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Skidmore College
Economics Department

Tenure Stream Search in Economics

Welcome to the homepage for our open rank tenure stream search for a new colleague in the Economics Department, to begin work in Fall 2025. We encourage and invite applications and from a wide range of backgrounds to apply.

This page has been created in order to help support you as you consider applying for this position. You certainly don’t need to read it; there is no test, and all critical information is in the job ad. However, we know that candidates may differ in their ideas about what working in the Economics Department at Skidmore might be like, and we want to be sure to be as transparent as possible.

If you have additional questions, please contact the Department Chair,  Professor Peter von Allmen (also the chair of the search committee).

The Search

We are conducting a tenure stream search to fill a vacancy created by a retirement. We will be hiring at assistant professor rank.

We will review applications beginning on the application deadline (November 15, 2024). We will conduct virtual interviews -- and request letters of reference and some additional materials -- for candidates on the long-short list in December. On-campus interviews with finalists are scheduled to take place in early January 2025. As with all things, timelines may vary due to circumstances out of our control, but we will do our best to stick to this timeline.

Candidates’ references will be contacted if we schedule a virtual interview. In addition, we may request additional teaching materials from the candidate (e.g., a sample syllabus) and research materials (e.g., sample publications).

On campus interviews in Saratoga Springs, NY where Skidmore College is located will take place over the course of one full day with hotel accommodations provided as needed. Your expenses will, of course, be covered.

You will give a research talk about your scholarship to faculty, and you will give a teaching demonstration to a classroom of both students and faculty. You will have one-on-one conversations with most faculty members involved with the search, and you will have meetings/lunches with other individuals who do not make hiring decisions but who can act as resources for you (e.g., deans, students, and faculty members from other departments who have volunteered to serve as resources to candidates). You will also be given time during your visit to rest, prepare materials, explore campus and the town, and do what you want!

We are committed to ensuring that our campus visits are accessible and humane, and we will be able to accommodate any needs you may have with Amelia Clarke, the department’s amazing administrative assistant. Amelia is not involved in hiring decisions.

We are searching for colleagues who demonstrate clear knowledge of DEI issues and a commitment to justice in teaching, research, and service. 
Commitment to justice can be shown in many ways. For example, via the description of actual and/or proposed activities that:

  • remove barriers to the participation of underrepresented members of the community
  • disrupt and imagine alternatives to the academic and non-academic systems that perpetuate oppression

Teaching at Skidmore

You will teach economics elective courses in your area of expertise. Additionally, all Economics faculty members contribute to the core economics curriculum, which includes introductory and/or intermediate courses and/or econometrics.  We expect that the bulk of the teaching load will be comprised of Microeconomic Theory (calculus-based intermediate theory), Econometrics, and one or two electives per year.  Especially in the first few years, we are generally able to limit preps to two per year. once every 4 years, you will also be asked to teach a Scribner Seminar for the First Year Experience (please see FYE: Scribner Seminar for more details). You may also teach our senior seminar, power and justice oriented Bridge Experience courses, and other courses in your areas of interest. Please see Department Courses for current courses that we offer and their descriptions but note that it is very common and encouraged for faculty to develop new courses that are not currently in our departmental offerings.

Skidmore is on the semester system. Fall semester runs from early September to mid-December, and Spring semester runs from late January to mid-May (please see the Skidmore academic calendar for more details). Faculty members teach 18 contact hours per academic year (average 9 contact hours per semester). Typically, this means each semester you will teach 2 or 3 courses per semester. The Economics Department offers courses that count for 1, 3, and 4 contact hours, depending on the number of scheduled classroom hours per week and the intensity of the assignments.

Tenure stream faculty in their first year at Skidmore have a reduced teaching load of 14 contact hours (i.e., a one-course release). If you teach over 18 contact hours in a given year, you will either receive per-credit compensation or a reduced teaching responsibility in the following year. For example, if you teach 19 contact hours one year, the next year you could teach 17 contact hours. 

All first-year students at Skidmore College take a Scribner Seminar their first semester which is the centerpiece of the FYE program at the College. The FYE is designed to provide students with an interdisciplinary introduction to liberal arts education. The faculty member teaching a Scribner Seminar also serves as the academic advisor for the students enrolled in their seminar (capped at 16 students) until the students declare a major (before the end of their second year at the College). The Economics Department contributes 2 Scribner Seminars each year, rotating among the tenure stream faculty members, and faculty members are expected to teach at least one Scribner Seminar prior to tenure.

The Scribner Seminars themselves are interdisciplinary courses that tackle large questions. Faculty members design their own seminars typically based on their own interests; seminars are not economics-specific. Faculty select a peer mentor for the Scribner Seminar who serves as a role model and informal peer advisor to the first-year students in the seminar. 

The FYE also includes an orientation and a summer reading with follow-up discussions, speakers, and other activities. In addition to the 3-credit seminar, each Scribner course involves a 4th credit hour meeting time where students learn specific academic skills and college survival strategies to help them make a successful transition (both academically and socially) to college.  Faculty may elect to run these sessions entirely themselves, hand off these discussions to the peer mentor, coordinate with other offices on campus to help deliver this programming, or some combination of these.

Below is a sample of recent Scribner Seminars that have been offered by Economics faculty:

  • Bullock Carts to BMWs
  • European Integration  
  • Money Matters  
  • Competition
  • Cost & Benefits 7 Deadly Sins

Economics is consistently one of the larger majors on campus. We average about 40 majors per year. Introductory macroeconomics and microeconomics courses are popular and taken by a total of ~500 students each academic year. Each section of these introductory courses is capped at 28 students.  Our 200-level courses are capped at 26 and 300-level seminars are capped at 18. Many of our majors have another major or minor in other departments and programs such as Management and Business, Mathematics and Statistics, Psychology, and Environmental Studies & Sciences.


All tenure-line faculty in the Department are active scholars and the expectation is that they remain active in their field(s). New faculty are provided with start-up funds that can be flexibly used in the first three years of the tenure track.

Funding for research comes from a number of sources. Importantly, throughout your time at Skidmore, many basic expenses (like photocopying, shipping costs, stationary, phone lines, IT services) are fully covered: 

Conference Travel. Skidmore offers the Travel to Read/Represent fund, which reimburses full-time faculty up to $1850/year for conference travel. 

Departmental operating budget. This includes an annual per-faculty departmental budget of $500. 
Internal awards.  Faculty can apply for a number of internal awards to support their research, including Capital & Minor Project Budget Requests, Internal Awards for summer research, and Faculty Development awards.

External grant awards. The Office of Sponsored Research helps in applying for and administering funded grant proposals.

Students are encouraged to participate in research opportunities, both during the academic year and during the summer.

During the academic year, students may earn academic credit for conducting research with faculty. Students who contribute to research for course credit earn between 1 (exploratory research) and 4 research credits per semester. The department budget also allows each faculty member to supervise a paid student assistant who works on research for approximately 6 hours/week. Students doing senior thesis research present at the end of Spring semester, during the campus-wide Academic Festival. Although we encourage students to participate in research, doing so is not required to graduate with a economics major.

During the summer, students doing research are paid a stipend and are provided room and board. Funding comes from internal grants, start-up funds, or external grant funding. For the internal awards, the research can be 5 weeks or 10 weeks long. Students are expected to spend 35-40 hours per week on research, and attend a number of community-building and training experiences throughout the summer. Their experience culminates in a research symposium where students present their research either as posters or as talks. As a follow-up, Skidmore participates in the (NY6) Undergraduate Research Symposium held annually in November, which enables students to present their work to a wider audience and to hear about research by undergraduates at other NY6 colleges.

During the summer, faculty members who supervise research through the internal Faculty/Student Summer Research Program are compensated with a modest stipend. A faculty member can also build a summer salary or course release into the budgets of external grant proposals (e.g., to the National Science Foundation) to support research.


Skidmore College is a small liberal arts college, and as such, faculty members play a substantial role in supporting undergraduate students through advising, and in governing the college through both departmental and all-college service. We rely on our tenure-stream faculty to provide this service in accordance with their rank (i.e. Assistant Professors have lower service expectations than Associate Professors; Full Professors are “expected to play a leading role in the service that sustains the college community”). 

Economics is one of the larger majors on campus. Tenure-stream economics faculty routinely provide advising to our majors. In addition, economics faculty serve as advisors to the first-year students who were in their Scribner Seminar. Advising load varies -- the typical 1st year tenure-stream faculty will have 0 advisees and then have 20-25 advisees during their remaining pre-tenure years. Faculty meet with their advisees at least twice per year. 

In order to run such a large and active department, all tenure-stream faculty contribute to departmental service. Departmental service requirements tend to be relatively light (~1 hour per week most weeks, unless you are Chair or Associate Chair), but are an important part of shaping our department. Examples of department service include updating our departmental website, serving as the faculty mentor for our local chapter of Omicron Delta Epsilon, working on our annual assessment projects, or coordinating our senior thesis presentations. As with most departments, we also have additional service requirements as needed, including contributing to departmental job searches (for individuals in at least their third year of service) and contributing to any personnel decisions or departmental accreditation requirements.

Skidmore faculty is part of Skidmore’s Shared Governance System. This means that Skidmore faculty play a core role in shaping the procedures and policies that exist on campus. Tenure-stream candidates are expected to make minimal contributions to college service prior to tenure; they are expected to contribute to a faculty governance committee once (typically for a three-year term) every 7 years after tenure. Please see the Committees at Skidmore College website for more details.

Faculty Support

Skidmore offers support for faculty development in many ways, including competitive start-up funds for research, a pre-tenure sabbatical, internal grants for collaborative research with undergraduates, a learning community for new faculty, funds to travel to present research, writing groups, and a course release in the first year. Our Center for Leadership in Teaching and Learning provides ongoing programming for professional development, with particular attention to helping new faculty make a successful transition to working at Skidmore.

Skidmore offers competitive employee benefits including health insurance, dental insurance, life insurance, retirement contributions, tuition benefits, parental leave, and an Employee Assistance Program.

Overview of Department/College/Area

Skidmore College is located in with a population of over 26,500, nestled in the foothills of the Adirondacks just 30 miles north of Albany, NY. Faculty in our department typically live in and around Saratoga Springs and the surrounding Capital District.

The downtown is full of restaurants (top five in the US for restaurants per capita!), shops, spas, galleries, hotels, and venues such as , where Ani DiFranco and Bob Dylan got their starts. Congress and High Rock Parks host some beautiful but aggressive ducks, a few of the the city became famous for during the 19th century, a historic carousel, and a . The downtown is also home to the wonderful with many wonderful events. Just west of downtown lies the , which is home to additional restaurants, galleries, shops, and the historic . 

A major draw during the summer are the horse races at the . The races go from mid-July through Labor Day. On the southern edge of the city is Saratoga Spa State Park, where the (SPAC) is located. SPAC is the summer home of the Freihofer’s Saratoga Jazz Festival, New York City Ballet, and the Philadelphia Orchestra. SPAC also hosts a number of Live Nation Concerts (Rock, Country, and Hip Hop) and is the venue for Skidmore commencement each May. Skidmore College’s Zankel Music Center also hosts a number of performances and events. Nearby is the , site of the Battle of Saratoga, as well as Saratoga Lake. With the Adirondacks nearby, there are plenty of opportunities for outdoor recreation. Lake George and Lake Placid are short drives away. For skiing, Whiteface and Gore Mountains in New York are nearby, as are Killington and Mount Snow in Vermont.

Saratoga Springs is part of the Capital District metropolitan area, home to over 1.1 million residents. Albany, Schenectady, and Troy form the Tri-City core of the region. The region boasts a number of museums and major performance venues (e.g., the Egg, the Palace Theatre, Proctor’s Theatre, and the Times Union Center). CDTA runs buses throughout the region which are free to ride with a Skidmore ID. Albany International Airport is served by a number of different carriers. The Capital District is also served by Amtrak (with stops in Rensselaer-Albany, Schenectady, and Saratoga Springs) with service to New York City, Montreal, Boston, Chicago, Toronto, Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo and Niagara Falls. Within a three-hour drive are New York City to the South, Rochester to the West, Montreal to the North, and Boston to the East.