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Skidmore College
Environmental Studies and Sciences

bannerPAST EVENTS 2011-2012

Please also see the Event Calendar link for Environmental Studies: 

Monday, September 19th 7:00 p.m. Gannett Auditorium--The Annual ES Welcome Reception & Keynote Address featuring Lois Gibbs,  and environmental icon for her activist role in organizing The Love Canal Homeowners Association. Her keynote address "What's All the Fracking Fuss? Environmental Health and Justice Issues in New York from Love Canal to Hydrofracking", will be followed by our annual Welcome Reception in the Palamountain Lobby featuring local environmental groups including Saratoga PLAN, Hudson Crossing, Environmental Advocates of NY, The Dorm Authority of New York and others. This is our signature, kick-off event of the year and should not be missed!!! Please consider joining us and encouraging your students to do the same. In the case of a packed house, the talk will be simulcast in Davis Auditorium. 

Tuesday, October 4th 8:00 p.m. Ladd 307--The First Annual State of the Environment Report from ES Study Abroad Students. This event will feature a panel of students returning from study abroad to talk about environmental issues across the globe and how their experiences have helped to transform them as well as complement and connect to their Skidmore careers.

Saratoga Film Forum Screening of
  showing Thursday-Friday, Oct. 13-14 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, Oct. 16 7:00 p.m. The Sunday screening will be followed by a panel discussion including Skidmore Associate Professor, Rik Scarce, Chair of the Department of Anthropology, Sociology and Social Work and Skidmore student Becks Kolins ’12. Rik is the author of multiple books including "Eco-Warriors: Understanding the Radical Environmental Movement"(Left Coast Press, 2006) and "Contempt of Court: A Scholar's Battle for Free Speech from Behind Bars" (Alta Mira Press, 2005).  Becks, a senior environmental and gender studies major, was arrested last summer for participating in a two week treetop sit-in protest of mountaintop removal mining practices in West Virginia.  Becks faces three misdemeanor charges for trespassing, conspiracy, and littering, and a lawsuit from the coal company.  Becks plans to plead not guilty and take this criminal case to trial.
Tickets are $5 w/student ID or $7 general admission. More info at the .

Tuesday, October 18th, Meet & Greet with ES Alum Jenna Ringelheim ('02)--Dana Atrium--11:40-1:30
We will have pizza and cookies available so you can grab a bite and chat with Jenna about life as an ES major and after. At Skidmore, Jenna was a double major with ES & Anthropology. She has gone  on to a very diverse and successful career that included a Masters in Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning from Tufts University. She has also worked for a variety of non-profits including, The Northwest Earth Institute, Wild Gift, The Trust for Public Land, and the Nature Conservancy. She is currently doing private consulting while also enrolled as an MBA student in Sustainable Business at the Bainbridge Graduate Institute.  She is a published author, and a Senior Fellow of the Environmental Leadership Program (ELP). She has a a keen interest in transformational leadership and personal development and is working to help people define their life goals through various workshops that she leads through ELP and on her own.

Thursday, October 20th 6:00 p.m. Gannett Auditorium-- The Long Emergency vs. NYC's Resurgency: A Debate about the Future of Cities with Paul Steely While,  and James Howard Kunstler, . Moderated by . There will be a "meet & greet" in the Palamountain Lobby before the debate from 5-6 p.m. Note: Kunstler's recent article in Orion Magazine (July/August 2011) "" might be of interest.

Saturday, October 22nd 10 a.m.-3:00 p.m. North Woods Service Day. More information to come. Contact Riley Neugebauer at x5865 or rneugeba@skidmore.edu

Friday, October 28th 4:30 p.m. Dana 285--ES Group Advising Session for students who are considering majoring or minoring in Environmental Studies. 

Tuesday, November 1st, 7 p.m. The Spa, Case Center-- The Beehive Design Collective: "The True Cost of Coal". Come view the Beehive Collective's amazing new portable mural called the "The True Cost of Coal" and a discussion. The Beehive Design Collectiveare internationally known for their narrative-based community activism and we are lucky to have them come to talk to us about a huge environmental injustice close to home that many people do not know much about. Sponsored by EAC & the Speaker's Bureau. Contact Aurora Pinkey-Drobnis or apinkeyd@skidmore.edu for more information.

Wednesday, November 2nd, 7 p.m. Davis Auditorium-- Lecture by Josh Stearns: "Media, Civic Engagement & Sustainability". This lecture will touch on the current state of media, and how civic engagement and sustainability come into play as related to this topic. Josh has a background in media and policy, conservation work, and civic engagement and is   Sponsored by Sustainable Skidmore. Contact Riley Neugebauer at 580-5865 or rneugeba@skidmore.edufor more information.

Thursday, November 3rd, 7 p.m., Emerson Auditorium--Mountain Top Removal Roadshow. This presentation by Dave Cooper, an active member of , a direct action environmental group located throughout Appalachia fighting against mountaintop removal is a stand-alone event or a great follow up tothe Beehive Collective's "True Cost of Coal" presentation. Cooper will go into more details about mountaintop removal and its effect on local communities. Additionally, Squirrel Bracken and Skidmore student Becks Kolins will be speaking about their 30 day tree sit over the summer on a mountaintop removal site in order to stop destructive blasting. This presentation will highlight the role of civil disobedience and direct action within environmental activism. Any questions feel free to ask becks at beckskolins@gmail.com

Monday, November 21st 7:00 p.m. Davis Auditorium-- Alumni Story: 30 Years of Organic Farming with Skidmore Alum Moie Crawford who will share her experiences as an organic farmer with her husband Jim, in Pennsylvania. They own and operate , a certified organic vegetable farm, in South-Central Pennsylvania, and have been a part of the organic farming movement for over 30 years. Moie will share her thoughts about her path from Skidmore College to organic farming, why she chose to pursue organic farming, and what importance sustainable agriculture holds for our society. Students may also be interested in their . Co-sponsored by Sustainable Skidmore & The Department of Management & Business.

Monday, December 12th 5:00 p.m. Dana Atrium--ES End of Year Celebration for all ES faculty, staff, students and friends!


Register at 

Wednesday, February 15th 7:00 p.m. Bolton 280--Career Workshop. Pre-Networking and Resume Workshop
RSVP by Feb. 10th to sustainability@skidmore.edu

Thursday, February 16th 7:00 p.m. Gannett Auditorium--Lecture by Jeff Goodell. Rolling stone writer and best selling author of "Big Coal: The Dirty Secret Behind America's Energy Future" and "How to Cool The Planet: Geoengineering and the Audacious Quest to Fix the Earth's Climate".

Friday, February 17th noon-6 p.m. Gannett Lobby---Panelists, Career Networking Fair and Informational Tables
With speakers, panelists, and informational tables and a career networking session for students, this will be an event to help connect and educate students, faculty, staff, and regional community members about what is happening and what is possible when it comes to clean energy solutions. This event will highlight the new energy economy, and will include panels on the following topics: business & energy efficiency, business & innovation, transportation alternatives, homeowner solutions, Skidmore's progress, and policy around wind, solar, and hydrofracking.
Register at 


Thursday, March 1 4:45 - 6 p.m. Dana 285---- Environmental Careers Pizza Party. Pete Desrochers, a senior environmental engineer and LEED AP with the  (DASNY), Georgie Nugent, an environmental engineer and , an architecture, engineering and surveying firm, and Steve LeFevre, a professional geologist with  will discuss environmental careers in general, what education and pathways exist, how they got to their positions, and how technical/professional organizations might help you. They are all  members of one organization called the  (AWMA), whose mission is "to assist in the professional development and critical environmental decision-making of our members to benefit society." The Albany chapter of the AWMA provides free membership for the first year for interested students and has regular luncheons with speakers and professional networking opportunities as well as free webinars. Applications will be available. 

Wednesday, March 21st 7:30 p.m. Gannett Auditorium---Screening of "Green Fire: Aldo Leopold and a Land Ethic for Our Time". Green Fire was produced in partnership between the , the , and the . The film provocatively examines Leopold’s thinking, renewing his idea of a land ethic for a population facing 21st century ecological challenges. Leopold's biographer, conservation biologist Dr. Curt Meine, serves as the film's on-screen guide.


Friday, March 30th from 2:30  - 3:30 in Dana 285 -- "Special Advising Meeting For Students Interested in Environmental Studies."

In anticipation of schedule-planning for the fall semester, the Environmental Studies Program will hold an ES-interest meeting to introduce students to the ES curriculum and answer questions about course selection, the ES major, and the ES minor.

Professors Karen Kellogg and Michael Marx will be on hand to answer questions and work with individuals or in small groups about course selection and long term schedule planning.
Mid-afternoon refreshments will be served!