Skidmore continues to take COVID-19 seriously

August 29, 2023

Although COVID-19 may no longer officially constitute a public health emergency, it is still present and Skidmore College is remaining vigilant to help ensure that our community stays safe. 

“I can completely understand the desire to have a ‘thank goodness it’s over, I don’t want to think about it’ mindset. But the reality is that COVID-19 is still present, can still cause significant illness, and hasn’t settled into a predictable pattern, so we need to continue to take precautions,” said Abigail Caldwell, director of health services at Skidmore.  

That’s why the College’s COVID-19 Logistics Working Group has been meeting throughout the summer and continues to meet every week to review the latest information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), New York State Department of Health, and Saratoga County’s Department of Health about outbreaks and new strains of COVID-19.  

As the College closely monitors trends and cases, it will communicate any changes to policies and procedures in a clear and prompt manner. Skidmore's Campus Planning Page remains a resource for up-to-date COVID-19-related policies, FAQs, and other information. 

Although Skidmore no longer requires the COVID-19 vaccine for students, faculty, and staff, the College — along with the CDC and healthcare providers — strongly recommends updated vaccination for all community members

“We know that vaccine immunity wanes over time, so getting the most updated vaccine is an effective way of boosting protection from severe illness and hospitalization and keeping ourselves as healthy and safe as possible this school year. The new vaccine will also target the most prevalent variants currently circulating,” Caldwell said. “The fall and winter season always means more respiratory sickness, including the flu and likely COVID.  The weather changes, people go inside and are in closer proximity in school, dorms, classrooms and at holiday celebrations, so it is best to be as protected as possible before predictable spikes in these viruses.” 

Skidmore will host several vaccine clinics on campus this fall. 

Updated COVID-19 vaccinations are expected to be ready in the coming weeks and will be made available as soon as possible to Skidmore community members.  

The flu also causes illness in millions of Americans each year, and Skidmore has already scheduled flu clinics for Sept. 21 and 22. Students and employees can register for the clinics online.  

“My hope is that we can use the tools we have and that we know work — including vaccines, masks, and staying home when sick — to protect ourselves and our community so that we can stay safe, healthy and engaged in classes, sports, and other activities that we are here to enjoy,” Caldwell continued.  

Masking remains a powerful way to protect others, and Skidmore will continue to provide KN95 masks to all students, faculty, and staff. 

“Although masking is no longer required on campus, Skidmore remains a mask-supportive and mask-friendly community,” said Julia Routbort, associate dean of student affairs for health and wellness. “Our Skidmore community is a caring community. An important way that we can show our concern for others is to work together to keep ourselves and our community safe. We’re all so excited to back together on campus for the 2023-24 academic year.”  

The COVID-19 Logistics Working Group members are Adrian Bautista, dean of students and vice president for student affairs (co-chair); Sarah Vero, general counsel and vice president for human resources (co-chair); Abigail Caldwell, director of health services; Elizabeth Stauderman, vice president for communications and marketing; Pat Fehling, associate dean of the faculty and professor of health and human physiological sciences; and Julia Routbort, associate dean of student affairs for health and wellness. 

For more information about COVID-19 policies, procedures, and FAQs, visit Skidmore College’s Campus Planning Webpage

Students and employees can register for Sept. 21-22 flu clinics online. Updated COVID-19 vaccinations are expected to be ready in the coming weeks and will be made available to Skidmore community members as soon as possible.