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Skidmore College
Office of Student Academic Affairs

Academic Awards for 2020


Eve R. Gertzman

American Studies Faculty Awardis given to a graduating senior for academic excellence and growth in the major. 

Eve R. Gertzman

Eve is an unassuming force of nature—whether in the classroom, as stage manager, or as research assistant—she stands out for her intelligence, discipline, reflexivity, and compassion. Her seminar paper explores the unpunished behavior of catcalling and its impact on female adolescents and trans women. She created catcallandresponse.com, a website mobilizing victims to respond and connecting with similar initiatives. Her honors thesis culminated in a film raising awareness around street harassment. The world needs her now more than ever.   


Sean Patrick Boehme

O. Roger Gallagher Memorial Prizeis awarded annually to an outstanding student in anthropology.

Sean Patrick Boehme

The anthropology faculty applaud Sean’s outstanding achievements in the major. Sean demonstrates intellectual sophistication and a strong practical foundation for exploring anthropology. Sean’s commitment to mastering both theory and practice is exceptional. This is demonstrated by the breadth and quality of his work, which includes archaeological fieldwork on two continents, museum work, GIS map making, and producing an academic podcast. We wish Sean well as he pursues a path in the non-profit world and to graduate school.


Matthew Scott Neporent

Eduardo Albanell Prizeis awarded annually to a senior or junior studio art major or minor who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in sculpture.

Matthew Scott Neporent

This year’s Eduardo Albanel Estev Prize for Sculpture is awarded to Matthew Neporent, an extraordinary student who creates beautiful sculptural works that explore the integral role drawing plays in sculpture and painting.  His finished sculptural works demonstrate a true sensitivity to material and a dedication to traditional hand-crafted wood joinery. Matthew’s scholarship, curiosity and professionalism are exceptional, but it is his enthusiasm for hard work that is the greatest inspiration to all of us in sculpture.

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Dorothy Dryfoos Olsan Prizeis awarded annually to a student who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in jewelry and metal-smithing.

Evan Murphy Hasencamp

From his first course as a first-year student, to his outstanding capstone work, Evan has consistently demonstrated impeccably high standards, a keen design sensibility, and an inexhaustible work ethic.  Evan has earned straight As in every studio course he has taken, including an impressive nine courses in metalsmithing, a feat unequalled by even his most stellar predecessors.  Evan’s capstone work, which merges his abilities in metalsmithing and ceramics, is as extraordinarily inventive as it is visually stunning.

Mallory Helene Perry

Jesse Solomon Memorial Awardis awarded to the senior who shows promise in painting.

Mallory Helene Perry

Mallory Perry’s paintings are refreshingly honest in subject matter and generous in style.  She creates powerful works that are personal and technical narratives—by means of brushstrokes that lack fear and a creative mind that is endlessly inventive.  Thus, one must read her paintings’ content by experiencing her compositions, shapes, surfaces, and textures.  Mallory’s expansive sense of color is manufactured by layered, quilt-like configurations that expose rapturous surface patterns and visceral interconnections between reality and the imagination.

Grace Juneau

Barbara Greene Wild Awardis given to a student who has excelled in ceramics.

Grace Juneau

Grace Juneau has been a standout student in Ceramics.  She has been diligent in researching the discipline, and she has applied a scholarly attitude toward her artwork.  Grace has made a conscious effort to imbue her ceramics and drawings with important elements from her own experiences.  This personal connection to her work sets a positive example for the students around her, and it reflects a student striving to find her own vision in her artwork.

Emery Hamish Amatuzio Spina

Pamela Weidenman Memorial Prizeis awarded to an outstanding senior art major who has achieved excellence in lithography and/or printmaking.

Emery Hamish Amatuzio Spina

Emery’s immersion in printmaking, specifically, lithography, and his artistic process have made him an admired leader and a masterful artist. Emery’s art deals with challenging concepts of identity in ways that are both personal and socially relevant. One can see in his beautifully drawn self-portraits how he has sought to reveal his personal journey while also exposing how art can be universal. Emery is a life- long artist and printmaker. We look forward to seeing the impact of his artwork.

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Miller/Reed Prizeis awarded to an outstanding junior or senior art major or minor who has demonstrated exceptional design and composition using traditional and/or digital media.

Isabelle Maria Hage 

Isa Hage is an exceptional illustrator and designer with creative purpose. Isa’s whimsical illustrations reflect her generous spirit and rich imagination. An accomplished designer and typographer, Isa designed the branding and merchandise for the Saratoga Jazz Festival this year. A regular presence in the design studio, she inspires her peers and is generous with her expertise. She is always upbeat and eager, with a terrific sense of humor. To a bright and colorful future. Congratulations, Isa!


Yuwen Jiang

S. Michael Eigen Prizeis awarded annually to an outstanding art history major.

Yuwen Jiang

Yuwen Jiang has demonstrated initiative and excellence in a range of Art History-related endeavors. Art History faculty praise Yuwen for her nuanced thinking and original approaches to research projects, her outstanding writing skills and service as a writing tutor, and her thoughtful commitment to professional experiences at museums and other arts organizations. Her achievements as an undergraduate have prepared her for an exceptional future in the arts world.

Alicia Sandoval Vadillo

Whitman Family Prizeis awarded to a student who completes an outstanding project in an art history course.

Alicia Sandoval Vadillo

In “Re-Thinking Ana Mendieta: Essentialism, Liminality, and Performance,” Alicia revises our approach to understanding one of the most influential performance artists of the late twentieth century. Drawing her conclusions from Mendieta’s own testimonies and writings, as well as decolonial and feminist theoretical texts, Alicia argues for viewing Mendieta’s performances as sites of bodily transculturation and liminality. Alicia’s intellectual curiosity, diligent research, and strong authorial voice make this an outstanding project.


Dylan Abigail Barron

Arts Administration Faculty Awardis given to a graduating senior with a minor in arts administration who has demonstrated academic excellence and shows extraordinary promise for a career in the field.

Dylan Abigail Barron

Dylan Barron is an emerging arts leader. A Spanish major who also has minors in Art History and Arts Administration, Dylan demonstrates genuine interest and passion for the artistic craft, especially music. Her work at the Schick Gallery and her several music industry internships demonstrate that Dylan is in-tune with a field that is constantly evolving. We look forward to watching her star rise as she finds new ways to connect artist and audience.


Mingjia Li

Dowd-Lester Awardrecognizes an outstanding senior biology major or combined major.

Mingjia Li

Mingjia cited Karl Marx’s observation on science, in a graduate school application essay: “only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of its steep paths have a chance of gaining its luminous summits.” This ethic that aptly describes Mingjia’s exemplary work in the major: seeing each step as a foundation for the next, always aiming for the summit. Mingjia is working at Cornell Medical College on gene therapies for lung disease and applying to biotechnology graduate programs.

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Donald W. Pyle Memorial Awardrecognizes outstanding student research in biology.

Reagan Cyrus Reed

Reagan Reed's research on cell wall metabolism in green algae and plants represents a superb integration of skills, dedication and creativity, which makes him deserving of the Donald Pyle Award. His work focused on the evolution of land plants. It has resulted in co-authorship of three papers published in the Journal of Experimental Botany, Frontiers in Plant Science and Cell. Reagan will continue his work with plants when he enters the Plant Biology PhD program at the University of California-Davis.


Claudia Anke Mak

Charlotte W. Fahey Prizeis awarded annually to two outstanding seniors in the Department of Chemistry. (1 of 2)

Claudia Anke Mak

Claudia's love of learning, enthusiasm for chemistry, and passion for art are outstanding. She is a successful biochemistry researcher. She has made great contributions as a PLTL leader and lab assistant. Claudia desires to contribute to the scientific discovery process. This fall, she will pursue a PhD in Biological Chemistry at the University of Michigan. It is a joy to have smart, attentive and cheerful students like Claudia in the department. We wish her success in future endeavors!

Katie Anne Pelham

Charlotte W. Fahey Prizeis awarded annually to two outstanding seniors in the Department of Chemistry. (2 of 2)

Katie Anne Pelham

Katie is a highly-gifted scientist, Phi Beta Kappa inductee, and outstanding interdisciplinary campus leader.  Katie’s leadership skills are evident in her admirable work as an EMT, Chemistry Department Student Representative, Peer-Led Team Learning Coordinator, and President of Skidmore’s Emergency Medical Services.  Katie’s undergraduate research on organic synthesis has culminated in a comprehensive Honors Thesis.  She plans to pursue an MD/PhD degree in due course. The Chemistry faculty wish Katie every success!


Sarah Hughes Smith

Helga B. Doblin Prizeis awarded to a senior classics major who has demonstrated academic excellence in ancient languages and literatures as well as classical civilization.

Sarah Hughes Smith

Having Sarah in class, as student or mentor, raises classroom engagement every time. Always prepared, willing to encourage and assist those who struggle, Sarah never takes her Latin expertise for granted. Generous, attentive, ready to question or challenge, always with respect, mature and still goofy, Sarah was accepted to multiple Masters programs in Classics and will attend UMass-Amherst in the fall. The department congratulates her, and we are jealous of and excited for her future students.



Robert and Marcia DeSieno Prizeis awarded for excellence in computer science.

Max Alan Sharpe

Max has been an outstanding computer science major and mathematics minor.  Max has gone above and beyond in computer science.  First, remarkably, he has taken an additional five CS courses above the requirements for the major.  Second, he has gone above and beyond in his course projects. For example, he has worked with complex concepts, including geofencing and distributed computing. After graduation, Max will be a Software Development Engineer at Amazon in Seattle. We wish him continued success.


Madeline Julia Bonin

Margaret Paulding Awardrecognizes outstanding student leadership, performance, choreography, and/or research in dance.

Madeline Julia Bonin

Maddie Bonin, a double major in Dance and English, has played a distinctive role in our department as a leader, educational innovator, and creative force onstage. A recipient of the department’s Kathy/Charlie Award, she developed a summer dance program for adults with disabilities. For her Senior Capstone, she created dance workshops designed to support underserved elementary students in our community. A talented, resourceful, and empathetic person, we expect Maddie will live a life of purpose!


Naira Gulamo Abdula

William E. Weiss Memorial Awardis awarded in recognition of outstanding accomplishment by a major or combined major in the field of economics. (1 of 2)

Naira Gulamo Abdula

As the rest of us juggle demands of teaching, scholarship and service, Naira Abdula leads in all three. Her senior seminar thesis investigates how unconditional cash transfers can reduce poverty by encouraging entrepreneurship. Traditional literature emphasizes the role of conditional cash transfers. Naira’s work shows that “just giving money to the poor” is a great idea. Her conclusions follow from sophisticated statistical models and a novel approach to measuring unconditional cash transfers.

Zinyi Zhang

William E. Weiss Memorial Awardis awarded in recognition of outstanding accomplishment by a major or combined major in the field of economics. (2 of 2)

Xinyi Zhang

Denny Zhang is a very smart and hardworking student, obtaining perfect grades in the economics courses she took at Skidmore College. She is always finishing her assignments way before the deadline and coming up with challenging questions in the classroom. She has studied for one year at the London School of Economics, and she has chosen to double major in mathematics and economics. She intends to pursue as academic career in economics.


Amanda Shelton Orvis

John P. Shepard Prizeis given to the student who has demonstrated outstanding performance, potential, and commitment to education and working with children, leadership among peers, and superior performance in both academic achievement and field work in education.

Amanda Shelton Orvis

Amanda has applied her focus and drive as an athlete to her work in Education Studies, reflected in her desire to seek and act on feedback. She worked to enhance curricula in her student teaching classroom. In a bridge design unit, she infused lessons with her own innovative ideas and supplemented the lessons with children’s literature. Amanda’s work ethic and positivity inspire those around her. Her kind, calm demeanor motivates and invites students to participate and learn.



Edwin Moseley Prizeis awarded to a senior in English who has shown outstanding promise as a literary critic, scholar, or artist, and who intends to pursue graduate studies or a career in writing.

John Brox McCarthy

Jack’s abiding interests in exoticism and hybridity, the tension between enchantment and disenchantment in modern representational forms, and the politics of cross-cultural representations, have culminated in a brilliant, nuanced, and consequential honors thesis about the contradictory desire of Metropolitan writers as ideologically discrepant as H. Rider Haggard and D.H. Lawrence to indulge in the colonial natives’ enchanted worldview while keeping it at arm’s length to preserve European “rationality,” the cornerstone of the disenchanted worldview that served to justify colonization.


Frances Steloff Prizeis awarded annually to a student who has shown promise and superior work in the writing of poetry.

Samuel Evan Weinberg

Sam Weinberg’s poems are so delightful and surprising, formally inventive. I want to single out his remarkable poem, “A Letter at the Behest of the Meerkats of Namib.” It is so funny, clever and dark, and I was thrilled by it. I look forward to seeing what this poet might do next.

Nicole Wong

Denise Marcil Prizeis awarded annually to a student for a fiction manuscript or set of manuscripts that reveal sensitivity to theme, structure, characterization, and language found in serious fiction written in English.

Nicole Wong

Nicole Wong’s “Tea for Wandering Emperors” is one of the most accomplished stories I’ve read in the thirty years of evaluating submissions for this award. Wong explores the importance of where we come from, our heritage, our roots, our familial legacies. The narrator’s parents escaped Japanese occupation of their ancestral home and relocated in Hong Kong. Over his lifetime, he comes to understand and identify with that village, the place of his roots, as the essence of who he is.


Sara Bennett Prizeis awarded to a student who has excelled in the writing of fiction.

Natalie Jacobs

Natalie Jacobs’ story is about the bond formed by two sisters in the midst of family traumas and betrayals. In spare, sharply focused prose, Natalie evokes a California setting and an emotional world of girlhood profoundly desolate. The dramatic elements—among the heaviest that writers work with—are tonally controlled with a near-professional hand; and the story's moving closure, poised between defeat and hope, evokes the distilled poetry of Hemingway.

Hannah Rose Sacks

Sally Chapman Thompson Prizein Literature is awarded to the student who has excelled as a critic or scholar during his/her career as an English major.

Hannah Rose Sacks

As an English major, Hannah Sacks has built an impressive record of achievement, culminating in her ambitious senior thesis, A Ray of Moonlight Falls—an exploration of Oscar Wilde’s radical aesthetic. Hannah begins her argument with a provocative discussion of Britain’s turbulent 1890s, pivoting, specifically, to Decadence, which she memorably calls “beauty unhinged.” Working masterfully and expansively with Wilde’s extraordinary corpus, Hannah locates in his writings a dissidence that compelled society to think differently…about beauty, the individual, suffering, and freedom.


Isabel frances Beard

Environmental Studies Faculty Awardis given to an outstanding graduating senior in environmental studies who, through academic achievement, community engagement, and leadership, demonstrates exceptional promise in addressing environmental issues.

Isabel Frances Beard

As a staunch environmental advocate and budding environmental educator, Isabel has embodied John Dewey’s theory of Experiential Education in all of her work with adults and children alike at the Wilton Wildlife Preserve and Park, Skidmore Community Garden, and NY State’s Pack Forest. This Dean’s list student was both the President and Education Director of Skidmore’s Chapter of Hillel, a campus Resident Assistant, and Peer Academic Coach for the Environmental Studies and Sciences Program. We wish her much success in all of her future endeavors!

Zoe Elizabeth Pagliaro

Environmental Science Faculty Award, given to an outstanding graduating senior in environmental science who, through academic achievement, community engagement, and leadership, demonstrates exceptional promise in addressing environmental issues.

Zoe Elizabeth Pagliaro

Zoe epitomizes excellence – she is a rock-star peer mentor and PAC tutor extraordinaire. She improved campus through her work with SGA and the Sustainability Office. She also gives killer campus admissions tours.  We credit her with increasing our majors!  In addition to stellar grades, her summer research contributed to a manuscript under review at Science Advances, and she expanded this research with other students to build an amazing senior capstone project.  We can’t wait to see what she does next!


Eve R. Gertzman

E. Beverly Field Awardis given annually to a student who submits the most outstanding paper or project in the area of gender studies.

Eve R. Gertzman

Eve Gertzman’s thesis takes on gendered aggressions occurring in the street—catcalling—and experienced by 99% of women in the United States. She examines the psycho-social impact of this behavior on female adolescents and trans women. Her honors thesis project, a community-facing response to catcalling, involved building a website and creating an educational film on street harassment. She galvanizes viewers to take action against these tacitly condoned behaviors that are neither innocuous nor acceptable.



Roy T. Abbott III Memorial Prizeis awarded to the senior geosciences major who has demonstrated the most enthusiasm and improvement in the undergraduate program.

Kathleen Rose Garofalo

Never one to tap dance around a request for help, Geosciences could always count on Katie Garofalo. As a captain for the PAC program, Katie wrangled tutors, created Geo-pardy review sessions, and helped countless students succeed in their classes. Through it all, as an RA, a leader, and a role model to the next crop of students, she set the standard in the classroom and was recently elected to Phi Beta Kappa. We will miss her cheerful and excellent leadership.


Elliot Lempert Graham

Margaret Paulding Awardis given annually in recognition of outstanding student research in human physiology.

Elliot Lempert Graham

Elliot embodies what it is to be a student researcher. He has made substantial contributions to multiple research projects, and he is currently completing a senior thesis. As a result of these efforts, Elliot is the first author on a peer-reviewed paper and co-author on another. Elliot’s ability to analyze and interpret data far exceeds that of his peers. We fully expect his passion for research to continue in graduate school at Colorado State University.



Alice Farwell Warren Prizeis awarded annually to an outstanding student in history.

Joseph Lovejoy Gouvin

Joe Gouvin has a remarkable talent for uncovering hidden histories. Over the past year, he has unearthed the lost tales of American anarchists and used these stories to explain the origins of radical environmentalism. His undergraduate career thus offers us a keen lesson: the brightest and most inquisitive History majors have it within themselves to use the skills that they have acquired and honed at Skidmore to help us better understand the world.


Lee History Prize, established in honor of Gladys and Gordon Lee, is awarded to an outstanding student in English or European history. Gordon and Gladys Lee believed in the power of a liberal education to shape and direct not only the individual but the nation.  Colonel Lee wished to communicate to recipients of the Lee Prize his sense of this educational mission by sharing with them the following quotation from John Milton: “I call therefore a complete and generous education that which fits a man (or woman) to perform justly, skillfully, and magnanimously all the offices both private and public of peace and war.”             

Catherine Leslie Coggins

Katie Coggins has won the Lee Prize in History.  Katie came to Skidmore with a background in the field that included work with the Newport Historical Society.  At Skidmore, Katie has done sophisticated work, writing papers on topics as varied as the American Revolution, the British Raj, and modern Germany.  Her work in this wide array of fields has repeatedly impressed her faculty.  In the fall, Katie will begin graduate school in public history at Brown University.



Jo C. Hebard Memorial Prize, is awarded to an outstanding senior who, through academic achievement and community service, demonstrates particular promise of making a significant contribution in the field of health and human services.

Sento Kai Kargbo

 A self-determined Public Health major, Kai plans to pursue higher education in Global Health and Epidemiology to prepare for a career in infectious disease epidemiology.


Sophia Zhang

Joseph Garrison Parker Prizeis awarded to a junior or senior who not only excels in his or her science major but also shows promise in fine arts and/or music.

Sophia Zhang

Whether Sophia is conducting biology research or an orchestra or playing the piano, she does a masterful job while making it look easy. Sophia’s disarming modesty and sense of humor mask a strong work ethic and a sharp intellect, intellectual courage, and leadership skills. Her joy, confidence, and kindness towards others are equally evident in her work and charming personality. To quote one of her professors, “It is a joy to have such a wonderful student in music and science.”


Olivia Eve Dieterich

Jerome Solomon Ginsberg Memorial Awardis awarded to an international affairs junior or senior for academic excellence in the study of international affairs.

Olivia Eve Dieterich

Olivia Dietrich is a remarkable student. She has a 3.95 GPA, and she is diligently completing an IA Capstone examining the relationship between film portrayals of drug-related violence in Mexico and US-Mexico political discourse concerning the “war on drugs.” Her aptitude for research, ability to engage with and incorporate feedback to produce graduate-level work is exceptional. Her instructors describe her as “outstanding.” Olivia is poised to be one of International Affairs’ and Skidmore’s most promising alumni.      


Brianna Marie Worobel

Jefferson Huff Prizeis awarded to a junior or senior business student who has a distinguished academic record and has produced an outstanding project in business.

Brianna Marie Worobel

From defending to drosophila to Dean’s list – Brianna Worobel: Captain of the Women’s Soccer Team, habitual Liberty League All-Academic, Thoroughbred Society regular, Dean’s list usual, drosophila maven, and a Management and Business standout.  On the field, in the fruit fly lab, or on the hallowed grounds of Palamountain Hall, Brianna always brought her “A” game.  Huff Prize Winner, Check.  Skidmore graduate, Check. Pharmaceutical Industry, Check.

Sophia Seki Fox

Gail Moran Morton Prizeis awarded to a junior or senior whose excellence in the business major has been combined with a particularly broad liberal arts program of study, and who demonstrates the humanistic concern for personal and community relationships.

Sophia Seki Fox

Artistic and analytic, passionate yet prudent, Sophia Seki Fox is an extraordinary person and engaged citizen of the department, the college and society, all of which have benefited from her creativity and energy.  Sophia truly embodies the humanistic concern for community that exemplifies management and business in the liberal arts. She is a poised, confident young woman with incredible potential who will make the world a kinder, smarter place.


Outstanding Student in Management and Business Awardis awarded to a student whose outstanding academic achievement and interest in applied management have been evident throughout his or her career at Skidmore.

Edward Daniel Roach

Captain of the soccer team and center midfielder, Ted Roach calls the shots and sets up teammates to score – the same role he plays as peer mentor for the Freirich Business Plan Competition and as Manager of Skidmore-Saratoga Consulting Partnership. Outwardly reserved, inwardly passionate. Diplomatic, empathic, even-keeled. A good listener and a careful speaker with a deep commitment to Buffalo, the hometown that tutored him to embrace diversity, Ted joins M&T Bank’s Management Training Program. Congratulations and enjoy the Bills!


Linda G. Tanenbaum Memorial Prizeis awarded to the outstanding senior in the Department of Management and Business.

Naira Gulamo Abdula

From a challenging childhood in Mozambique to a new language and a new life in South Africa and then again at Skidmore, Naira's life is imbued with grace, gratitude and resilience. Always giving back and paying forward, she founded Edutrer to improve literacy among children in Biera. She rushed home during the devastating 2019 Mozambique Cyclone with $25,000 in donations. Now on to Credit Suisse, with a passion for microfinance and investment and a commitment to help others.


Zhiyang Chen

Robert and Marcia DeSieno Prizeis awarded for excellence in mathematics.

Zhiyang Chen

Iris is among the brightest students we have taught at Skidmore. She is one of the few students willing and capable of working out the more mathematically challenging bonus problems on exams, and she is always attentive and focused. This semester she is completing her thesis, Approximating Pi Using Rational Points and Pythagorean Triples. Her fall participation in SCUDEM helped her team earn the designation of “outstanding.” We wish Iris all the best in her future mathematical endeavors!

Ella Long

Gladys Gillman Taylor Prizeis awarded to a junior or senior in mathematics for outstanding creative work.

Ella Grace Long

Ella is a strong and creative mathematics student. She has earned a positive score on the Putnam Exam for a couple of years, and this year she tied for Skidmore’s highest score. Ella is a Schupf Scholar. She presented her summer research project, “Reconstruction and Analysis of Functional Neural Network of Optic Tectum in Xenopus Tadpoles,” at the Joint Math Meetings this year. We wish Ella all the best in her future endeavors!


Sara Lindsay Walsh

Herman Joseph Muller Prizeis awarded to the outstanding senior major in the Department of Music.

Sara Lindsay Walsh

Irrepressibly ebullient, Sara “Lindsay” Walsh possesses a zest for discovery not only in vocal performance, but also as a writer and researcher.  Her enthusiasm fuels an astonishing work ethic, which produces graduate level work in papers, presentations, and performances in opera, chorus, recitals, competitions, and festivals.  Whether in rehearsals or class discussions, Lindsay leads with kind confidence and understanding. As a soprano with an astounding vocal range and multi-dimensional beauty of tone, there is no doubt her future will soar.

Emma Catherine Berkowitz

Barbara Gruntal Allen Prizeis awarded to a student who has demonstrated excellence in the study of voice and has made a considerable contribution to the Department of Music and to the furtherance of musical activities at the College.

Emma Catherine Berkowitz

We celebrate Emma’s industrious Skidmore career of solo, operatic, and choral performances, her SEE-Beyond Award, which granted this powerful mezzo-soprano continued vocal training in Spain, and her â€śvoice” as a student representative in department meetings. We also acknowledge Emma’s brilliantly conceived senior voice recital: a gorgeous program of repertoire displaying the Victorian obsession with nationalism and exoticism, which was inspired by her English major. We wish her well as she pursues graduate work in music composition.

Joshua Henry Binkhorst

Louis Edgar Johns Awardis awarded annually by the Department of Music to the outstanding music major or minor in piano.

Joshua Henry Binkhorst

A double major in Music and Political Science, Josh Binkhorst is an exceptionally talented pianist who possesses a natural virtuosity and an insightful ability to deliver expressive communication. A pianist in the Skidmore Orchestra, Josh has performed several works, including Saint-Saens’ Concerto in G minor, for which he won the prestigious Concerto Competition. After Skidmore, Josh plans to attend graduate school for piano performance. The Music Department wishes him well as he continues to grow as an artist.


Haoyang Huang

Hartnett Prizeis awarded annually to a senior who conducts neuroscience research of outstanding quality.

Haoyang Huang

Yang carried out 2+ years of stellar research in 2 different labs! In the Vecsey lab, he examined the neurobiology of sleep regulation in fruit flies, using a variety of techniques, some of which he was the first to establish. In the Lagalwar lab, Yang researched the seeding of toxic neurodegenerative proteins, research that he is currently assembling into a manuscript. Yang’s work ethic, productivity, and excitement were truly exceptional. He has already been accepted to multiple neuroscience PhD programs!



Cooper-Barnett Prizeis awarded to an outstanding senior student with a major or combined major in philosophy.

Mya Iliana Garcia

Mya Garcia is a serious thinker who interrogates philosophical issues rigorously, thinks about them creatively, and expresses ideas clearly. Through her passionate concern for social justice, she brings philosophy to life by combining novel ways to look at timeless problems with active involvement in her community. Philosophy matters to her. She embodies the model of an engaged thinker whose ideas will matter in the world.



Eleanor A. Samworth Prizeis awarded to an outstanding senior major in physics. 

Claire Lynn Mundi

The Physics Department proudly awards the 2020 Samworth Prize to Claire Mundi.  Through her time at Skidmore, Claire has been an excellent student, an essential contributor, and an anchor of the community.  A double major in physics and geosciences, she has tutored a generation of younger students, shaped the department as a student representative to department meetings, done high-quality research, and been a joy to teach.  The department will likely survive after Claire has graduated, but we're not sure how.


Sara Lindsay Walsh

Henry C. Galant Prizeis awarded to a political science major who has excelled in the study of comparative politics.

Sara Lindsay Walsh

Throughout her time at Skidmore, Lindsay Walsh has been an exemplary political student – enthusiastic, hard-working, insightful and high-achieving. Her senior honors thesis on the utility of quotas for female parliamentarians is a very impressive, rigorous, and original piece of research that featured eight different case studies. We are thrilled that Lindsay will be continuing her studies in political science and gender studies at Penn State University next year. We wish her the best always.

Sara Lindsay Walsh

Susan Riley Gunderson Prizeis awarded to a major in political science for outstanding work in the field of American government
Sara Lindsay Walsh

Lindsay Walsh is a unique intellectual talent.  Her area of specialization is comparative politics/international relations, in which she is completing a senior honors thesis, but her considerable abilities extend into all the subdisciplines of political science. Here, she is recognized for her excellence in the study of American Government.  This fall, she will enroll in the Ph.D. program in political science at Penn State University.  Surely, she will shine there, too.


Erwin L. Levine Prizeis awarded to a major in political science who has done outstanding work in political theory, preferably in American political thought.

Margaret Anne Warner

Maggie Warner is one of the most measured and thoughtful students that we have seen in the political science department. She combines openness to new arguments with the self-discipline necessary to follow those arguments wherever they might lead. Maggie asks incisive questions, always keeping her professors on their toes. She is also a graceful writer who makes her arguments forcefully while attending to textual subtleties many students often miss.

Lauren Elizabeth Genninger Goldfarb

Henry T. Moore Prizeis awarded to a political science major who has excelled in the study of international relations.

Lauren Elizabeth Genninger Goldfarb

Lauren’s deep interest in journalism, Middle Eastern Politics, and democracy has not only culminated in a meaningful senior thesis, but also benefited her peers and instructors. Her thesis explores how journalists in Morocco understand and navigate the “red lines” around issues of monarchy, religion, and territorial integrity. It provides a nuanced examination of a specific case that raises questions beyond the borders of Morocco.  The political science faculty are happy to honor her with this well-deserved recognition.



Amy Eisenberg Memorial Awardis awarded to a junior or senior who submits a proposal for research in educational psychology.

Fanni Ajna Kertesz

Ajna’s thesis—which \she dreamed up while doing a summer internship in one of the top developmental psychology labs in the country—focused on understanding how accents impact the credibility of speakers. Her research is vital for the field of education, and will provide teachers with information about how young children reason about accents. Ajna will be continuing her studies as a PhD student in Cristine Legare’s lab at UT Austin.


Michele Kelly Memorial Awardis awarded annually to a student in the Department of Psychology on the basis of excellence in independent research within the department.

Merrick Ilana Fahrenwald

Merrick is an incredibly sophisticated and thoughtful scientist. Her independent thesis project on how children process stereotypically-gendered occupations (like “surgeon” and “nurse”) while reading masterfully combines her broad interests in cognitive, social, and developmental psychology into an eye-tracking experiment that bridges these subfields.  Her research is carefully crafted, theoretically sound, statistically complex, and fills an important gap in the previous literature.  The department applauds her accomplishments to date and wishes her the very best!

Isabelle Esther Siegel

Krawiec Psychology Prizeis awarded to a psychology major at the end of the junior year who has achieved excellence in work in the field.

Isabelle Esther Siegel

Isabelle Siegel is an exceptionally promising clinician and academic. She has been a stand-out in the classroom, in the laboratory, and in clinical field experience. She has served the larger community, working locally with people with disabilities, and she has conducted independent research in both social and clinical psychology labs. She recently presented research at a national conference, and she is developing an exceptional 2-study senior thesis research project. We are excited to see the successes that surely lie ahead!

Megan Elizabeth Wootten

Krawiec Scholaris awarded annually to a graduating psychology major to support advanced study in the field.

Megan Elizabeth Wootten

Megan is an amazing young scientist who has demonstrated excellence and dedication in the classroom and in the lab.  The breadth of her research experiences includes work on the influence of emotional valence and personality traits in reading processes and on bridging the racial gap in interracial interactions.  In addition to the scientific skills that Megan has acquired, Megan has also developed a beautiful passion for scientific discovery, evident to all those around her.

Samantha Anne Rapp

Caren Lane Sass Awardis given to a senior major in the Department of Psychology who shows great promise for future achievement.

Samantha Anne Rapp

Sam is an extraordinarily promising researcher, who expresses a remarkable curiosity about addressing social justice-related questions using scientific methodology. Her impressive accomplishments include obtaining a perfect 4.0 GPA, and completing an ambitious research independent study. We have no doubt that she will continue to develop as a skilled psychological scientist!


Elizabeth Hannah Levy

Mary Zeiss Stange Awardin Religion is awarded annually in recognition of outstanding accomplishment by a senior major.

Elizabeth Hannah Levy

As a four-year member and two-time captain of the swim team, a world traveler, Italian minor, and honors thesis writer, Elizabeth embodies the Skidmore ethos. Her thesis applies intersectionality theory to the long history of anti-Semitism in France, exposing how its roots are entangled with discourses of gender, race and nationalism.  An engaged, hard-working, and collegial student, she always elevates class discussion in novel and surprising ways. We are proud of your work and achievements. We wish you the best!



Tim Brown Scholar Athlete Awardis awarded annually to a senior who exhibits an outstanding level of dedication, discipline, and accomplishment in both his or her academic and athletic pursuits at Skidmore.

Renee Ruiquian Karchere-Sun

Renee Karchere-Sun has epitomized what it means to be a student-athlete at the collegiate level.  An outstanding student and Chemistry major, Renee was able to present her research at the International Global Atmospheric Conference in Kagawa, Japan in 2018. According to her advisor, “Renee is not only an outstanding athlete, but also a player in the globally-engaged STEM workforce.”  Renee is captain of the nationally ranked women’s tennis team, and she has achieved Thoroughbred Society status every semester. 



Hilda and Morris Betten Awardis given to a graduating senior who has shown outstanding interest and achievement in the study of social work.

Shana Kleiner

You are incredibly articulate, deeply thoughtful, and remarkably creative.  You possess a beautiful balance of intellectual curiosity and heartfelt passion, reflected in all your endeavors.  Whether through your coursework, work as co-founder of RestoreMore, fieldwork as a school social work intern, or your research and writing on a range of social work issues, you excel. You have demonstrated outstanding achievement in your social work education, practice, and research. It is our absolute pleasure to have you as a colleague. 


Rebecca Feldherr

Everett V. Stonequist Awardis given annually to a graduating senior who has shown outstanding interest and achievement in the study of sociology,

Rebecca Raveena Feldherr

Rebecca was an incisive, engaged student of social inequality from her first sociology class. The quality of her work has grown more impressive with each passing term. Her ambitious senior project used multilevel historical and contemporary data to explore the relationship between the proportion of slaves in a county in 1860 and whites’ racial resentment in that same county in 2018. She employed statistical techniques typically introduced in graduate school. Rebecca presented her research at the Eastern Sociological Society meetings.

Kelly Tran

Nancy Beth Rautenberg Memorial Awardis given to a graduating senior sociology major who has combined commitment to the study of sociology with active student leadership.

Kelly Tran

Kelly is just the kind of thoughtful, committed scholar-citizen the Rautenberg award seeks to honor. She brings sharp intellect, social consciousness, and big heart to everything she does – including peer academic coaching in Sociology, Intergroup Relations dialogue facilitation and curricular development, and diversity-related work in Admissions. Kelly recently presented her research on Asian education and mobility at the Eastern Sociological Society meetings. She will continue studying educational access, inclusion, and reform in graduate school next fall. We are beyond proud!


Nicholas Charles Leonard

Clifford Memorial Prizeis awarded annually to an outstanding junior or senior theater major.

Nicholas Charles Leonard

Nick exemplifies the Theater Department’s ideal of the well-rounded theater artist. Nick is an actor, a director, and he works in theater management. He acted in RADIUM GIRLS and THE HARVEST, directed the Lab production of BALTIMORE WALTZ, and recently was the Assistant Director for the site-specific production of OFF THE SHELF at the TANG. His continued growth as a theater artist, and his enthusiastic leadership in the Theater Company, serve as an example for all those who will follow.


Theater Prizeis awarded in recognition of a senior theater major who has shown excellence and commitment within a particular concentration in the major.

Audrey Elizabeth Erickson

For her exceptional abilities as a stage director, Audrey Erickson receives The Theater Prize. In her work on Maria Irene Fornes’s Mud and Clare Barron’s Dance Nation, Audrey exhibited professional caliber directing talent. In both formulation and execution, Audrey has distinguished herself as uniquely gifted. She has revealed an extraordinary ability to conceptualize fully realized productions; she has also led productive, joyous, and generous collaborations with designers, actors and dramaturges, leading to polished final productions.



Chinese Prizeis awarded in recognition of outstanding academic accomplishment by a junior or senior student of Chinese language and literature.

Tenzin Yungdrung Tashi

After a few semesters hitting his stride, Tenzin Tashi took his study of Chinese from 101 all the way to a straight A record in advanced classes at the most rigorous and prestigious Chinese program in the Sinophone world, ACC in Beijing, where he pledged to speak only Chinese for an entire semester. For this accomplishment, with such dedication and good cheer, his professors are proud to award this year's Chinese Prize to Tenzin Tashi.

Alexandre Recher

Lynne L. Gelber Prizeis awarded annually to an outstanding senior French major.

Alexandre Recher

In his senior thesis, Alex bridges intellectual traditions and interrogates the limits of decolonization. The novel ł˘â€™Ă©t°ů˛ą˛Ô˛µ±đ°ů serves as a counterpoint in Alex’s original study of Sudanese author Tayeb Salih’s Season of Migration to the North, considered a postcolonial rewriting of Camus’ absurdist classic. Alex’s astute reading of Salih’s novel demonstrates that neither colonizers nor the formerly colonized can fully escape the indelible effects of western colonization. His French professors wish him all the best.

Derrick McAllister

Consulate General Prizeis awarded to an outstanding student of German in the Department of World Languages and Literatures.

Derrick Trust McAllister

Derrick, an IA/German double major, is a trailblazer. After beginning German, he interned in Berlin, took intermediate and advanced courses simultaneously, became a teaching assistant, studied in Freiburg, and never looked back. His remarkable senior thesis examines how the German propaganda campaign against France’s stationing of African soldiers to occupy the Rhineland after World War I continues to influence anti-black prejudice in Germany today. Appropriately, Derrick has been awarded a Fulbright to teach English in Germany next year. 

Elizabeth Hannah Levy

Dante Awardis given for outstanding accomplishment by a student in Italian.

Elizabeth Hannah Levy

A Renaissance woman, Elizabeth Levy is a multi-dimensional champion: a star on Skidmore’s swim team and in the classroom. She has demonstrated excellence both in Religious Studies and in Italian. Elizabeth learned French at an early age, and she deftly applied those linguistic skills to the Italian classroom.  A summer program abroad in Perugia deepened her writing and speaking skills. In addition to her academic achievements, Elizabeth is a caring classmate. Team Italia will miss her.


Japanese Prizeis awarded in recognition of outstanding academic accomplishment by a senior student of Japanese language and literature.

Zhengyi Liu

Zhengyi Liu has a genuine and profound passion for Japanese culture and language. Since his first visit to Japan in the sixth grade, he fell in love with the country and has since that visit been eager to learn more about it. In his Japanese courses, his performance has been exceptional. He was the first in his class to finish all the courses for the Japanese minor. His contribution to the Japanese program has been invaluable. Congratulations!

Olivia Eve Dieterich

Sonja P. Karsen Prizein Spanish is awarded annually in recognition of outstanding accomplishment by a senior major.

Olivia Eve Dieterich

Olivia’s work has been a model of creative thinking and critical analysis. She is the kind of student all professors wish to have in their classes: intelligent, insightful, and dedicated. Her accomplishments in the Spanish program are numerous. She has produced excellent interdisciplinary work in literary and cultural studies. She started as a first-year student in Intermediate Spanish, spent a semester in Argentina, and has worked tirelessly to master the language. Olivia’s efforts and determination earn her this prestigious prize.


Ryan McNeill

Palamountain Prose Awardsare awarded to the students submitting the best examples of expository prose in English, unrestricted as to subject matter. (1 of 2)

Ryan McNeill

Never has a student so fully understood and so succinctly conveyed how northern white Americans struggled to adopt a new national identity that preserved “common man” democracy (class) while creating room for a people once enslaved (race).  With empathy, nuance, and brisk, muscular prose, Ryan excavates Whitman’s hopes and anxieties about a new America, capturing tensions between race, class, and democracy that Americans have yet to resolve. 

Liz Tybush

Palamountain Prose Awardsare awarded to the students submitting the best examples of expository prose in English, unrestricted as to subject matter. (2 of 2)

Liz Tybush

Liz Tybush’s essay, â€śFinding the Tin in the Tin Woodman:  An Ozdyssey," examines the cultural impact of L. Frank Baum's novel, The Wizard of Oz (1900) and its various adaptations.  In her essay, Liz asks a deceptively simple question: “Why tin for the Tin Woodman?”  Her response is anything but simple, analyzing in a deft and playful way the resiliency and sustainability of Baum’s endearing character by spanning disciplines as diverse as literary criticism, film analysis, political science, and even chemistry.