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Skidmore College
Committees at Skidmore College
This committee is no longer a functioning committee.

Convocations & College Events Committee


Function: To develop a yearly calendar of convocations and public events to stimulate and support the cultural and intellectual energies of the Skidmore community; to review proposed events for possible designation as all-College convocations; to determine the most appropriate means for promoting the annual convocation series; and to oversee the college events calendar.

Membership: Two faculty members, one of whom sits on the All-College Council; four students, to include the Chair of Student Speakers Bureau, the Vice President for Residential Affairs, President of the Senior Class and Chair of the Traditions Committee; one representative from Development/Alumni Affairs; and the Associate Dean of Students Affairs as Chair.

2005 TBA-faculty ACC Rep
2005 TBA-Chair of Speakers Bureau
  TBA-Chair of Traditions Committee
  TBA-SGA V.P. for Residential Affairs
  TBA-President of Senior Class
  TBA-College Events & Stewardship
  Anita Steigerwald, Associate Dean of Student Affairs, Chair
  Barbara Schallehn, Leadership Activities rep (non-voting) member   


Function: To develop a yearly calendar of convocations and public events to stimulate and support the cultural and intellectual energies of the Skidmore community; to review proposed events for possible designation as all-College convocations; to determine the most appropriate means for promoting the annual convocation series; and to oversee the college events calendar.

Membership: Two faculty members, one of whom sits on the All-College Council; four students, to include the Chair of Student Speakers Bureau, the Vice President for Residential Affairs, President of the Senior Class and Chair of the Traditions Committee; one representative from Development/Alumni Affairs; and the Associate Dean of Students Affairs as Chair.

2004 TBA-faculty ACC Rep
2004 Jared Gottlieb '04, Chair of Speakers Bureau
  Bobby Koeth '04, Chair of Traditions Committee
  Betsy Sheridan '05, SGA V.P. for Residential Affairs
  Lilly Coye '04, President of Senior Class
  Elise Morgenstern, College Events & Stewardship
  Anita Steigerwald, Associate Dean of Student Affairs, Chair
  Barbara Schallehn, Leadership Activities rep (non-voting) member      


Function: To develop a yearly calendar of convocations and public events to stimulate and support the cultural and intellectual energies of the Skidmore community; to review proposed events for possible designation as all-College convocations; to determine the most appropriate means for promoting the annual convocation series; and to oversee the college events calendar.

Membership: Two faculty members, one of whom sits on the All-College Council; two students, to include the Chair of Student Speakers Bureau and the Vice President for Residential Affairs; one representative from Development/Alumni Affairs; and the Associate Dean of Students Affairs for Leadership Activities as Chair.

2003 TBA-faculty ACC Rep
2003 TBA- Chair of Student Speakers Bureau
  TBA-Chair, Traditions Committee
  Scott Minkoff, SGA V.P. for Residential Life
  TBA- President of Senior Class
  Janis Petroski, College Events & Stewardship
  Anita Steigerwald, Associate Dean of Student Affairs                                    
  Calendar Office rep ?(non-voting) member