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With that in mind, the Office of Off-Campus Study & Exchanges (OCSE) is proposing to expand the current Skidmore in London program to address the changing needs of our students by enhancing the university and course offerings for all majors at Skidmore College. We would like to add four British university partners to our portfolio, increasing student options from three universities to seven universities. All of the schools we propose to add are currently utilized by Skidmore students through our approved programs list or through the non-approved program petition options. At the same time, we would like to propose that we officially change our on-site administrative structure. Through spring 2006, Skidmore sponsored a faculty director that accompanied the students for the semester, taught a class at Regents College and handled the administration of the program. In spring 2006, Regents College rescinded the teaching position; we have been unable to find another teaching opportunity for a Skidmore faculty member. Therefore, beginning in spring 2007, we moved from a Skidmore faculty director position to a temporary, part-time program coordinator position in London. We propose that this become a permanent, part-time position to cover spring semester only. Below are the primary reasons for changing the program at this time: Expanded program that offers a solid portfolio of prestigious universities and multi-disciplinary curricula. Students will have the ability to study at British colleges and universities that have excellent global reputations, but are not as restrictive in specific disciplines as our current partners. Therefore, students will be able to access expanded course offerings in Anthropology, Art History, Asian Studies, Business, Economics, English, History, and Studio Art. Consolidation of all London programs under the OCSE administrative umbrella. All London programs, with the exception of the Cortauld Institute of Art, the Laban School of Dance, and the London School of Economics (LSE), will now be considered Skidmore programs, eliminating the need to utilize outside program providers as we currently do. (We cannot include these three schools for a variety of reasons: The Cortauld Institute partners exclusively with IES. The Laban School of Dance does not guarantee housing and has very complicated registration and transcripting processes. Our program provider partner in London will continue to manage these issues for us, including providing housing for students and ensuring appropriate registration and transcripting. The London School of Economics is a full academic year program only, which is beyond the scope of our proposed spring term program. All of these programs will continue to be available to students as approved programs administered by program providers.) Greater and more cohesive administrative oversight through Skidmores OCSE and Skidmores on-site program coordinator in London. By eliminating the use of several program providers, in addition to the current Skidmore program, OCSE will be able to better manage our London programs as a whole. This has several benefits, including the need for comprehensive and collaborated emergency response. Guaranteed housing at each of the respective universities, which is not necessarily the case currently given different program provider policies with respect to housing. Cost savings and more effective use of on-site program coordinator. By moving away from program providers, Skidmore will realize a cost savings. We will also be able to fully capitalize on the expense of an on-site coordinator by having her work with a greater number of students (including those who are currently using non-Skidmore programs). See Budget Details for specifics. CURRENT PROGRAM STRUCTURE Currently the Skidmore in London program is a direct matriculation program run in collaboration with three British institutions during the spring semester only (January-June). The universities we currently partner with include the University of Westminster, Kings College London (KCL), and the University College London (UCL). While we have a historical partnership with Regents College, we no longer actively use that school. In 2005, we terminated our first-year program with Regents College due to the lack of academic rigor and student support on site. At that time, we also began to advise students away from Regents College for Skidmores spring London program. OCSE has determined that as the program stands now it is academically limiting and no longer meets the changing needs of our students and academic departments. For example, due to high British student enrollments, the University College London (UCL) has limited international student enrollments in the department of Economics and no longer permits study abroad students to take above 100-level coursework in Economics while studying in London without direct admittance into the department, which is highly competitive. While this is an excellent university in which to study Economics, the new system severely limits the course offerings for our students as they cannot repeat coursework while abroad. In addition, both Kings College London and the University College London require a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.3 for all departments and/or a 3.5 GPA in specific disciplines, including English Literature and History. This limits students who fall below this strict GPA requirement and who wish to study English or History in London, two very popular majors at Skidmore. Finally, the program limits students who would like to approach their studies abroad in a multi-disciplinary manner. In many traditional British universities, students must take 50%-100% of their coursework in only one academic discipline. UCL and Kings require students to choose no more than two departments in which to pursue their coursework. As the program currently stands, the only easily accessible school is the University of Westminster which offers a multi-disciplinary curriculum with a minimum GPA requirement of 3.0. While the University of Westminster is strong in some disciplines, it is uneven in others making it a weaker option for some students. Also, we want to avoid sending all of our students to one university to ensure Skidmore students do not saturate one university and weaken their ability to immerse in the campus culture. Therefore, Westminster does not serve as a good universal choice for our students. With this in mind, it is important to expand our portfolio to other British universities that offer students diverse coursework in a variety of disciplines with fewer course restrictions so that they can continue to work toward their Skidmore degree while immersing themselves in the British education system. Through years of research and discussions with London universities (which began in 2006 when Susan Kress served as the program director in London) and the examination of student evaluations from this program, we have selected four additional British institutions that we believe would be an appropriate academic fit for Skidmore students: Goldsmiths, University of London; Middlesex University; Queen Mary, University of London; and The School for Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London. Most of these schools are already represented on the Approved Programs list as offerings through various study abroad providers, with the exception of Queen Mary University. Goldsmiths University would be an excellent option for all of our fine and performing arts students. Queen Mary University and Middlesex University would offer multi-disciplinary options appropriate for all majors much like Westminster. The School for Oriental and African studies (SOAS) would be an excellent option for our Anthropology, Asian Studies, Business, and International Affairs majors. Details for all of these universities highlighting their many strengths are given in the next section. PROPOSED NEW PARTNERS & UNIVERSITY DESCRIPTIONS Goldsmiths, University of London Note: This school is currently approved by Music, International Affairs and Studio Arts. Students currently access it through the Arcadia University program. Goldsmiths, University of London was established in 1891 and is the British school that is most similar to Skidmore. Goldsmiths is a university that prides itself on creativity and emphasizes the importance of freedom to experiment, to think differently, to be an individual. This is a creative arts focused school located in New Cross, South East London, and has approximately 6,400 students enrolled, 4,000 of which are undergraduates. Goldsmiths is considered a top arts school, and, according to the 2009 UK Guardian Report, is ranked in the top 50 schools amongst UK colleges and universities for prestige and quality of academics. There are 15 academic departments that our students can access at Goldsmiths; most are humanities based. These departments include: Anthropology, Art, Design, Drama, Education, English, History, Media, Music, Politics, Psychology, and Sociology. Students may take courses across the curriculum, with the exception of art students who are assigned their own studio space and must take all of their coursework in that discipline. In addition, fine arts students will have an opportunity to exhibit their work at the end of the semester. Details on specific courses that are available to Skidmore students can be found at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.gold.ac.uk/studyabroad/" http://www.gold.ac.uk/studyabroad/. Goldsmiths is similar to a small college campus here in the States. Students will find the environment is familiar and easy to navigate. They will have access to all facilities and student services at Goldsmiths, including the fitness center, library, and computer facilities. This is the only London school that offers guaranteed on-campus housing for study abroad students. All other schools require at least a 20 minute commute. All residence halls offer a single bedroom with a shared kitchen facility for students to use for their meals. All bathrooms are shared. Laundry is available on site and most buildings are wireless. Each building has 24 hour security and a sign-in/sign-out system for guests. Finally, there are a number of student clubs and organizations that our students are encouraged to get involved in. In addition to the Skidmore on-site coordinator, students will have plenty of on-campus support while enrolled at Goldsmiths, from faculty advisors to trained administrators. Like most British universities, Goldsmiths encourages independence and creativity, but understands the challenges and pressures that exist for undergraduate students. Therefore, there are counseling services and medical facilities available and the International Student staff is trained in advising students who are struggling with culture shock and homesickness. Admission to Goldsmiths is based on an application, letters of recommendation, student portfolios for specific disciplines, junior academic standing, and a 3.0 minimum GPA requirement. The International Student Office at Goldsmiths communicates with the individual departments regarding admission, and notifies the student and Skidmore Colleges Office of Off-Campus Study & Exchanges of admittance. Once accepted, students will receive comprehensive pre-departure orientation packets from Skidmore and Goldsmiths and will receive support from Skidmore and Goldsmiths as they prepare for their semester abroad in London. Middlesex University Note: This school is currently approved by American Studies, Dance, International Affairs and Social Work. Students currently access it through the Arcadia University program. Middlesex University is based in North London and consists of four urban campuses. The Universitys roots were established in 1878, but it was not until 1992 that Middlesex University became known by its current name. Middlesex is now one of the largest and most ethnically diverse institutions in London, enrolling approximately 25,000 students. It is structured much like the University of Westminster in that it has multiple campuses and offers a multi-disciplinary curriculum. As this is a large, urban campus, students will find that Middlesex offers a more independent learning environment and they may not have as much one-on-one support as they are accustomed to. Students will be advised about this prior to applying; they will also be informed that they will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in a major metropolitan city where they will take classes along side both undergraduates and working professionals, an opportunity that would be vastly different from their experience at Skidmore. Students enrolled at Middlesex come from over 120 countries, so Skidmore students will likely befriend others from around the world. The International Student Office encourages all international students to become involved in the campus community and offers events throughout the semester so that students can meet new friends and check in with administrators should they need additional support. Skidmore students should be able to find an abundance of courses in their desired discipline. There are 25 departments at Middlesex in which students can take coursework including Business, Creative & Media Writing, Criminology, Dance, Design, Development, Drama & Theatre, English, Fine Art, Health and Social Sciences, Journalism, Media Arts, Music, Philosophy, Politics, Psychology, Religion, and Sociology. Students can take courses across the curriculum, with the exception of Theatre and Dance students who must take all of their coursework in those designated departments. For details on available courses for study abroad students, please refer to:  HYPERLINK "http://www.mdx.ac.uk/study/international/study/coursedir.asp" http://www.mdx.ac.uk/study/international/study/coursedir.asp. To enhance their living and learning experience in London, internships are also available for interested students. Most students will take a majority of their courses on only one of the four campuses, typically either the Trent Park Campus or the Hendon Campus. Middlesex University'sTrent Park Campus is about 15 miles from Central London and hosts a curriculum that focuses primarilyon the visual and performing arts. Skidmore students who have an arts background and want to study performance, technical production and stagecraft will find some terrific courses and extracurricular opportunities in dance and the technical theatre arts. The campus is also home to some humanities courses, cultural studies, education,biological science, publishing and media. The Hendon Campus offers computing, business, health, and social sciences. This is the largest and most diverse campus and is located in central London. Each campus has library and computing facilities for student use. Students will have access to all facilities at Middlesex University, including the fitness center, library, and computer facilities. Students are guaranteed housing in one of the seven university residence halls, but students will likely have at least a 20 minute commute to their classes. All residence halls offer a single bedroom with a shared kitchen facility for students to use for their meals. They will also have internet access. Middlesex is largely a commuter school so only about 1,350 students reside in university housing. Admission to Middlesex University is based on an application, letters of recommendation, student portfolios for Theatre and Dance, junior academic standing, and a 2.8 minimum GPA, though Skidmore will require a 3.0 GPA. The International Student Office at Middlesex University communicates with the individual departments regarding admission and notifies the student and Skidmore Colleges Off-Campus Study & Exchanges of admittance. Once accepted, students will receive comprehensive pre-departure orientation packets from Skidmore and Middlesex and will receive support from Skidmore and Middlesex as they prepare for their semester abroad in London. Queen Mary, University of London Note: This school is currently not an approved program. This would be an entirely new addition to the offerings in London. Both Management and Business and International Affairs have agreed to add this program to their approved programs lists once it is approved. Queen Mary, University of London is a top notch research university that will add great depth to our Skidmore in London program. It is ranked 11th in the UK according to the 2009 UK Guardian Report. Queen Mary is particularly strong in business and the sciences, and offers a multi-disciplinary range of courses. This is a large research university that welcomes over 2,800 international students each year to its general student population. Much of their mission is to engage the international student population. For more information on the University, please see this link:  HYPERLINK "http://www.qmul.ac.uk/international/studyabroad/" http://www.qmul.ac.uk/international/studyabroad/ Queen Mary consists of two campuses located in east London and two campuses located in central London. One of the benefits of Queen Mary is that it actually feels like a campus, whereas the other UK schools are much more urban and spread throughout the city. This is an ideal option for students who are looking for an academically challenging urban environment with a community feel. Because of the large size of the student body, there are many diverse course offerings available to our students. They can take courses within the humanities or biological sciences, including Economics, Language, Linguistics and Film, History, and Natural Sciences. Our students would take four modules in the spring, totaling fifteen academic credits transcripted by Queen Mary. Many departments offer pre-registration, which allows students to know their course placement in advance and to plan accordingly. This is a great benefit as most other British colleges and universities only offer registration upon arrival leading to uncertainly regarding course placements. Housing is located within walking distance from the two main academic campuses. Students will be housed in a single room with shared kitchen and bathroom facilities. The housing is highly secure and students will find their housing both comfortable and convenient. There is a great deal of student support through the Study Abroad Office and through campus clubs and organizations. Students will also have plenty of on-site academic support, including access to the Senate House Library and other on-campus resources, as well as tutorial services should the need arise. For admission, students must have a 3.0 GPA and strong recommendation from their home campus. OCSE will do the vetting and advising for each student and will work directly with Queen Mary throughout the application and acceptance process. Queen Mary and Skidmore will provide pre-departure information once the student is accepted. The School of Oriental and Asian Studies (SOAS), University of London Note: This school is currently approved by Art History, Economics, History, International Affairs and Music. Students currently access it through the IFSA-Butler program. The School of Oriental and African Studies is located in central London and is the only higher education institution in the UK that focuses its coursework exclusively on Asia, Africa, and the near and far east. SOAS has more than 4,600 undergraduate and postgraduate students, 45% of whom come from outside of the UK, comprising an incredibly diverse student population. SOAS is known for its language study opportunities and offers our students a unique opportunity to study middle and far east languages in an English speaking country. SOAS is a top ranked, competitive institution; the 2008 independent assessment of the quality of research activities in UK universities (the RAE) placed the school amongst the top research universities in the country, climbing to the 8th ranking slot. Students can choose from over 400 courses in the following academic departments: Anthropology & Sociology, Art & Archaeology, Development Studies, Economics, Finance & Management, Gender Studies, History, Law, Linguistics, Music, Politics, and Religion. A full list of courses is included on their web site:  HYPERLINK "http://www.soas.ac.uk/admissions/international/studyabroad/courses/" http://www.soas.ac.uk/admissions/international/studyabroad/courses/. SOAS is on a trimester system, so students can only choose from courses that are offered for the second and third terms only. Students will be guaranteed housing at Dinwiddy House in Vernon Square, a residential hall that houses 500 students enrolled at SOAS. The residence hall is approximately a 15 minute walk from the main campus and offers self-catering accommodation for undergraduates. Each student has an individual study-bedroom with en-suite facilities, telephone and broadband internet access. Six or seven rooms are clustered around shared kitchen and dining facilities. Where possible, students will be offered a choice of single or co-educational clusters. There is no meal plan; students can cook for themselves, or choose to eat at the school or in one of the many cafes or restaurants nearby. A laundry facility and common room are also available on site. Students will have a good deal of support while enrolled at SOAS and will have access to all facilities including the health and wellness centers. Not only is there an International Student Office that prepares and orients students upon arrival, but there is also a Student Welfare Office. This office specializes in non-academic issues that international students encounter, including finances, visas and immigration, and accommodation issues. There is a Chaplaincy available for students who need spiritual support and counselors are available for students who are dealing with psychological and emotional issues. Admission to SOAS is competitive and requires a combination of a 3.3 GPA or above in your major and at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA, strong academic references, and acceptance by the academic department of interest. Skidmore will work with SOAS once the student is accepted to prepare them for departure. GRADES AND CREDITS Grades and credits for the new partner universities will work as they do for our current London partners. All students participating on and successfully completing the Skidmore in London program will receive transfer credit (not Skidmore credit) for all courses in which they receive a C or above. All grades will appear on the Skidmore transcript, but they will not be computed into the students GPA. Upon completion of the program, the partner universities will send students final transcripts to Skidmore. HOUSING Students will be housed in the designated residential halls of their respective universities. Some halls are catered but most are self-catering. Housing will be guaranteed for all of our proposed partner schools and will be located in or within a reasonable distance from central London. FIELD TRIPS, EXCURSIONS & ACTIVITIES As is the current practice, there will be a cultural reimbursement program for the students enrolled in the program. The cultural reimbursement funds may be used for activities defined as significantly cultural in nature, as commensurate with the educational mission of Skidmore College. In addition, the on-site program coordinator will arrange bi-weekly social nights for Skidmore students to meet and connect and to give the coordinator the opportunity to check on students academic and personal well-being. Students also will be able to participate in trips coordinated through their respective study abroad offices, giving them an opportunity to meet other students from around the world. This program offers a wonderful blend of independence and structured activities to meet the many needs of Skidmore students. PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION AT SKIDMORE Following the structure we have in place for our current London program, the OCSE will work with the respective international student offices in London to coordinate admission, housing, and billing issues. OCSE has a Program Manager who works with our partners in London to ensure that all matters of pre-departure advising and preparation are covered. The OCSE Program Manager also serves as the liaison between the universities abroad and our on-site program coordinator and Skidmore College. PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION IN LONDON There is currently a part-time, temporary on-site program coordinator who is contracted for six months each year to manage logistics in London. Historically, there was a Skidmore faculty director position in London in the spring. However, that opportunity was lost in 2006 when we ended our relationship with Regents College. Despite OCSEs efforts to find a new faculty teaching opportunity in London, our partner universities are unable to accommodate a visiting teaching position. In addition, as the landscape of study abroad has changed and become much more complicated (health and safety issues and risks, multi-layered administrative structures in London, etc.), it has been increasingly beneficial to have a person on site who consistently knows the needs of our students. With this in mind, beginning in 2007 we have had a program coordinator oversee the program during the spring semester. At this time, we propose that Skidmore make this a permanent arrangement. HEALTH & SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS London is relatively safe as far as international cities are concerned. Students will have access to the medical facilities at their respective universities and to the public hospitals should the need arise. In addition, students will have access to all student support services including counseling services and health center treatment. All students will be covered under the Skidmore comprehensive medical insurance for the time that they are abroad; this insurance includes evacuation and repatriation coverage. Students will be living in central London housing which is secure and monitored at all seven universities. Students are advised to exercise caution in locking doors and sharing security codes and during their respective orientations they are told where to go and what to do in the event of theft or injury. The on-site program coordinator will be the emergency contact for all students in the event of an emergency situation. The on-site coordinator will work closely with the OCSE in all emergency situations and we will enact our office emergency plan as the situation dictates. PROGRAM FEE & FINANCIAL AID As with other Skidmore programs abroad, the students will be charged Skidmores comprehensive fee for participating in the Skidmore in London program. Students will be billed for tuition, room, and board and Skidmore will pay the universities abroad directly. Students will be billed directly by the Bursars Office. Students may use their entire financial aid package toward this program. Because the universities abroad do not offer meal plans and students will be residing in self-catering halls, students will receive a stipend to off-set the cost of transportation and food while studying in London. FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS We currently send students to three of the four proposed university partners through our approved programs. By working directly with the London universities, Skidmore will realize a savings in the program fee we pay per student. The difference in the program fee will depend on the London university students attend; therefore, it is not possible to calculate an overall savings at this time. However, a comparison of fees is given below to serve as a sample of the differences. Program fees (including tuition and room) for spring 2009. (Skidmore comparison based on fees for spring 2009 - $24,926.) University NameProvider fee per studentSkidmore/Direct fee per studentProjected savings per studentSkidmore projected net revenue per studentCurrent Skidmore Partners Kings College London$22,275$12,021$10, 254$12,905 University College London$24,500$22,019$2,481$2,907 University of Westminster$18,930$17,632$1,298$7,294Proposed Skidmore Partners Goldsmiths $23,990$18,461$5,529$6,465 Middlesex University $16,680$17,629-$949$7,297 Queen Mary$18,575$18,497$78$6,429 SOAS$25,420$21,766$3,654$3,160 As mentioned, Skidmore would realize a financial benefit by paying lower fees to the universities. We would also better capitalize on the financial investment we are making in the on-site coordinator. Students would see a benefit in that all of the London programs (except for the the Cortauld Institute and London School of Economics which are not open to a direct program with Skidmore) would be administered by OCSE, resulting in more cohesive on-site and on-campus support. CONCLUSION With increased academic options and enhanced prestige (given the schools we are adding), we believe that this program will prosper with these new options. As it stands, approximately 20 students participate on the Skidmore in London program each spring. We believe we can increase the number of participants to at least 30 each spring by 2013. We are eager to begin these partnerships as soon as possible and hope to start sending students to these colleges and universities, with CEPPs approval, by spring 2011.      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