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Skidmore College


Working Group

Committee Charge

The following charge was developed by the Dean of Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs in consultation with FEC, CEPP, ATC, PC and CAFR as well as the project direction for the HHMI Inclusive Excellence grant.

Charge to Working Group on Inclusive and Accessible Teaching and Learning:

The main objective of the Working Group on Inclusive and Accessible Teaching and Learning is to develop a mission-driven and formative assessment methodology to center and prioritize teaching and learning that is supportive of all students. The assessment methodology should use multiple measures of quality teaching and be explicitly linked to summative faculty evaluation structures such as tenure, promotion and periodic reviews.


The Working Group on Inclusive and Accessible Teaching and Learning will:

  1. Coordinate the efforts of the Working Group with the larger 15-institution Learning Community of the HHMI Inclusive Excellence 3 initiative, of which Skidmore is a member.
  2. Engage faculty, students, and staff in the process of understanding and defining the dimensions of inclusive and accessible teaching and learning across the full diversity of the academic experience.
  3. Work inclusively with relevant governance committees, faculty constituencies, students, administrators, and staff.
  4. Understand evidence and methods for gathering data to assess the effectiveness of inclusive and accessible teaching and learning in a robust and reliable fashion.
  5. Assess Skidmore’s current practices, in light of the dimensions of inclusive and accessible teaching, and the evidence and methods identified through this process.
  6. If needed, draft proposals for tools, systems, and policies that better reflect the shared definition of inclusive and accessible teaching and learning.