Faculty-Staff Achievements, November 6, 2017

David Vella
David Vella, professor of mathematics, gave a lecture to the undergraduate Mathematics Club at
the University of New Mexico at Albuquerque on Oct. 3. The talk was titled "Words
Within Words—A Recursive Approach to the Catalan Numbers," describing some of Vella's
recent research in combinatorics.
Publications and Exhibitions

Jason Breves
Jason Breves, assistant professor of biology, co-authored an article in the Journal of Molecular Endocrinology titled "." His co-authors include Skidmore alumni Paige Keith '16 and Bethany Hunt '17, both biology majors. The article describes a collaborative study with researchers at the University of Hawaii, Toyo University and Shimane University regarding the endocrine control of salt and water balance in tilapia.

Sonia Silva
Sonia Silva, associate professor of anthropology, published an essay titled "" in The Request and the Gift in Religious and Humanitarian Endeavors, part of the asking and giving in humanitarian and religious discourses. In her essay, Silva shows
that requests and gifts in the realm of witchcraft may constitute leaps of faith that
are dangerous but also necessary to undertake.
In the News

Kristie Ford
Kristie Ford, professor of sociology, was quoted in an Oct. 31 New York Times story titled "."

Amy Frappier
Amy Frappier, associate professor of geosciences, appeared in a NOVA episode titled "," part of the documentary series Volatile Earth. The epsiode, which aired on PBS
Nov. 1, included a segment with Frappier, shot at Skidmore, discussing her research
on hurricanes. Her appearance on the show was covered in a Nov. 2 and in the on Oct. 31.
Please send submissions to Paul Dwyer in the Office of Communications and Marketing.