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Skidmore College

SGBM information for employees

The following guide will help you navigate what to do if a student discloses to you an incident of sexual or gender-based misconduct.

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Prior to disclosure

If you believe a student is about to tell you about an incident of sexual or gender-based misconduct, explain your reporting duties before they make the disclosure. If the student wants to talk to someone without any information being reported, refer them to the on-campus and off-campus confidential or anonymous support resources.

All faculty and staff are required to report incidents of Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct.

Following a disclosure

Be sure to take these three important steps:

Step 1: Reassure and assess safety

Provide the student with nonjudgmental support and ensure the student is safe. If there is immediate danger, contact Campus Safety at 518-580-5566.

Follow this arrow to the next step in the procedure

Step 2: Refer

Explain your reporting duties and refer students to resources.

Follow this arrow to the next step in the procedure

Step 3: Report to the Title IX coordinator

At the earliest possible time (no later than 24 hours) after the disclosure, report the incident to Joel Aure, Title IX cooridinator, at 518-580-5708.


Additional Information and Guidance 

SGBM Employee Training Video

Skidmore College is committed to providing a safe and nondiscriminatory learning, working and living environment. The college takes all allegations of sexual and gender-based misconduct (SGBM) seriously and is committed to providing information, resources and clear direction to all members of the campus community so that together we can help prevent and address this conduct. The college recognizes the significant trust relationships faculty and staff have with students and the difficulty that may come with responding to a disclosure of SGBM by a student, as you aim to help the student and meet your obligations to help ensure the safety of our community. This guide provides basic steps, guidance and information to assist you in these situations. Please understand, however, that this brief guide cannot and does not address every aspect of responding to disclosures of SGBM. If at any point you have questions or want additional guidance or information, please contact the Title IX coordinator.

Requirement to report and exceptions

All faculty and staff are required to report incidents of SGBM of which they become aware to the Title IX coordinator. The requirement extends to all faculty and staff because of the college’s commitment to provide a safe and nondiscriminatory campus, as well as its responsibilities under Title IX. The only exceptions to this requirement are the following confidential resources: (1) Counseling Center staff and (2) Health Services. Additionally, Skidmore College has designated victim advocates who serve as anonymous support resources for students. (If you have any questions about your reporting status, please contact the Title IX coordinator to verify.)

Types of incidents covered

Skidmore College policy covers incidents of sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking and other SGBM experienced by a student, regardless of where or when it occurs, or by whom, whether between people of different sexes or the same sex, and regardless of the student’s gender identity. (If you are unsure if an incident falls into any of these categories, contact the Title IX coordinator, who can assist with making the determination prior to your reporting of personally identifying information.)

Explaining your reporting duties 

If you believe a student is about to tell you about an incident of SGBM, explain your reporting duties before they make the disclosure. If this is not possible, do it soon after the disclosure. You can explain that even though you are obligated to share the information with college personnel specially trained to respond, the student’s privacy will be respected; identities and details will be shared only with those who need to know to support the student and to address the situation through the college’s processes. You can tell the person that someone will explain these processes in detail and that the student will be involved in decisions about what happens as a result of the disclosure. If the student does not wish to disclose the incident or provide further details to you, refer them to the on-campus and off-campus resources, found in the You Have Options brochure and on the "If you have experienced misconduct" webpage. You may also consider adding a statement to your syllabus. 

Example: "Thank you for coming to talk to me about such a serious issue. I need to tell you that if I become aware that sexual or gender-based misconduct has occurred, I am required to inform the Title IX coordinator, who is specially trained to respond, so that steps can be taken to ensure your safety and the safety of our community. Your privacy will be respected, but if you prefer to talk to someone who does not have an obligation to report, there are other options. On campus, you can speak with someone in the Counseling Center or Health Services or a victim advocate. There are also local off-campus resources as well." 

You can then provide them with a copy of the You Have Options brochure or direct them to the "If you have experienced misconduct" portion of this site.

Providing nonjudgmental support

One of the most important ways to provide support is to listen without judging or blaming. Remember that no matter what the circumstances, no one deserves to be subjected to SGBM. Allow the student to talk about their experience. The person may not know what to call what happened; do not define the experience for them. Follow their lead; do not take control of the situation or try and do something to "fix" it. Having experienced SGBM can cause the person to feel a loss of control; let the student make their own decisions, and support their decisions. Also understand that everyone responds uniquely to SGBM. Some common reactions may include shock, fear, embarrassment, guilt, anger, depression and/or feeling overwhelmed. Be a support person and help the student find support.

Ensuring the student is safe 

If there is immediate danger, call Campus Safety at 518-580-5566. The You Have Options brochure and "If you have experienced misconduct" webpage have additional information for contacting police in non-emergencies and for local hospitals, in addition to on-campus resources. Remember, it is always the victim’s choice whether or not to report to the police.

Refer the student to resources

Provide the student with the You Have Options brochure.

Report information to the Title IX coordinator  

At the earliest possible time (no later than 24 hours) after you receive information that a student has experienced SGBM, you must report it to Title IX Coordinator Joel Aure at 518-580-5708 (jaure@skidmore.edu). You will need to report all relevant details about the incident(s) disclosed by the student. This includes the names of the student, the accused and any witnesses, as well as any other relevant facts, including the date, time and specific location of the incident. Once you have reported to the Title IX coordinator, you do not need to take further action. Understand, however, that you may be contacted for follow-up information as the college responds to the report.