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Skidmore College
Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs


April 6, 2012
Gannett Auditorium


I. Approval of Minutes - February 24, 2012

II. President's Report - Philip A. Glotzbach

I. Faculty Development Committee - Joel Smith

III. Vice President for Academic Affairs Report - Susan Kress

I. Dean of Special Programs Report - Paul Calhoun

IV. Old Business

I. Curriculum Committee - Lisa Aronson

I. Discussion Board

II. Vice President for Academic Affairs - Susan Kress

I. MOTION - Revision to Part One, Article X of the Faculty Handbook

III. Faculty Executive Committee - Barbara Black

I. MOTION - Revision to Part Two, II, 14 of the Faculty Handbook
II. MOTION - Insertion of new Part Two, II, [16] in the Faculty Handbook
III. MOTION - Revision of Part Two, II, 2, of the Faculty Handbook

IV. Curriculum Committee - Josh Ness

I. MOTION - Motion to Delay Vote
II. MOTION - Culture-Centered Inquiry

V. New Business

I. Committee on Appointments, Promotions, and Tenure - Greg Pfitzer

I. MOTION - Amendment to the Extension of the Tenure Clock Policy

VI. Reports

I. Review of Faculty Handbook, Part Six - Susan Kress

VII. Other

I. Commitee of the Whole Discussion: Political Activity Policy

VIII. Announcements

I. SGA Update - Jono Zeidan
II. Faculty Executive Committee - Barbara Black
III. Visual Communication Symposium - Mimi Hellman
IV. Invitation to Community Reception - Michael West