Faculty-Staff Achievements, November 20, 2017

Dean Mendes
Dean Mendes, associate director/coordinator for multicultural recruitment, was selected to serve
as an at-large board member by the , which represents university admissions representatives and high school college counselors
from around the world.
In the News

Christopher Mann
Christopher Mann, assistant professor of political science, was interviewed on WAMC radio's Midday Magazine program on Nov. 7 in a segment titled "Voters To Select Westchester, Rockland And Orange County Execs." The program is available, with transcript, .

David Snider
David Snider, lecturer in arts administration, was interviewed Nov. 17 on WAMC radio's . Snyder is director of The Mystery of Edward Drood Nov. 17–Dec. 3 at Hubbard Hall in Cambridge, N.Y., where Snider is executive and
artistic director.
Please send submissions to Paul Dwyer in the Office of Communications and Marketing.