Faculty-Staff Achievements, January 30, 2017

Catherine Golden, Tillman Nechtman
Catherine Golden, professor of English, and Tillman Nechtman, associate professor of history, gave a presentation on the history of tea in Victorian
Britain and worldwide on January 29 at the Bethlehem Public Library. The program was
titled "."
Publications and Exhibitions

Kimberley Frederick, Steve Ives, Sara Lagalwar
Kimberley Frederick, professor of chemistry, Steve Ives, assistant professor of health and exercise science, and Sara Lagalwar, assistant professor and Williamson chair of neuroscience, published a methods manuscript
in the Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE) titled "." Coauthors included Skidmore neuroscience majors Emily Carbone '14, Austin Ferro
'15, Evan Marzouk '16, Kailen Polley '17, Jessilyn Hartman '17, and Donna Nguyen '18,
and Skidmore chemistry major Asher Siegel '16. The paper and accompanying instructional
video .
In the News

Sheldon Solomon
Sheldon Solomon, professor of psychology, was quoted in a Jan. 26 story on the Trueviralnews website
titled "." The story cited Solomon's research on the fear of death and its relation to citizens'
support for President Trump.
Please send submissions to Paul Dwyer in the Office of Communications and Marketing.