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Skidmore College

Faculty-Staff Achievements, March 31, 2014

April 1, 2014


Denise L. Smith, professor of health and exercise sciences, was interviewed on Fire Engineering Talk Radio, Episode 738: Firemedically Speaking, about “Sudden Cardiac Events in Firefighters.” Smith and colleague Stefanos Kales of Harvard School of Public Health discussed their research and presented recommendations to reduce cardiac-related fatalities in the fire service. The show aired March 14, 2014, and is available as a .

In addition, Smith presented the course “Understanding the Physical Effects of Firefighting” Feb. 20 via webcast. She and co-instructor Dr. James Brown (program director, Indiana University Firefighter Health & Safety Research) were hosted by Bobby Halton (editor, Fire Engineering) and presented a course designed to translate firefighter health and safety research into practice and policy.The webcast was sponsored by Fire Engineering and W. L. Gore & Associates and is available . 

Gordon Thompson, professor and chair, Department of Music, gave the last of his "'She Loves You': The Beatles and New York" talks for the Egg Performing Arts Center's New York Living Legacy Project March 30 at the Bethlehem Public Library, Delmar, N.Y.


Jennifer Bonner, assistant professor of biology, has published a paper titled "Dissection and Lateral Mounting of Zebrafish Embryos:  Analysis of Spinal Cord Development," in the Journal of Visualized Experimentation. With her student co-authors Aaron Beck '14 and Roland Watt '15, Bonner describes micromanipulation of zebrafish embryos for conventional and confocal laser scanning microscopy in written and video format. The open access article may be viewed . 

Michael Janairo, assistant director for engagement, Tang Teaching Museum, had a short story, "The Duck," published in the Feb. 23 edition of the online literary journal , and a short story, "The Advanced Ward," published in February in the science fiction anthology Veterans of the Future Wars from Martinus Publishing. He was also interviewed on the blog "" about his short fiction.

Linda Simon circus book

Linda Simon, professor emerita of English, is the author of a new book titled The Greatest Shows on Earth—A History of the Circus (Reaktion Books, Ltd., 2014). According to the publisher, “Traveling back to the circus’s early days, Linda Simon takes us to eighteenth-century hippodromes in Great Britain and intimate one-ring circuses in nineteenth-century Paris, where Toulouse-Lautrec and Picasso became enchanted with aerialists and clowns. She introduces us to P. T. Barnum, James Bailey, and the enterprising Ringling Brothers and reveals how they created the golden age of American circuses.” Read more .

Denise L. Smith, professor of health and exercise sciences, is coauthor of a paper titled “Core temperature and heart rate response to repeated bouts of firefighting activities” published by Ergonomics, Vol. 56, No. 9, 2013. The study was conducted at the University of Illinois Fire Service Institute and funded by a research grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.


Please submit items to Andrea Wise, Office of Communications.