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Skidmore College
Media and Film Studies

Spring 2023 Events

Screening and Panel Discussion: Outta The Muck

Tue, Apr 11 @ 7:00pm, Davis Aud -Skidmore College
Family, football and history come to life in an intimate portrait of the Dean family, longtime residents of the historic town of Pahokee, Florida. Take a journey back home, with filmmaker Ira McKinley, to the land of sugarcane, as he reconnects with his niece Bridget and nephew Alvin and explores their shared family history that spans seven generations. Told through stories that transcend space and time, Outta The Muck presents a community, and a family, that resists despair with love, remaining fiercely self-determined, while forging their own unique narrative of Black achievement.

Presented with co-directors Ira McKinley and Bhawin Suchak in attendance for Q&A. 

Sponsored by Skidmore's MDOCS and Media & Film Studies


Screening and Panel Discussion: Call Me Anytime, I'm Not Leaving the House (2022) and Not Going Quietly (2021)

Thu, March 23 @ 7:00pm, Gannett Aud - Skidmore College

Two powerful new documentaries, both distributed by PBS’s prestigious POV -

Not Going Quietly (2021) follows Ady Barkan (Politico's "Most Powerful Activist in America") as his life is upended when he isdiagnosed with ALS. After a confrontation with powerful Senator Jeff Flake on an airplane goes viral, catapulting him to national fame, Ady and a motley crew of activists ignite a once-in-a-generation political movement, barnstorming across the country to empower people to confront their elected officials with emotional, personal stories to demand health-care justice. 

Call Me Anytime, I’m Not Leaving the House (2022) presents an even more intimate slice of life in the shadow of big political news, as two Ukrainian sisters – one recently emigrated to Brooklyn, the other in war-besieged Odessa – long to be reunited and reminisce about their homeland. 

Followed by a Q&A with the Skidmore alums who created and worked on them: Sanjna Selva ’21 (Call Me Anytime); Adam Simon ’19 (Not Going Quietly); Aster Gross ’16 (Not Going Quietly); and Amanda Roddy ’14 (Not Going Quietly)

Sponsored by Skidmore's MDOCS, Media & Film Studies, Health and Wellness, and Career Development Center


Screening and Panel Discussion: Losing Ground (1982)

Tue, Feb 7 @ 6:00pm, Gannett Aud -Skidmore College

A groundbreaking, filmic exploration of the tensions among passion, desire, reason, aesthetics, and partnering written and directed by Skidmore alumna Kathleen Collins. Losing Ground is one of the first feature-length motion pictures directed by a Black American Woman, the film has recently been inducted by the National Film Registry.   

Followed by a panel discussion with Ruby Fludzinski (Documentarist), and Samantha N. Sheppard (Cinema and Media Studies, Cornell).

Sponsored by Media & Film Studies, Tang Teaching Museum, and MDOCS
