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Skidmore College
Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs


October 1, 1999



The minutes of the September 3, 1999 Faculty Meeting were approved as submitted. 


President Studley updated the faculty about the two searches – one in Development and Alumni Affairs, and the other in Academic Affairs. The College is close to selecting a search firm and will move rapidly to find a Vice President in the Development and Alumni Affairs Department. The next step will be to select a search committee representing the campus and alumni community. She encouraged those with suggestions and recommendations to get in touch with her.

As a starting point for filling the position in Academic Affairs and re-thinking the senior academic administrative structure, President Studley has met with Professor Tad Kuroda, Chair of CFG (Committee on Faculty Governance), and Professor Tim Koechlin, Chair of CAPT (Committee on Appointments, Promotions, and Tenure). Her next step will be to meet with the members of these two committees. Working on this is a high priority for October, and she expects by early November that the discussion will broaden to a campus conversation in which others will participate.

President Studley commented that Inauguration was a wonderful experience for the College and for her personally. She was delighted that it included a broad range of members of the Skidmore community in many different capacities, and she thanked all those who helped organize it. 


Professor David Peterson, Chair of CEPP (Committee on Educational Policies and Planning) reported on the status of reconfiguration. Six proposals have been submitted to the Office of the Dean of the Faculty. A subcommittee of the Curriculum Committee was recently created and will be bringing forth some information soon. Its members are John Bruggemann, (CEPP Representative), Hugh Foley, Rob Linrothe, Jon Ramsey, Ann Henderson and Susan Bender.

Associate Dean of the Faculty, Susan Bender, informed the faculty that she expects to receive two more proposals in the near future and a large number of departments are moving ahead in developing reconfiguration proposals.

Professor Peterson clarified that CEPP’s involvement at this point is minimal. CEPP’s work recently has primarily focused on examination of reform of the general education requirement. 


In September, Professor Tad Kuroda, Chair of CFG, moved the adoption of the Faculty Handbook. In the interim, CAPT, FPC, and the Benefits Committee have been reviewing portions of the Handbook relevant to their areas and have been advising CFG. All of these committees support the proposed Faculty Handbook and CFG does as well.

Professor Kuroda asked the faculty to approve one very small change. On page 401, the words "flexible cap spending account" should be changed to "flexible spending account." He asked the secretary to enter this change in the minutes rather than reprinting the Faculty Handbook.

The motion to adopt the Faculty Handbook for 1999-00 was voted on and carried. 


Professor Frank Gonzalez presented the following resolution on behalf of the University Without Walls:

RESOLVED, that the faculty of Skidmore College recommend to the Trustees the granting of the Bachelor of Arts degree to three students and the Bachelor of Science degree to five students for a total of eight students. (See Attachment A.)

The motion was seconded, voted on, and carried.

Professor Marc-André Wiesmann presented the following resolution on behalf of the External Master of Arts Committee:

RESOLVED, that the faculty of Skidmore College recommend to the Trustees the granting of the Master of Arts degree to three students. (See Attachment B.)

The motion was seconded, voted on, and carried. 

Professor Kuroda, for CFG, shared with the faculty CFG’s discussions about faculty meetings. CFG has been sending materials to the faculty two days before the faculty meeting by e-mail. On Friday, October 29, 1999 at 3:30 p.m. CFG will hold a meeting. CFG’s constituents, all faculty members who are eligible to vote for members of CFG, are invited and/or may submit ideas via e-mail to CFG. Depending upon the extent of participation, CFG will determine its next steps. It seems clear that there are many concerns about how we might use these rare occasions when the faculty meets more effectively in terms of advancing faculty concerns. 


Chuck Joseph and Sandy Baum spoke to their colleagues asking them to contribute generously to the establishment of the Faculty/Staff Scholarship Fund. This fund is being established because there is a great necessity for need-based scholarships at Skidmore. Skidmore has a lot less money for financial aid than most other colleges. If Skidmore were able to give more need-based scholarships, it would be able to improve the quality of the student body. For each $10,000 in gifts to the Fund, a student will be will be designated as a Faculty/Staff Scholar. 


  • Phyllis Roth, Dean of the Faculty, announced that the reception immediately following today’s meeting would be held at the Faculty/Staff Club.

A motion was made to adjourn the meeting, it was seconded, and all voted in favor of adjourning.

The meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Claire Demarest

Attachment A

October 1, 1999

RESOLVED, that the Faculty of Skidmore College recommend to the Trustees the granting of the Bachelor of Arts degree to three students and the Bachelor of Science degree to five students for a total of eight students.



  • Kathryn S. Donovan
  • Marco Matteo House
  • Timothy Lee Hathaway


  • Tina Marie Golden
  • Michael C. Ridolfi
  • Laurie K. Lathrop
  • Suzanne Marie Watkins
  • Alesia Mayes

Attachment B

OCTOBER 1, 1999
  • Judith Ann Burke
  • Anne Liljedahl Schock
  • Delores Pocaro