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Skidmore College
Department of Chemistry

Recent Publications by Skidmore Chemistry Faculty

(Skidmore Chemistry faculty in bold, Skidmore undergraduates underlined)

  • Z. Jiao, K.T. Jaunich, T. Tao, O. Gottschall, M.M. Hughes, A. Turlik, A.W. Schuppe "Unified Approach to Deamination and Deoxygenation Through Isonitrile Hydrodecyanation: A Combined Experimental and Computational Investigation", 2024, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., e202405779.
  • A. Roy, C.P. Healey, N.E. Larm, P. Ishtaweera, M. Roca, G.A. Baker "The Huge Role of Tiny Impurities in Nanoscale Synthesis", 2024, ACS Nanosci. Au.
  • A.M. Lewis, T. Fallon, G.A. Dittemore, K. Sheppard "Evolution and variation in amide aminoacyl‐tRNA synthesis", 2024, IUBMB Life, .
  • S.L. Mora García, I. Gutierrez, J.V. Nguyen, J.G. Navea, V.H. Grassian "Enhanced HONO Formation from Aqueous Nitrate Photochemistry in the Presence of Marine Relevant Organics: Impact of Marine-Dissolved Organic Matter (m-DOM) Concentration on HONO Yields and Potential Synergistic Effects of Compounds within m-DOM", 2024, ACS EST Air, .
  • M. Vandermaas-Peeler, S.K. Byrd, C.G. Reiness, K.A. Frederick, B.E. Holmes, S.C. Bates, B.A. Cunningham, M. Jackson, C.K. Quenemoen, C.A. Wooley "Transformation through a Disciplinary Lens" in Transforming Academic Culture and Curriculum, 2024, 72-93.
  • N. Karimova, O. Alija, S.L.M. García, V.H. Grassian, R.B. Gerber, J.G. Navea"pH Dependence of the speciation and optical properties of 4-benzoylbenzoic acid", 2023, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 25 (26), 17306-17319.
  • V. Jaramillo‐Martinez, M.J. Dominguez, G.M. Bell, M.E. Souness, A.H. Carhart,M.A. Cuibus, E. Masoumzadeh, B. J. Lantz, A.J. Adkins, M.P. Latham, K.A. Ball, E.J. Stollar "How a highly acidic SH3 domain folds in the absence of its charged peptide target", 2023, Protein Science 32 (5), e4635.
  • C. Szady, G. Picarillo, E. J. Davis, D. Drapanauskaite, K. Buneviciene, J. Baltrusaitis, J. G. Navea "Iron dissolution and speciation from combustion particles under environmentally relevant conditions", 2023, Environmental Chemistry 20 (4), 171-182.
  • J. Danischewski, D. Donelson, M. Farzansyed, E. Jacoski, H. Kato, Q. Lucin, M. Roca "Color Transferability from Solution to Solid Using Silica Coated Silver Nanoparticles." Langmuir 2023.
  • E.M. Wolpaw, M.L. Frenett, C.A. Mak, S.M. Zwanger, M. Raththagala "Concanavalin A-Based Sedimentation Assay to Measure Substrate Binding of Glucan Phosphatases", 2022, JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments) 190, e64700.
  • M.L. Frenett, K. Weis, M. J. Cole, J.C.C. Vargas, A.Ramsay, J.Huang, M.S. Gentry, C.W. Vander Kooi, M. Raththagala "Differential activity of glucan phosphatase starch EXcess4 orthologs from agronomic crops", 2022, Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 45, October 2022, 102479.
  • K. Anderson, S. Arradondo, K.A. Ball, C. Bruce, M.A. Gomez, K. He, H. Hendrickson, L. Madison, A. Ringer McDonald, M.C. Nagan, C. E Scott, P. Soto, A. Tomlinson, M. Varner, C. Parish "The Impacts of the Molecular Education and Research Consortium in Undergraduate Computational Chemistry on the Careers of Women in Computational Chemistry", 2022, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 62 (24), 6316-6322.
  • H.M. Ricker, A. Leonardi, J.G. Navea "Reduction and Photoreduction of NO2 in Humic Acid Films as a Source of HONO, ClNO, N2O, NOX, and Organic Nitrogen", 2022, ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 6 (12), 3066-3077 (Featured in the cover of the journal).
  • C. McCann, M. Quinteros, I. Adelugba, M.N. Morgada, A.R. Castelblanco, E.J. Davis, A. Lanzirotti, S.J. Hainer, A.J. Vila, J.G. Navea, T. Padilla-Benavides "The mitochondrial Cu+ transporter PiC2 (SLC25A3) is a target of MTF1 and contributes to the development of skeletal muscle in vitro", 2022, Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, 9, 1037941.
  • K.A. Frederick, A.S. Harper-Leatherman "An inquiry-based in-person or remote laboratory using iron analysis and paper microfluidics to teach analytical method development", 2022, Journal of Chemical Education 99 (12), 4024-4031.
  • A.L. Van Wyk, R.A. Hunter, L.S. Ott, R.S. Cole, K.A. Frederick "Supporting student inquiry and engagement in the analytical lab: Pilot studies from three institutions", 2022, Active Learning in the Analytical Chemistry Curriculum, 161-180.
  • G. Giuriato, M. Venturelli, A. Matias, E. SoaresJ. Gaetgens, K.A. Frederick and S.J. Ives, “Capsaicin and its effect on exercise performance, fatigue, and inflammation after exercise”,2022,Nutrients, 14, 232..
  • M. Olea-Flores, J. Kan, A. Carlson, S. S. Syed, V. Mondal, C. Szady, H. M. Ricker, A. McQueen, J. G. Navea, L. Caromile, T. Padilla-Benavides. “ZIP11 regulates nuclear Zn homeostasis in HeLa cells and is required for proliferation and establishment of the carcinogenic phenotype.” Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 2022.
  • S. Mora-García, S. Pandit, J. G. Navea, V. H. Grassian. “HONO Formation from Irradiation of Aqueous Nitrate Solutions in the Presence of Marine Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter: Comparison to Other Organic Photosensitizers.” ACS Earth and Space Chemistry. 2021. 5, 11, 3056–3064.
  • Giordano, A. N., Gardner, D., Kennerly, W., Bruce, C. D. (2021). Conversation among Physical Chemists: Strategies and Resources for Remote Teaching and Learning Catalyzed by a Global Pandemic. Journal of Chemical Education.
  • Brezny, A. C., Nedzbala, H. S., Mayer, J. M. (2021). Multiple selectivity-determining mechanisms of H2O2 formation in iron porphyrin-catalysed oxygen reduction. Chemical Communications, 57(10), 1202-1205.
  • Speelman, A. L., Skubi, K. L., Mercado, B. Q., Holland, P. L. (2021). Synthesis and Reactivity of Iron Complexes with a Biomimetic SCS Pincer Ligand. Inorganic Chemistry, 60(3), 1965-1974.
  • Roller R.M. Sumantakul, S. Tran, M., Van Wyk, A., Zinna, J., Donelson, D. A., Finnegan, S.G., Foley, G., Frechette, O.F., Gaetgens, J, Jiang, J., Rinaolo, K.C.,Cole, R.S., Lieberman, M., Remcho, V.T. and Frederick, K. A. “Inquiry-Based Laboratories Using Paper Microfluidic Devices” 2021 J. Chem. Educ. 2021, 98, 6, 1946–1953.
  • Balavandy, S.K, F. Li, N.P.  Macdonald, F. Maya, A.T. Townsend, Frederick, K. A., R.M. Guijt, and M. C. Breadmore, “Scalable 3D printing method for the manufacture of single-material fluidic devices with integrated filter for point of collection colorimetric analysis” 2021.  Analytica Chimica Acta 1151238101
  • Garcia, L. R., Tenev, T., Newman, R., Haich, R. O., Liccardi, G., John, S. W., Annibaldi, A., Yu, L., Pardo, M., Young, S. N., Fitzgibbon, C., Fernando, W., Guppy, N., Kim, H., Liang, L.-Y., Lucet, I. S., Kueh, A., Roxanis, I., Gazinska, P., Sims, M., Smyth, T., Ward, G., Bertin, J., Beal, A. M., Geddes, B., Choudhary, J. S., Murphy, J., Ball, K. Aurelia, Upton, J. W., Meier, P. (2021). Ubiquitylation of MLKL at lysine 219 positively regulates necroptosis-induced tissue injury and pathogen clearance. Nature Communications.
  • Frey, S. T., Ballot, J. G., Hands, A., Cirka, H. A., Rinaolo, K. C., Phalkun, N. N., Kaur, M., Jasinski, J. P. (2021). Geometrical variations of two manganese(II) complexes with closely related quinoline-based tripodal ligands. Acta Crystallographica Section E, E77, 982-988.
  • Mak, C.A., Weis, K., Henao, T., Kuchtova , A., Chen, Tiantian, Sharma, S., Meekins, D.A., Thalmann, M., Vander Kooi, C.W., Raththagala, M. “Cooperative Kinetics of the Glucan Phosphatase Starch Excess4. Biochemistry”, (2021) 60 (31), 2425-2435
  • J. Alcantara, R. Stix,K. Huang,A. Connor,R. East, V. Jaramillo-Martinez, E. J. Stollar, K. Ball. Gaussian accelerated molecular dynamics reveals that a proline-rich signaling peptide frequently samplescisconformations when unbound.Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, 2021; 8:734169.
  • Van Wyk, A., R.A. Hunter, L.S. Ott, R.S. Cole and K.A. Frederick “Supporting Student Inquiry and Engagement in the Analytical Lab: A multi-institution case study” in Active Learning in the Analytical Chemistry T. Wenzel, J.K. Robinson and M. Kovarik eds. ACS Books. 2021 Accepted.
  • A. Leonardi, H. M. Ricker, A. G. Gale, B. T. Ball, T. T. Odbadrakh, G. Shields, J. G. Navea. Particle formation and surface processes on atmospheric aerosols: a short review of applied quantum chemical calculations. Int. J. Quant. Chem. 2020. e26350. DOI:10.1002/qua.26350
  • D. Drapanauskaite, K. Buneviciene, R. Repsiene, R. Mazeika, J. G. Navea, and J. Baltrusaitis. Physicochemical characterization of pelletized lime kiln dust as potential liming material for acidic soils. Waste and Biomass Valorization. 2020.
  • ACS Earth and Space Chem book art coverD. Kim, Y. Xiao, R. Karchere-Sun, E. Richmond, H. M. Ricker, A. Leonardi, J. G. Navea. Atmospheric processing of anthropogenic combustion particles: Iron mobility and nitrite formation from fly ash. ACS Earth and Space Chem. 2020. 4, 5, 750–761 doi: 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.0c00057. (Featured in the cover of the journal).
  • Peper, J. L., Gentry, N. E., Brezny, A. C., Field, M. J., Green, M. T., Mayer, J. M. (2020). Different Kinetic Reactivities of Electrons in Distinct TiO2 Nanoparticle Trap States. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 125(1), 680-690.
  • Skubi, K. L., Swords, W. B., Hofstetter, H., Yoon, T. P. (2020). LED-NMR Monitoring of an Enantioselective Catalytic [2+2] Photocycloaddition. ChemPhotoChem, 4(9), 685-690. 
  • Kennerly, W., Frederick, K. A., and Sheppard, K. “General Chemistry in One Semester for All Students” 2020, Journal of Chemical Education, 97, 5, 1295–1302
  • Gerlach, G. J., Carrock, R., Stix, R., Stollar, E. J., Ball, K. Aurelia (2020). A disordered encounter complex is central to the yeast Abp1p SH3 domain binding pathway. PLOS Computational Biology.
  • McDonald, A. R., Nash, J. A., Nerenberg, P. S., Ball, K. Aurelia, Sode, O., Foley IV, J. J., Windus, T. L., Crawford, T. Daniel (2020). Building Capacity for Undergraduate Education and Training in Computational Molecular Science: A Collaboration Between the MERCURY Consortium and the Molecular Sciences Software Institute. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry.
  • Ball, K. Aurelia, He, K., Hendrickson, H. P. (2020). Engaging Undergraduate Students in Computational Chemistry Research: A Tutorial for New Assistant Professors. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry.
  • C. A. Vilchis-Nestor, M. L. Roldán, A. Leonardi, J. G. Navea, T. Padilla-Benavides, L. Shoshani. Ouabain enhances cell-cell adhesion mediated by β1 subunits of the Na+,K+-ATPase in CHO fibroblasts. Int. J. Molec. Sci. 2019. 20(9), 2111.
  • J. V. G. Shellaina, Y. Xiao, A. L. Paskavitz, N. Navarro-Tito, J. G. Navea, T. Padilla-Benavides. Atomic absorbance spectroscopy as a tool to measure intracellular Zn pools in mammalian cells. Journal of Visualized Experiments. 2019. (147), e59519. Authors contributed equally to the work. 

  • Ball, K. AureliaChan, L. M., Stanley, D. J., Tierney, E., Thapa, S., Ta, H. M., Burton, L., Binning, J. M., Jacobson, M. P., Gross, J. D. (2019). Conformational Dynamics of the HIV-Vif Protein Complex. Biophysical Journal, 116(8), 1432-1445.
  • Roca, M., Skipper, H. E., Ndrianasy, J. R.(2019). Optical Properties of Nanocomposite Films: Size-tuned vs. Shape-tuned Silver Nanoparticles. American Journal of Nanomaterials, 7(1), 22-29.
  • Matias, A., Dudar, M., Kauzlaric, J., Frederick, K., Fitzpatrick, S., Ives, S. (2019). Rehydrating efficacy of maple water after exercise-induced dehydration. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 16(1), 5.
  • Navea's JPCA cover artOstaszewski, C. J.;Stuart, N. M.;Lesko, D. M. B.;Kim, D.; Lueckheide, M. J.; Navea, J. G., Effects of Coadsorbed Water on the Heterogeneous Photochemistry of Nitrates Adsorbed on TiO2. Phys. Chem. A 2018,122(31), 6360-6371.

  • Navea, J. G.;Grassian, V. H.; Wandelt, K., Photochemistry of Atmospheric Particles. In Encyclopedia of Interfacial Chemistry, Elsevier: Oxford, 2018; pp 553-562.
  • Narum, J.;Frederick, K.; Pallafino, M., 21st Century Spaces for 21st Century Learners: Where We Are, How We Got Here, and What Next. Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research 2018,1(3), 12-17.
  • Frey, S. T.;Li, J.;  Kaur, M.; Jasinski, J. P., Crystal structure of a mononuclear copper(II) complex with 2-methoxy-N,N-bis(quinolin-2-ylmethyl)ethylamine (DQMEA). Acta Crystallogr., Sect. E Crystallogr. Commun. 2018,74(8), 1138-1141.
  • Frey, S. T.;Ramirez, H. A.;  Kaur, M.; Jasinski, J. P., Crystal structure of a seven-coordinate manganese(II) complex with tris(pyridin-2-ylmethyl)amine (TMPA). Acta Crystallogr., Sect. E Crystallogr. Commun. 2018,74(8), 1075-1078.
  • Roca, M., Is It a Meteorite? Applying Problem-Solving Strategy to Mass Spectra and Atomic Mass. In National Center for case study teaching in science, University at Buffalo: Buffalo, NY, 2018.
  • Paskavitz, A. L.; Quintana, J.; Cangussu, D.;  Tavera-Montanez, C.;  Xiao, Y.;  Ortiz-Miranda, S.;  Navea, J. G.; Padilla-Benavides, T., Differential expression of zinc transporters accompanies the differentiation of C2C12 myoblasts. Trace Elem. Med. Biol. 2018,49, 27-34.
  • Silva, W. Ruchira, Hart, S., Frontiera, R. (2018). Femtosecond stimulated Raman evidence for charge-transfer character in pentacene singlet fission. Chemical Science, 9, 1242-1250.
  • Keller, V. A.; Kendall, B. L., Independent Synthesis Projects in the Organic Chemistry Teaching Laboratories: Bridging the Gap Between Student and Researcher. J. Chem. Educ. 2017,94(10), 1450-1457. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.7b00093
  • Navea JG, Richmond E, Stortini T, Greenspan J. Water adsorption isotherms on fly ash from several sources. Langmuir. 2017. DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.7b02028
  • Ferro A, Carbone E, Marzouk E, Siegel A, Nguyen D, Polley K, Hartman J, Frederick KIves, S., and Lagalwar S et al. (2017) Treating SCA1 Mice with Water-Soluble Compounds to Non-Specifically Boost Mitochondrial Function. J. Vis. Exp. (119), e53758.
  • Ferro, A.;Carbone, E.;Zhang, J.;Marzouk, E.;Villegas, M.;Siegel, A.;Nguyen, D.;Possidente, T.;Hartman, J.;Polley, K.;Ingram, M. A.;Berry, G.;Reynolds, T. H.;Possidente, B.;Frederick, K.;Ives, S.; Lagalwar, S., Short-term succinic acid treatment mitigates cerebellar mitochondrial OXPHOS dysfunction, neurodegeneration and ataxia in a Purkinje-specific spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 (SCA1) mouse model. PLoS One 2017,12(12), e0188425/1-e0188425/20.
  • Ball KA, Johnson JR,  Lewinski MK, Guatelli J, Verschueren E, Krogan NJ, Jacobson MP (2016). Non-Degradative Ubiquitination of Protein Kinases. PLoS Computational Biology, 12, e1004898.
  • Borgatta J, Paskavitz A, Kim D, Navea JG (2016) Comparative evaluation of iron leach from different sources of fly ash under atmospherically relevant conditions. Environ. Chem. 2016, 13(5) 902-912.
  • Heusser SA, Yoluk, Klement G, Riederer EA, Lindahl E, Howard RJ (2016) Functional characterization of neurotransmitter activation and modulation in a nematode model ligand-gated ion channel. J. Neurochem..
  • Nair N, Raff H, Islam MT, Feen M, Garofalo DM, Sheppard K (2016) The Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus halodurans aspartyl-tRNA synthetases retain recognition of tRNAAsn. J. Mol. Biol., 428, .
  • Lesko DMB, Coddens EM, Swomley HD, Welch RM, Borgatta J, Navea JG (2015) Photochemistry of nitrate chemisorbed on various metal oxide surfaces. Physical Chem. Chemical Physics 17, .
  • Suhanovsky MH, Sheppard K, Rowlett RS (2015) Beta-carbonic anhydrases: general features and medical implications. In De Simone, G., and Supuran, C.T. (eds.) Carbonic Anhydrases as Biocatalysts: from Theory to Medical to Industrial Applications, Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Oxford, UK, Waltham, MA, pp. .
  • Horani S, Stater EP, Corringer P-J, Trudell JR, Harris RA, Howard RJ (2015) Ethanol modulation is quantitatively determined by the transmembrane domain of human α1 glycine receptors. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research 39, .
  • Ancutiene I, Navea JG, Baltrusaitis J (2015) Surface structural, chemical and optical properties of polyethylene-copper sulfide composite materials synthesized using sorption-diffusion of polythionic acid.  Appl. Surf. Sci. 347, .
  • Borgatta J, Navea JG (2015) Fate of aqueous iron leached from tropospheric aerosols during atmospheric acidic processing: a study of the effect of humic-like substances. WIT Trans. Ecol. Environ. 198, .
  • Suzuki T, Nakamura A, Kato K, Söll D, Tanaka I, Sheppard K, Yao M (2015) Structure of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa transamidosome reveals unique aspects of bacterial tRNA-dependent asparagine biosynthesis. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 112, .
  •  Alperstein A, Ulrich B, Garofalo DM, Dreisbach R, Raff H, Sheppard K (2014) The predatory bacterium Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus aspartyl-tRNA synthetase recognizes tRNAAsn as a substrate. PLoS ONE 9(10): .
  •  Howard RJ, Trudell JR, Harris RA. (2014) Seeking structural specificity: direct modulation of pentameric ligand-gated ion channels by alcohols and general anesthetics. Pharmacol. Rev. 66, .
  • Halstead JA, Kliman S, Berheide CW, Chaucer A, Cock-Esteb A (2014) Urban stream syndrome in a small, lightly developed watershed: a statistical analysis of water chemistry parameters, land use patterns, and natural sources. Envir. Mont. Assess. 186, .
  •  Mladenova SR, Stein KR, Bartlett L, Sheppard K (2014) Relaxed tRNA specificity of the Staphylococcus aureus aspartyl-tRNA synthetase enables RNA- dependent asparagine biosynthesis. FEBS Lett. 588, .
  • Frederick KA (2013) The Joys and Pitfalls of Collaboration in the Research Process, in How to Get Started in Research ed. M. Schuh, Council on Undergraduate Research, Washington, DC, 54-57
  • Frederick KA (2013) Using forensic science to teach method development in the undergraduate analytical laboratory. Anal. Bioanl. Chem. 405, 5623-5626.
  • Heusser SA, Howard RJ, Borghese CM, Cullins MA, Broemstrup T, Lee US, Lindahl E, Carlsson J, Harris RA (2013) Functional validation of virtual screening for novel agents with general anesthetic action at ligand-gated ion channels. Mol. Pharmacol. 84, .
  • Brömstrup T, Howard RJ, Trudell JR, Harris RA, Lindahl E (2013) Inhibition versus potentiation of ligand-gated ion channels can be altered by a single mutation that moves ligands between intra- and intersubunit sites. Structure 21, .
  • Halstead JA (2013) Teaching the Spin Selection Rule: An Inductive Approach. J. Chem. Educ. 90, .
  • Sauguet L, Howard RJ, Malherbe L, Lee US, Corringer P-J, Harris RA, Delarue M (2013) Structural basis for potentiation by alcohols and anaesthetics in a ligand-gated ion channel. Nature Commun. 4 .
  • Spurny R, Billen B, Howard RJ, Brams M, Debaveye S, Price K, Weston D, Strelkov S, Tytgat J, Bertrand S, Bertrand D, Lummis S, Ulens C (2013) Multisite binding of a general anesthetic to the prokaryotic pentameric Erwinia crysanthemiligand-gated ion channel (ELIC). J Biol Chem 288, .
  • Fidopiastic PM, Rader BA, Gerling DG, Gutierrez NA, Watkins KH, Frey MW, Nyholm SV, Whistler CA (2012) Characterization of a Vibrio fischeri Aminopeptidase and Evidence for Its Influence on an Early Stage of Squid Colonization. J. Bacter. 194, .
  • Frederick KA (2012) CUR and NCUR Join Forces on Undergraduate Research. J. Chem. Ed. 89, .
  • Wenzel TJ, Larive CK, Frederick KA (2012) Role of Undergraduate Research in an Excellent and Rigorous Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum. J. Chem. Ed. 89, .
  • Kennerly WW, Billings KB, Geragotelis AD, O’Donnell JL (2012) A Computational Approach to Walsh Correlation Diagrams for the Inorganic Chemistry Curriculum. Chem. Educator 17, .
  • Swords KE, Bartline PB, Roguski KM, Bashaw SA, Frederick KA (2011) Assessment of polyelectrolyte coating stability under dynamic buffer conditions in CE. J. Sep. Sci. 34, .
  • O’Donoghue P, Sheppard K, Nureki O, Söll D (2011) Rational design of an evolutionary precursor of glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 108, .
  • Iimoto DS, Frederick KA (2011) Incorporating Student-Designed Research Projects in the Chemistry Curriculum. J. Chem. Ed. 88, 1069-1073.
  • Fenton OS, Tonge LA, Moot TH, Frederick KA (2011) Quantitative Analysis of Simulated Illicit Street-Drug Samples Using Raman Spectroscopy and Partial Least Squares Regression. Spect. Lett. 44, .
  • Englert M, Sheppard K, Aslanian A, Yates III J, Söll D (2011) Archaeal 3'-phosphate RNA splicing ligase characterization identifies the missing component in tRNA maturation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 108, .
  • Englert M, Sheppard K, Gundllapalli S, Beier H, Söll D (2010) Branchiostoma floridae has separate healing and sealing enzymes for 5′-phosphate RNA ligation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 107, .
  • Fox KM, Berheide CW, Frederick KA, Johnson B (2010) Adapting Mentoring Programs to the Liberal Arts College Environment, in Mentoring Strategies To Facilitate the Advancement of Women Faculty; Karukstis, K., et al.;ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, .
  • Frey MW, Frey ST, Soltau SR (2010) Exploring the pH Dependence of L-leucine-p-nitroanilide Cleavage by Aminopeptidase AeromonasProteolytica: A Combined Buffer-Enzyme Kinetics Experiment for the General Chemistry Laboratory. Chem. Educator 15, .
  • Halstead JA (2010) The Waters Gather: Comments on the Source of the Hudson, in Ian Berry and Tom Lewis ed., Lives of the Hudson, Prestel Publishing, New York, .
  • Frey ST, Gullmet SL, Egan III RG, Bennett A, Soltau SR, Holz RC (2010) Immobilization of the Aminopeptidase from Aeromonas proteolytica on Mg2+/Al3+ Layered Double Hydroxide Particles. Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2,