Faculty-Staff Achievements, July 25, 2016

Jennifer Mueller
Jennifer Mueller, assistant professor of sociology and associate director of the Intergroup Relations Program, is a visiting scholar at Cornell University this summer. She participated in a National Endowment for the Humanities institute on "Perception and Presupposition" and gave a presentation titled "."
Publications and Exhibitions

Gordon Thompson
Gordon Thompson, professor of music, had an article published in the July 21 edition of the Oxford University Blog titled ""

Jeffrey O. Segrave
Jeffrey O. Segrave, professor of health and exercise sciences, had an article titled "The magical world
of Quidditch: A fictive model of gender equity" published in SIGNAL, the International Reading Association's Special Interest Group: Network on Adolescent
Literature (XXXIX(2):34-41).
In the News

Christopher Mann
Christopher Mann, assistant professor of political science, was quoted in a July 18 Daily Gazette story titled "."
Please send submissions to Paul Dwyer in the Office of Communications and Marketing.