Faculty-Staff Achievements, November 14, 2016

Ian Berry
Ian Berry, Dayton director and professor of liberal studies, represented the Saratoga Springs
Arts Commission at a City Council meeting to propose a public art policy. The presentation
was reported in a Nov. 6 Saratogian story titled "."

Slow-Wave by
Fabian Lopez
Publications and Exhibitions
Paintings by , assistant professor of art, are on exhibit at the Lake George Arts Project's Courthouse
Gallery in the Village of Lake George. The show is titled ".

Lily Sun, David Domozych
Lily Sun, microscopy technology and research coordinator, and David Domozych, professor of biology, are co-authors of a paper titled "" in Nature Biotechnology. The paper reports on novel molecular techniques used to improve the quality of one
the world's most important fruits. Domozych was also author of recent paper titled
"" in Frontiers in Plant Science. That paper describes the emergence of this group of green algae in modern molecular,
cellular and ecological research.

Gordon Thompson
Gordon Thompson, professor of music, had an opinion piece published Nov. 9 in the Times Union titled "'." Thompson is currently in England to teach the seminar "'Swinging' London, 1966."
In the News

Chris Mann
Chris Mann, assistant professor of political science, was quoted in a Nov. 8 San Antonio Express-News article titled "." Mann noted that traditional precinct voting on election day is giving way to voting

Minita Sanghvi, Ron Seyb
Ian Berry, Dayton director and professor of liberal studies, Minita Sanghvi, assistant professor of management and business, and Ron Seyb, associate professor of political science, were on November 8. The show was part of election coverage at the the Frances Young Tang
Teaching Museum and Art Gallery's "More Perfect Union" exhibit.

Corinne Moss-Racusin
Corinne Moss-Racusin, assistant professor of psychology, was quoted in a Nov. 9 article on the ABC News
website titled "."
Ron Seyb, associate professor of political science, was quoted in a Nov. 9 Times Union story titled "."

Denise Smith
Denise Smith, professor of health and exercise sciences, was quoted in a Nov. 9 story on the website
Firehouse titled "." Smith, who has done extensive research on firefighter safety, discussed the advantages
that new guidelines will offer to primary-care providers in assessing firefighters'
Please send submissions to Paul Dwyer in the Office of Communications and Marketing.