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Skidmore College

Skidmore College Health and Safety Guidelines - Printmaking Studio



Saisselin Art Center has 24 hour secure access through a swipe card system
The following exterior doors will be unlocked at 7:00 AM and locked at 11:00 PM, Monday through Friday:

  • Loading dock entrance
  • First floor entrance adjacent to Ceramics and Fiber Arts
  • Main west entrance from the covered walkway
  • First floor east entrance by Filene

After 11:00 PM students must use their swipe cards to enter the building.


Only those students currently registered in a course may have access to this studio, its tools and materials.  All others must receive individual permission from the Professor prior to using any tool or material within this facility.


Read and follow all Studio Safety Guidelines for the Department of Art posted in the hallways.

Smoking in all studios is expressly forbidden.

Never work in this studio if you are:

  • Under the influence of any drug (including alcohol)
  • Over-tired or distracted


  • Know your physical limits. Do not try to do something yourself when it is really a two-person job.  
  • Do not use this studio for anything other than Printmaking and Book Arts.
  • Do not allow any student not enrolled in a class in Saisselin 107 to use any of the equipment or supplies.


  • Due to OSHA 29, CFR 1610.141 eating is not permitted wherever toxic substances are used or stored. Therefore, DO NOT eat or smoke in the printshop.
  • Smoking reduces the efficiency of the lungs and makes a person more vulnerable to inhalation exposures.  Food absorbs toxic substances from the air and dirty hands can carry particles into your system.  Always wash your hands after each process and before eating.


  • Always wear closed toed shoes and goggles.
  • Always keep long hair tied back
  • Use a hand lotion regularly to replace lost oils from your skin.  This helps prevent cracking and irritation.
  • Clean cuts immediately and cover cuts with band-aids.
  • Wear gloves when appropriate. Watch for allergies to latex gloves.


  • Failure to wear protective gear will deny access to all print equipment and the acid room (Ferric Chloride is a salt: it does not produce dangerous fumes, is odorless and, though corrosive is not absorbed through the skin).
  • Wear goggles, acid resist apron and acid resist gloves when in the acid room.
  • Always rinse your plates in the water bath to ensure that very little Ferric Chloride enters the drain.
  • Always sprinkle Baking Soda in the sink when rinsing plates.
  • Discard all materials; duct tape and paper towels in hazardous waste container.
  • Never add any water or chemicals to the Ferric Chloride bath.
  • If there is a large spill, pour neutralizer (kept on cart) on the spill and leave the acid room. Contact the professor or studio assistant.
  • Only use copper plates in the Ferric Chloride bath. Other metals contaminate the etch formula.


  • Practice safe use of solvents.
  • Always use the least toxic solvent to do the job
  • Use the smallest amounts of solvent necessary.  
  • Dispose of any lithotine,  asphactum soaked rags in the covered red triangular containers.
  • Wear gloves when using harsh cleaners and solvents.


  • The use of all equipment including saws, electrical tools, presses and cutting equipment will be demonstrated. Never force a printing press or tool. Contact the professor or studio assistant when tools are not working correctly. Misuse of any of these tools will curtail your use. No piece of equipment may be used before you have received full and proper instruction by your instructor. Faculty will normally require a demonstrated level of technical competence before unsupervised work is permitted with specific equipment and materials.


  • Immediately wipe up acid drips, ink and solvent from counter, cabinet fronts and floor with paper towel. Discard in appropriate containers.
  • Be environmentally conscious – never wash toxic substances down the sink or leave them in the general trash.


  • Any waste products poured down the drain must be approved by Saratoga County Sewer and Water and city engineer.
  • Only put approved substances down sink drains. Check with your professor to determine what is appropriate to put down sink.
  • Saratoga Country Sewer and Water District authorities control and monitor what waste products can be poured down drains in order to keep water resources safe and sustainable.


  • Make sure sharp objects are disposed of safely in specified containers.