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Skidmore College
Committee on Educational Policies and Planning (CEPP)

Membership in CEPP


Membership: Five faculty members, two of whom must be tenured, each from a different department and with at least one member from each of the four Divisions of Disciplines, elected to serve three year terms; the Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs or his/her designated representative; the Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Affairs or his/her designated representative; two students selected by SGA; and the faculty director of assessment who, as an ex officio member, serves as liaison between CEPP and the IPPC subcommittee on institutional effectiveness.  CEPP may appoint such subcommittees from among its members or from the College community at large as it deems helpful to facilitate its work.  

2025 Nick Junkerman; Chair (English) 
2025 Lisa Jackson-Schebetta (Theater) Bob Turner, Political Science (fall 2024 replacement for L.J-S.)
2026 Amy Frappier (Geosciences)
2026 Heather Hurst (Anthropology)
2026 Robert ParkeHarrison (Art)
2025 Anna Barnes (student representative)
  Dorothy Mosby, Dean of Faculty and Vice President for Academic Affairs
  Adrian Bautista, Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Affairs
  Kelly Sheppard, Chemistry, Faculty Director of Assessment, ex officio


Membership: Five faculty members, two of whom must be tenured, each from a different department and with at least one member from each of the four Divisions of Disciplines, elected to serve three year terms; the Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs or his/her designated representative; the Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Affairs or his/her designated representative; two students selected by SGA; and the faculty director of assessment who, as an ex officio member, serves as liaison between CEPP and the IPPC subcommittee on institutional effectiveness.  CEPP may appoint such subcommittees from among its members or from the College community at large as it deems helpful to facilitate its work.  

2025 Nick Junkerman; Chair (English) 
2025 Lisa Jackson-Schebetta (Theater)
2026 Amy Frappier (Geosciences)
2026 Heather Hurst (Anthropology)
2026 Robert ParkeHarrison (Art)
2024 Emilka Jansen (student representative)
2024 Tess Malloy (student representative)
  Dorothy Mosby, Dean of Faculty and Vice President for Academic Affairs
  Adrian Bautista, Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Affairs
  Kelly Sheppard, Chemistry, Faculty Director of Assessment, ex officio


Membership: Five faculty members, two of whom must be tenured, each from a different department and with at least one member from each of the four Divisions of Disciplines, elected to serve three year terms; the Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs or his/her designated representative; the Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Affairs or his/her designated representative; two students selected by SGA; and the faculty director of assessment who, as an ex officio member, serves as liaison between CEPP and the IPPC subcommittee on institutional effectiveness.  CEPP may appoint such subcommittees from among its members or from the College community at large as it deems helpful to facilitate its work.  

2023 Leigh Wilton; Chair (Psychology) 
2023 Mahesh Shankar (International Affairs)
2023 Bob Turner (Political Science)
2025 Lisa Jackson-Schebetta (Theater)
2025 Nick Junkerman (English)
2023 Emilka Jansen (student representative)
2023 TBD (student representative)
  Michael Orr, Dean of Faculty and Vice President for Academic Affairs
  Adrian Bautista, Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Affairs
  Kelly Sheppard, Chemistry, Faculty Director of Assessment, ex officio


Membership: Five faculty members, two of whom must be tenured, each from a different department and with at least one member from each of the four Divisions of Disciplines, elected to serve three year terms; the Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs or his/her designated representative; the Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Affairs or his/her designated representative; two students selected by SGA; and the faculty director of assessment who, as an ex officio member, serves as liaison between CEPP and the IPPC subcommittee on institutional effectiveness.  CEPP may appoint such subcommittees from among its members or from the College community at large as it deems helpful to facilitate its work.  

  Michael Orr, Dean of Faculty and Vice President for Academic Affairs 
  Adrian Bautista, Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Affairs
  Peter von Allmen, Economics, Faculty Director of Assessment, ex officio
2022 Jina Mao, Management and Business (Chair)
2023 Mahesh Shankar, International Affairs
2023 Leigh Wilton, Psychology; Madushi Raththagala, Chemistry (fall 2021 replacement for Wilton)
2024 Wendy Lee, English (on leave 2021-2022)
2024 Bradley Onishi, Religious Studies (on leave 2021-2022)
2022 Andrew Bozio, English (one year replacement for Wendy Lee)
2022 Kirsten Hogenson, Mathematics & Statistics (one year replacement for Bradley Onishi)
2022 Emilka Jansen (student representative)
2022 TBA (student representative)


Membership: Five faculty members, two of whom must be tenured, each from a different department and with at least one member from each of the four Divisions of Disciplines, elected to serve three year terms; the Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs or his/her designated representative; the Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Affairs or his/her designated representative; two students selected by SGA; and the faculty director of assessment who, as an ex officio member, serves as liaison between CEPP and the IPPC subcommittee on institutional effectiveness.  CEPP may appoint such subcommittees from among its members or from the College community at large as it deems helpful to facilitate its work.  

2021 Andrew Bozio, English, untenured (2-yr replacement for Gogineni)
2021 Feryaz Ocakli, Political Science, tenured, Chair
2022 Jina Mao, Management and Business, tenured
  Michael Orr, Dean of Faculty and Vice President for Academic Affairs 
  Cerri Annette Banks, Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Affairs
  Peter von Allmen, Faculty Director of Assessment, ex officio
2023 Leigh Wilton, Psychology, untenured
2023 Mahesh Shankar, International Affairs, tenured
2021 Sean Heaney
2021 Sophia Paulino Adames


Membership: Five faculty members, two of whom must be tenured, each from a different department and with at least one member from each of the four Divisions of Disciplines, elected to serve three year terms; the Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs or his/her designated representative; the Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Affairs or his/her designated representative; two students selected by SGA; and the faculty director of assessment who, as an ex officio member, serves as liaison between CEPP and the IPPC subcommittee on institutional effectiveness.  CEPP may appoint such subcommittees from among its members or from the College community at large as it deems helpful to facilitate its work.  

2020 Steve Ives, Health and Human Physiological Sciences, untenured (3-yr replacement for Lopez), Chair
2020 Pat Hilleren, Biology, tenured (2-yr replacement for Waraich)
2021 Andrew Bozio, English, untenured (2-yr replacement for Gogineni)
2021 Feryaz Ocakli, Political Science, tenured
2022 Jina Mao, Management and Business, untenured
  Michael Orr, Dean of Faculty and Vice President for Academic Affairs 
  Cerri Annette Banks, Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Affairs
  Peter von Allmen, Faculty Director of Assessment, ex officio
2020 TBD - SGA VP for Academic Affairs, student rep
2020 TBD -  student rep


Membership: Five faculty members, two of whom must be tenured, each from a different department and with at least one member from each of the four Divisions of Disciplines, elected to serve three year terms; the Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs or his/her designated representative; the Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Affairs or his/her designated representative; two students selected by SGA; and the faculty director of assessment who, as an ex officio member, serves as liaison between CEPP and the IPPC subcommittee on institutional effectiveness.  CEPP may appoint such subcommittees from among its members or from the College community at large as it deems helpful to facilitate its work.  

2019 Marta Brunner, Scribner Library, untenured, Co-Chair
2020 Steve Ives, Health and Human Physiological Sciences, untenured (3-yr replacement for Lopez), Co-Chair
2020 Pat Hilleren, Biology, tenured (2-yr replacement for Waraich)
2021 Bina Gogineni, English, untenured
2021 Feryaz Ocakli, Political Science, tenured
  Michael Orr, Dean of Faculty and Vice President for Academic Affairs 
  Cerri Annette Banks, Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Affairs
  Peter von Allmen, Faculty Director of Assessment, ex officio
2019 Riley Filister '21, SGA VP for Academic Affairs, student rep
2019 TBD -  student rep


Membership: Five faculty members, two of whom must be tenured, and with at least one member from each of the four Divisions of Disciplines, elected to serve three-year terms, the Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs or a designated representative; the Dean of Student Affairs or a designated representative;  and two students selected by SGA.  CEPP may appoint such subcommittees from among its members or from the College community at large as it deems helpful to facilitate its work.

2018 Erica Bastress-Dukehart, History, tenured (3-yr replacement for Krefting), Co-Chair 
2018 Janet Sorenson, Art, tenured (2-yr replacement for Lee)
2019 Marta Brunner, Scribner Library, untenured, Co-Chair
2020 Steve Ives, Health and Exercise Sciences, untenured (3-yr replacement for Lopez)
2018 Nick Junkerman, English, untenured (1-yr replacement for Waraich)
2020 TBD - 2-yr replacement for Waraich
  Beau Breslin, Dean of Faculty and Vice President for Academic Affairs (LV S'18)
  Crystal Dea Moore, Interim Dean of Faculty and Vice President for Academic Affairs (S'18 replacement)
  Cerri Annette Banks, Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Affairs
2018 Henry Jaffe, SGA VP for Academic Affairs, student rep
2018 TBD -  student rep


Membership: Five faculty members, two of whom must be tenured, and with at least one member from each of the four Divisions of Disciplines, elected to serve three-year terms, the Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs or a designated representative; the Dean of Student Affairs or a designated representative;  and two students selected by SGA.  CEPP may appoint such subcommittees from among its members or from the College community at large as it deems helpful to facilitate its work.

2017 Kelly Sheppard, Chemistry, tenured
2017 Cathy Hill, Management and Business, untenured (faculty replacement for resignation)
2018 Erica Bastress-Dukehart, History, tenured (3-yr replacement for Krefting)  LV F'16, Chair
2018 Janet Sorenson, Art, tenured (2-yr replacement for Lee)
2019 Marta Brunner, Scribner Library, untenured
  Beau Breslin, Dean of Faculty and Vice President for Academic Affairs
  Cerri Annette Banks, Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Affairs
2017 Henry Jaffe '18, SGA VP for Academic Affairs, student rep
2017 Nicole Werner '18 -  student rep


Membership: Five faculty members, two of whom must be tenured, and with at least one member from each of the four Divisions of Disciplines, elected to serve three-year terms, the Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs or a designated representative; the Dean of Student Affairs or a designated representative;  and two students selected by SGA.  CEPP may appoint such subcommittees from among its members or from the College community at large as it deems helpful to facilitate its work.

2016 Amy Frappier, Geosciences, tenured
2017 Kelly Sheppard, Chemistry, untenured, Chair (S'16)
2017 April Bernard, English, tenured, Chair (F'15)
2018 Erica Bastress-Dukehart, tenured, History (3-yr replacement for Krefting)
2018 Soyong Lee, Education Studies, untenured
  Beau Breslin, Dean of Faculty and Vice President for Academic Affairs
  Gail Cummings-Danson, Interim Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Affairs
2016 Megan Schachter '17, SGA VP for Academic Affairs, student rep
2016 Addison Bennett '16, student rep


Membership: Six faculty members, two of whom must be tenured, each from a different department, elected to serve three-year terms, the Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs or his/her designated representative; the Dean of Student Affairs or his/her designated representative;  and two students selected by SGA.  CEPP may appoint such subcommittees from among its members or from the College community at large as it deems helpful to facilitate its work.

2015 Bill Lewis, Philosophy and Religion, tenured, Chair
2015 Peter von Allmen, Economics, tenured
2016 Amy Frappier, Geosciences, untenured
2016 Ruben Graciani, Dance, tenured (1-yr LV 2014-15)
  Sarah Goodwin, English (1-yr 14-15 replacement for Graciani)
2017 Kelly Sheppard, Chemistry, untenured
2017 April Bernard, English, tenured
  Beau Breslin, Dean of Faculty and Vice President for Academic Affairs
  Rochelle Calhoun, Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Affairs
2015 Charles Tetelman '16, SGA VP for Academic Affairs, student rep
2015 Renee Schapiro '15, student rep


Membership: Six faculty members, two of whom must be tenured, each from a different department, elected to serve three-year terms, the Dean of the Faculty and Vice President for Academic Affairs or his/her designated representative; the Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Affairs or his/her designated representative;  and two students selected by SGA.  CEPP may appoint such subcommittees from among its members or from the College community at large as it deems helpful to facilitate its work.

2014 Hope Casto, Education Studies, untenured (LV, F '13)
  Caroline D'Abate, Management and Business (replacement for Casto) F'13
2014 Michael Arnush, Classics, tenured (LV F '13)
  Pat Fehling, Health and Exercise Science (replacement for Arnush), F '13
2015 Bill Lewis, Philosophy and Religion, tenured (LV F '13; S '14)
  Sarah Goodwin, English (1-yr replacement for Lewis)
2015 Peter von Allmen, Economics, tenured, Chair
2016 Amy Frappier, Geosciences, untenured
2016 Ruben Graciani, Dance, untenured
  Beau Breslin, Dean of Faculty and Vice President for Academic Affairs
  Rochelle Calhoun, Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Affairs
2014 Renee Schapiro '15, student rep
2014 Charles Tetelman '16, student rep


Membership: Six faculty members, two of whom must be tenured, each from a different department, elected to serve three-year terms; the Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs or his/her designated representative; the Dean of Student Affairs or his/her designated representative;  and two students selected by SGA.  CEPP may appoint such subcommittees from among its members or from the College community at large as it deems helpful to facilitate its work.

2013 Christine Kopec, Management & Business, untenured
2013 Josh Ness, Biology, tenured
  2014 Janet Casey, English, tenured (committee resignation F'12)
2014 Hope Casto, Education Studies, untenured (2-yr replacement for Casey)
2014 Michael Arnush, Classics, tenured, Chair
2015 Bill Lewis, Philosophy & Religion, tenured
2015 Peter von Allmen, Economics, tenured
  Beau Breslin, Dean of Faculty and Vice President for Academic Affairs
  Rochelle Calhoun, Dean of Student Affairs
2013 TBD - student rep
2013 TBD - student rep


Membership: Six faculty members, two of whom must be tenured, each from a different department, elected to serve three-year terms, the Vice President for Academic Affairs or his/her designated representative; the Dean of Student Affairs or his/her designated representative;  and two students selected by SGA.  CEPP may appoint such subcommittees from among its members or from the College community at large as it deems helpful to facilitate its work.

2012 Ruben Graciani, Dance, untenured
2012 Mimi Hellman, Art History, tenured
2013 Christine Kopec, Management & Business, untenured
2013 Josh Ness, Biology, tenured, Chair
2014 Janet Casey, English, untenured
2014 Michael Arnush, Classics, tenured
  Susan Kress, Vice President for Academic Affairs
  Rochelle Calhoun, Dean of Student Affairs
2012 Logan Brenner '12 student rep
2012 Thomas Patterson-Rivera '13 student rep


Membership: Six faculty members, two of whom must be tenured, each from a different department, elected to serve three-year terms, the Vice President for Academic Affairs or his/her designated representative; the Dean of Student Affairs or his/her designated representative;  and two students selected by SGA.  CEPP may appoint such subcommittees from among its members or from the College community at large as it deems helpful to facilitate its work.

2011 Terry Diggory, English, tenured  (retire Dec 2010)
  Michael Arnush, Classics, tenured (S'11 replacement for Diggory)
  Bob Turner, Government, tenured, Chair
2012 Ruben Graciani, Dance, untenured
  Mimi Hellman, Art History, tenured
2013 Christine Kopec, Management & Business, untenured
  Josh Ness, Biology, untenured
  Susan Kress, Vice President for Academic Affairs
  Rochelle Calhoun, Dean of Student Affairs
2011 TBD - student rep
2011 TBD - student rep


Membership: Six faculty members, two of whom must be tenured, each from a different department, elected to serve three-year terms, the Vice President for Academic Affairs or his/her designated representative; the Dean of Student Affairs or his/her designated representative;  and two students selected by SGA.  CEPP may appoint such subcommittees from among its members or from the College community at large as it deems helpful to facilitate its work.

2010 Erica Bastress-Dukehart, History, tenured, Chair
  Rik Scarce, Sociology, Anthropology & Social Work, tenured
2011 Terry Diggory, English, tenured
  Bob Turner, Government, tenured (LV-Int'l Prog F'09)
  TBD-(replacement for Turner F'09)
2012 Ruben Graciani, Dance, untenured
  Mimi Hellman, Art History, untenured
  Susan Kress, Vice President for Academic Affairs
  Rochelle Calhoun, Dean of Student Affairs
2010 TBD - student rep
2010 TBD - student rep


Membership: Six faculty members, two of whom must be tenured, each from a different department, elected to serve three-year terms, the Vice President for Academic Affairs or his/her designated representative; the Dean of Student Affairs or his/her designated representative;  and two students selected by SGA.  CEPP may appoint such subcommittees from among its members or from the College community at large as it deems helpful to facilitate its work.

2009 Dan Nathan, American Studies, tenured, Chair
  Kyle Nichols, Geosciences, tenured
2010 Erica Bastress-Dukehart, History, untenured
  Rik Scarce, Sociology, Anthropology & Social Work, untenured               
2011 Terry Diggory, English, tenured
  Bob Turner, Government, tenured
  Susan Kress, Vice President for Academic Affairs
  Rochelle Calhoun, Dean of Student Affairs
  Claire Solomon '10, SGA VP for Academic Affairs
2009 TBD - student rep


Membership: Six faculty members, two of whom must be tenured, each from a different department, elected to serve three-year terms, the Dean of the Faculty, the Dean of Student Affairs, and two students selected by SGA. CEPP may appoint such subcommittees from among its members or from the College community at large as it deems helpful to facilitate its work.

2008 (Beau Breslin, Government, tenured, Director of FYE effective 07-08)                        
  Terry Diggory, English, tenured (1-yr replacement for Breslin)
  Deb Hall, Art & Art History, tenured, Chair
2009 Dan Nathan, American Studies, untenured
  Kyle Nichols, Geosciences, untenured
2010 Erica Bastress-Dukehart, History, untenured
  Rik Scarce, Sociology, Anthropology & Social Work, untenured              
  Muriel Poston, Dean of the Faculty
  Pat Oles, Dean of Student Affairs
2008 TBA - SGA VP for Academic Affairs
  Sadie Kitchen '10, student rep


Membership: Six faculty members, two of whom must be tenured, each from a different department, elected to serve three-year terms, the Dean of the Faculty, the Dean of Student Affairs, and two students selected by SGA. CEPP may appoint such subcommittees from among its members or from the College community at large as it deems helpful to facilitate its work.

2007 Matthew Hockenos, History, tenured
  Patricia Hilleren, untenured, Biology
2008 Beau Breslin, Government, tenured, Chair                                          
  Deb Hall, Art & Art History, tenured
2009 Dan Nathan, American Studies, untenured
  Kyle Nichols, Geosciences, untenured
  Muriel Poston, Dean of the Faculty
  Pat Oles, Dean of Student Affairs
2007 Jon Brestoff '08, SGA VP for Academic Affairs
  Molly Appel '07


Membership: Six faculty members, two of whom must be tenured, each from a different department, elected to serve three-year terms, the Dean of the Faculty, the Dean of Student Affairs, and two students selected by SGA. CEPP may appoint such subcommittees from among its members or from the College community at large as it deems helpful to facilitate its work.

2006 Michael Mudrovic, Foreign Languages & Literatures, tenured                              
  Gordon Thompson, Music, tenured
2007 Matthew Hockenos, History, tenured, Chair
  Ruth Andrea Levinson, Education, tenured
2008 Beau Breslin, Government, tenured
  Deb Hall, Art & Art History, untenured
  Muriel Poston, Dean of the Faculty
  Sarah Goodwin, Associate Dean of the Faculty
  Chuck Joseph, Vice President for Academic Affairs
  Pat Oles, Dean of Student Affairs
2006 Molly Appel '07
  Dan Moran '07, Vice President for Academic Affairs, SGA


Membership: Six faculty members, two of whom must be tenured, each from a different department, elected to serve three-year terms, the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty, the Dean of Student Affairs, and two students selected by SGA. CEPP may appoint such subcommittees from among its members or from the College community at large as it deems helpful to facilitate its work.

2005 Hugh Foley, Psychology, tenured
  Patricia Rubio, Foreign Languages & Literatures, tenured
2006 Michael Arnush, Classics, tenured, Chair F'04 (resigned 12/31/04)    
  Lisa Aronson, Art & Art History, replacement for Arnush S'05
  Gordon Thompson, Music, tenured, Chair S'05
2007 Matthew Hockenos, History, tenured
  Ruth Andrea Levinson, Education, tenured
  Chuck Joseph, V.P. for Academic Affairs/Dean of the Faculty
  Pat Oles, Dean of Student Affairs
2005 Meghan Fair '05
  Molly Appel '05, V.P. of Academic Affairs, SGA


Membership: Six faculty members, two of whom must be tenured, each from a different department, elected to serve three-year terms, the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty, the Dean of Student Affairs, and two students selected by SGA. CEPP may appoint such subcommittees from among its members or from the College community at large as it deems helpful to facilitate its work.

2004 Francisco Gonzalez, Philosophy & Religion, tenured
  Linda Simon, English, tenured (London F'03)
  David Peterson, Art & Art History, tenured, (F'03 replacement for Simon)
2005 Hugh Foley, Psychology, tenured
  Patricia Rubio, Foreign Languages & Literatures, tenured
2006 Michael Arnush, Classics, tenured
  Gordon Thompson, Music, tenured, Chair
  Chuck Joseph, V.P. for Academic Affairs/Dean of the Faculty
  Pat Oles, Dean of Student Affairs
2003 Meghan Fair '05
  Nick Merrill '05, V.P. of SGA Academic Affairs


Membership: Six faculty members, two of whom must be tenured, each from a different department, elected to serve three-year terms, the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty, the Dean of Student Affairs, and two students selected by SGA. CEPP may appoint such subcommittees from among its members or from the College community at large as it deems helpful to facilitate its work.

2003 Patricia Fehling, Exercise Science, Dance & Athletics, tenured, Chair
  Gordon Thompson, Music, tenured, (replacement for 02-03)
2003  John Brueggemann, Sociology, Anthropology & Social Work, tenured (F'02-replacement for Gonzalez)
2003 Michael Arnush, Classics, tenured (S'03-replacement for J. Brueggemann)
2003 Amelia Rauser, Art & Art History, untenured (1-yr replacement for Simon)
2004 Francisco Gonzalez, Philosophy & Religion, tenured (on leave 02-03)
  Linda Simon, English, tenured (on leave 02-03)
2005 Hugh Foley, Psychology, tenured
  Patricia Rubio, Foreign Languages & Literatures, tenured
  Chuck Joseph, Interim V.P. for Academic Affairs/Dean of the Faculty
  Pat Oles, Dean of Student Affairs
2003 TBA-student
  Nick Merrill '05, SGA V.P. for Academic Affairs