Reg Lilly
Office: Ladd 218
Phone: (518) 580-5406
- Ph.D. Duquesne University
- M.A. Duquesne University
- B.A. University of Vermont
Teaching and Research Interests:
19th & 20th Century German Philosophy; Contemporary French Philosophy; Philosophy
of Art and Music; Trauma Theory; Heidegger; Derrida
- The Ancients and the Moderns (ed);
- Broken Hegemonies (tr);
- The Song of the Earth (tr);
- The Principle of Reason (tr)
- “The Analytic of Ultimates: A Traumatology,” in Hegemony and Singularity: The Philosophy of Reiner Schürmann, ed. Joydeep Bagchee and Veronique Foti, Indiana University Press. Forthcoming.
- “Levinas’s Heideggerian Fantasm,” in Heidegger and France, ed. David Pettigrew and François Raffoul, Albany: SUNY Press, 2008, pp. 35-58.
- "L’originarité tragique de l’éthique heideggérienne” in Les Cahiers Philosophiques, vol. 111 (2007) pp. 31-43.
- “Foucault and the Disappearance of the Visible Subject,” inPanoramas: Philosophies of the Visible, ed. Wilhelm Wurzer,London: Continuum Books, 2002, pp. 55-68.
- “The Topology of Broken Hegemonies,”&˛Ô˛ú˛ő±č;Research in Phenomenology, XXVII (1998), pp. 226-42.
- “Postmodernism, French Criticism of,” entry in The Encylopedia of Philosophy, ed. Edward Craig, Routledge, 1998, vol. 6, pp.593-96.
- “Introduction: Fault Lines,” Introductory essay for The Ancients and the Moderns, ed. Reginald Lilly, Indiana University Press, 1996, pp. 1-15.
- "Response to Weatherston” in International Philosophical Quarterly, vol XXXIV:2 (June, 1994), pp. 243-46.
- “The Eclipse of Earth and Man,” in Research in Phenomenology(1992). Review article of Heidegger et l'essence de l'homme by Michel Haar. 22: 207-116.
- “Foucault: Making a Difference,” in Man and World 24: 267-284 (1991).
- “Heidegger and the God of Hölderlin,” by Michel Haar (translated from the French) in Research and Phenomenology, (1989) XIX:89-100.
- “Toward the Hermeneutic of Der Satz vom Grund,” in Collegium Phaenomenologicum: The First Ten Years. Ed. G. Moneta, J. Taminiaux, and J. Sallis. (The Hague: Kluwer Verlag), 1989, pp. 199-224.
- “Fundamental Dispositions in Heidegger's Thought,” in Tijdschrift voor Filosofie (December, 1988) 50:4 668-94.
- “Will the Circle Remain Unbroken?” in Research in Phenomenology(1986) 16: 227-234. Review article of Beyond Metaphysics?: The Hermeneutic Circle in Contemporary Continental Philosophy. By John Llywellyn.
- “Umschläge: Nietzsche and Heidegger at the End of Philosophy,” in Research in Phenomenology(1985) 18:99-112.
- “Toward the Later Heidegger” in Research in Phenomenology, (1982) 15:213‑19. Review article of The Mystical Element in Heidegger's Thought. By John D. Caputo.
Work in Progress:
- Traumatic Being: An Analytic of Ultimates