Tarah Rowse N/A
Director of Purchasing Carol Schnitzer N/A
Professor, Management and Business, Director of Sustainability for Academic Affairs Mark Youndt N/A



Subcommittee on Student Affairs

Function: To provide a forum for consideration of issues of special concern to students that do not clearly fall under the sole jurisdiction of the administration, the faculty, or the SGA, and to make recommendations on such issues to the IPPC. To advise the Dean of Student Affairs on matters of policy and to assist the Dean of Student Affairs in assuring a productive working relationship with the faculty, students, and other administrative units of the College; and to gather nominations and make recommendations to the IPPC for the annual President’s Awards.

Position Name Year
Dean of Students & VP for Student Affairs (Co-Chair) Adrian Bautista N/A
President of SGA  (Co-Chair) Nathaniel Lowell ‘24 2024
Faculty Member from IPPC Rodrigo Schneider 2024
Faculty Member from IPPC Joanne Vella 2026
Non-Exempt Staff Member Vicki Tremper 2025
SGA VP for Student Life TBD 2022
SGA Senator Madison Situ ‘26 2024



IPPC Committee on Intercultural and Global Understanding (CIGU)

Function: To provide recommendations and advice to the President, Chief Diversity Officer, and IPPC on policies, practices, and protocols regarding diversity and inclusion, intercultural and global understanding, intercultural literacy, issues of campus climate, and other related matters. In addition, CIGU actively collaborates with various constituents and departments on campus to inform and educate the community and to encourage and support activities that further the College's diversity, inclusion, and equity goals. (Please refer to the IPPC Operating Code for a full description of CIGU and its standing subcommittee, the Bias Response Group.)

Position Name Year
Vice President for Strategic Planning and Institutional Planning (Co-Chair) Joshua C. Woodfork N/A
Faculty Member #1 Associate Professor of Management & Business Aiwu Zhao 2026
Faculty Member #2 - (Co-Chair) Associate Professor of World Languages & Literature Masako Inamoto 2025
Director, Office of Student Diversity Programs TBD N/A
Interim Human Resources Director Sarah Vero N/A
Assistant Director of Employment, Compliance & Workforce Diversity Jude Klein N/A
Assoc. Dean of the Faculty for Diversity and Faculty Affairs Janet Casey N/A
Director, Opportunity Program Kelli Rouse N/A
Director, Off-Campus Study & Exchanges Cori Filson N/A
Director, Admissions Janessa Dunn N/A



Bias Response Group (BRG)

Function: Because of the significant overlap in membership of CIGU and the College's Bias Response Group, the BRG will function as a subcommittee of CIGU. The membership of the Bias Response Group and methods of appointment are set forth in the Bias Response Protocol. The President, in consultation with the Chair of CIGU, will appoint the Bias Response Group chair. CIGU will then be responsible for overseeing the work of the Bias Response Group and recommending changes as appropriate to the IPPC.

Position Name Year
Chair, appointed by the President with CIGU Co-Chairs Adrian Bautista N/A
SGA VP for Inclusion and Outreach Melanie Nolan ’23 2021
Student Member TBD 2021
Assistant Director, Employment, Compliance, & Workforce Diversity Sarah Vero N/A
Director, Office of Student Diversity Programs Chris Barnes N/A
Associate Dean of the Faculty or other academic leadership Janet Casey N/A
Faculty Member, appointed by President with FEC TBD XXXX
One additional Student Affairs representative (at the level of Associate Dean or higher) TBD N/A



Subcommittee on Responsible Citizenship (SRC)

Function: To advise the President and other College office and bodies as appropriate to refine objectives and develop initiatives that will teach and exemplify the values if informed, responsible citizenship. Among other things, SRC will serve as a resource to promote civic engagement collaborations between Student Affairs and Academic Affairs; and as a resource for faculty and departments to develop civic learning opportunities in the curriculum.  (Please refer to the IPPC Operating Code for a full description of SRC)

Position Name Year
Faculty Director for Civic Engagement (Co-Chair) Eric Morser N/A
Associate Director of Civic Engagement in the Career Development Center (Co-Chair) Michelle Hubbs N/A
Faculty Member Christine Reilly (Computer Science)  2026
Student Academic Development Coordinator Marla Melito N/A
Representative from Sustainability Office Jennifer Natyzak N/A
Benef-action Student Representative Gabriella Meade Fall Semester
Benef-action Student Representative Anastasia Rogozinski Spring Semester
SGA Vice President for Academic Affairs TBD N/A



IPPC Subcommittee on Institutional Effectiveness (SIE)

Function: To advise the President and other members of the IPPC on matters related to institutional effectiveness. The Subcommittee on Institutional Effectiveness (SIE) also will advise the President, and members of the IPPC on assessment of institutional goals as appropriate to each area of the College as they bear on student learning and development and on the fulfillment of standards for accreditation. In fulfilling this function, the SIE will work to ensure that assessment plans are in place, are executed, and are consequential in all areas of the College. The SIE will act as a resource to both the IPPC and all bodies in the College engaged in strategic planning and data-informed decision-making. 

Position Name Year
Institutional Effectiveness Specialist, Co-Chair, who sits on IPPC Amy Tweedy N/A
Faculty Director of Assessment Coordinator, Co-Chair Kelly Sheppard N/A
Dean of the Faculty/VPAA or Associate Dean of the Faculty Corey Freeman-Gallant N/A
Director of Institutional Research Joseph Stankovich N/A
Chief Diversity Officer or appropriate designee Mariel Martin N/A
Representative of Admissions and Financial Aid Janessa J. Dunn N/A
Representative of Advancement Katharine Rusate N/A
Representative of Communications and Marketing Martha O'Leary N/A
Representative of Finance and Administration Julie Delay N/A
Representative of Student Affairs Jamin Totino N/A
Student Member Kam Haq 2026



Subcommittee on Admissions and Financial Aid

Function: Disbanded by IPPC September 6, 2013. Replaced by Enrollment Management Group, with related items distributed to the Numbers Group or the Athletic Council (note that this group is no longer a subcommittee of IPPC).

Membership:  Vice President and Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid, Director of Financial Aid, Member of Dean of Faculty Staff, Member of Dean of Student Affairs Staff, Faculty from IPPC, Faculty from FEC, Student #1: SGA Senator, and Student #2: SGA-appointed (WTS).