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Skidmore College
Jacob Perlow Series

Fall 2017 lectures

Admission is free and open to the public

The Long Struggle for Israel-Palestine

A lecture by Jeremy Pressman
Associate professor of political science and director of Middle East studies,
University of Connecticut, with an introduction by Feryaz Ocakli,
assistant professor of political science, Skidmore College


Monday, October 2
7:30 p.m., Davis Auditorium, Palamountain Hall

Jeremy Pressman

Because neither side in the battle for Israel-Palestine is going to disappear, ending the struggle for Israel-Palestine would require Israeli and Palestinian concessions. When we think about resolving the conflict the same old options are on the table, variants of the one-state and two-state solution. In this talk, we’ll consider the core questions: What are the differences between the variants? What are the pros and cons for each option? What obstacles stand in the way of realizing a resolution?

Jeremy Pressman is associate professor of political science and director of Middle East studies at the University of Connecticut. He is co-director, with Professor Erica Chenoweth, of the Crowd Counting Consortium at crowdcounting.org. He has written two books, Warring Friends: Alliance Restraint in International Politics (Cornell University Press, 2008) and Point of No Return: The Deadly Struggle for Middle East Peace, with Geoffrey Kemp (Brookings Institution Press, 1997).  His articles have appeared in Diplomatic History, International Security, Cooperation & Conflict, Perspectives on Politics, Security Studies and elsewhere. Pressman is on twitter @djpressman.

This presentation is part of the Jacob Perlow Event Series and is co-sponsored by the Office of Special Programs and the Political Science Department. Funding is also provided by a gift from Beatrice Troupin.

½ûÂþÌìÌà the Jacob Perlow Series: A generous grant from the estate of Jacob Perlow—an immigrant to the United States in the 1920s, a successful businessman deeply interested in religion and philosophy and a man who was committed to furthering Jewish education—supports annual lectures and presentations to the College and Capital District community on issues broadly related to Jews and Judaism.