Faculty-Staff Achievements, February 13, 2017
Publications and Exhibitions

Catherine Golden
Catherine Golden, professor of English, published an essay titled "The Power of the Postal Service in Gilman's Turned: Exposing Adultery and Empowering Women to Find a Meaningful Place" in a collection titled Charlotte Perkins Gilman and a Woman's Place in America (2017, University of Alabama Press, Jill Bergman, ed.). In addition, she has published a review of George Du Maurier: Illustrator, Author, Critic Beyond Svengali, edited by Simon Cooke and Paul Goldman for the last issue of Victorians Institute Journal 43 (2015): 267–71.
In the News

Paul Arciero
Paul Arciero, professor of health and exercise sciences, was quoted in a Feb. 8 Men's Fitness article titled "." Arciero discussed Skidmore-based research on a fitness program called PRISE, for "Protein-pacing, Resistance exercise, Interval sprints, Stretching, and Endurance exercise."

Meg Estapa
Meg Estapa, assistant professor of geosciences, was the topic of a Feb. 7 WTEN-TV story and video "." Estapa is on a research cruise in the Pacific to study the way phytoplanktons affect ocean sequestration of carbon.

Nicholas Junkerman
Nicholas Junkerman, assistant professor of English, was quoted in a Feb. 7 story in the Chronicle of Higher Education titled "." Junkerman included Donald Trump's acceptance speech at the Republican national
convention in his "Utopia/Dystopia" course.
Please send submissions to Paul Dwyer in the Office of Communications and Marketing.